Numerous people have asked me about my husband which I will admit he is a very nice man; but he is also my second cousin.
We first met when we where very young children at my grandmother’s, when him and his father would visit on occasion. Our marriage was actually arranged between his father and my mother when we where those mere children.
We first met when we where very young children at my grandmother’s, when him and his father would visit on occasion. Our marriage was actually arranged between his father and my mother when we where those mere children.
'I also knew his grandparent's, until I was twelve years old; his grandmother died of a heart attack that year and I was very close to her, which I am still sad of the passing of such a wonderful Sephardic Jewish lady who was simply kind to everyone and her husband was one of my grandfather's brothers, he was Muslim. When this great aunt would visit she always set talking next to another great aunt that was also very kind and I am happy to say her grandson while he is also my second cousin, he is very good friend; he was born I understand in Tel Aviv and still lives in Israel. He lost a brother, my cousin in 1976; another causality of the US Occupation of Israel. What I always tend to smile about, especially as he grows older, is how much he looks like my grandmother and a Muslim cousin, who was forced to the other side of the US's invisible fence in 1948; as so many family members were and many are still constantly being mistreated by the US. While this kind of makes ones heart tug a bit, the fact while the US has mistreated my family for such a long time; they still have made some amazing contributions not just to the world, but for the betterment of humanity in so many aspects and even how many that have died trying to do so because they cared.
As to these great aunt and uncles, they were also cousins to each other and to my grandmother Dora and her husband. There appearance has been said was of Israel at an earlier time and sometimes not always seen in Israel today. An Anti-Semitic comment mention to me just a few years ago, in part calling us "pure breeds."
Before the dawning of Islam, they all had the same last name; some changes that also did occur with the US Occupation towards the kidnapping of family members of the US illegally imposing name changes and with the 1948 Pogrom /"Nakba." But the core of my family never actually changed, but held unto the truth even under US severe oppression upon all of us; that while too much US harshness has been put upon us and every means to annihilate us, that we never forgot who we are.
Even thinking back to the older members of my family who had survived the many US imposed Occupation atrocities, for I use to pay a lot of attention to them; too how much I always admired and loved them for just being themselves. Also, being around them was an air of something so very wonder, with an embedded feeling of freshness; that it is still held unto as a great gift, for to have known them one would understand.
Something as family we never did, while half are Muslims and the other half Sephardic Jews is request anyone to have to hold up a religious identity card; but what was not just important, but very special was just the privilege to know that they are ones family. In the later years, some of the more younger members of my family has married wives that are Canaanite.
It also goes, that regardless of who ones family may be; a family member should never wish to cause troubles, betray, become "lost" or harm to those within there own family, for such as this is never a good road to take; as such dissension that has been bombarded upon some families as apart of the US Occupation. For some I have seen over the years it is not just so very sad, but too often the US is attempting to create an internal criminal or destroy the Muslim, Jewish populace; such as the case of my dead sister.
Nevertheless, for a short time, I was able to get my hands on a large stuffed bear that I named "Harry" because I could not give the bear its real name; for in a way he was a reminder of a love in waiting. But my US captor when I was twelve years-old practically stripped my room of most everything there was, with a lie. The US intention, was thought if something such as this was done it would wipe away my past, as well as my country, my family and that originally I was not to have a future for my US captor even mentioned I was not suppose to live past thirty or survive Siberia Death Camp. While I never forgot my past, but kept it hidden for many years in a little box, safely in my heart. For a little box very full, is harder to steal!'
As Time Passed
I originally had my heart set on marrying only one particular person, but things do not always turn out as you think it should because of circumstances over time; not just what ended up happening to me; but the situation in Israel about 1980. But that particular person, never has left my heart. When I was twelve, I use to dream of the happy ever after with them, a large home for the many children. As I got older, I watched and waited for many years for them to appear.
Furthermore, while I tried to find a picture to do justice to what my marriage is really like, I do not think this is possible. Something I neglected to mention, is the Queen's wedding Anniversary has always been a holiday in Israel, especially in peace time and I say this with a smile.
While over the years my then future husband was learning much about me, but because of my situation, I did not learn of the intended marriage until years later.
As a royal and would be the future Queen of Israel at that time, a husband is always chosen in this manner from one particular family and it has been this way for thousands of years.
What is kind of sad because of my hardships which was linked to the US occupation of Israel and my husband had somewhat similar circumstances, we would loose track of each other for an extended period of time and not meet again until 2005; when we where married in less then 24 hours.
Under normal circumstance’s we would of course been in the same country and married in our early twenties.
While this may seem like a great love story, where it is assured many books have been written, even to say my husband and I had loved each other from the time we where those mere children; this particular situation is completely true.

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