by HRM Deborah
All people in this world has value, it makes no difference if they are rich or poor in their status in society. For all people are equal.
One thing in Islam, when you are at prayer you give a blessing towards the end to the person on either side of you. Not just because they are a sister or brother how ever the case may be, but do to the fact you love the person that is on either side of you.
Even if you were in a crowded restaurant, you look at all the people and the many tables’ you should appreciate that they are in the world with you.
Even sometime’s in your life you may meet someone that is not having it so easy, maybe life is a little bit of a struggle for them; if you can you should help them. It is amazing sometimes what a kind word can do or a simple smile, if you have nothing else to share.
This same concept works also, towards every society, country or people in the world. For if we treated people more in this manner, you would see a great difference in how people treat each other.
One thing that is so heart breaking is those in the world that would rather created havoc, then goodness. I must admit these people need to be treated justly because they have the inability to show the very kindness that I was just speaking about. While this is tragic, this very problem has been in the world for a little time now and needs to take a turn for the better; for the good of all humanity.
When I was a child and this goes even before I could read or write, I wished more then anything to know all I could about Allah and the world He wished for us as people. Of course over time, I have learned to read and write and my knowledge has increased, but one element that has always seemed to stand out more for me than other words is "Compassion" for mankind. For good words, teach good things and one thing more often then not you can not help sharing not only these beautiful words, but their qualities.
One other thing that has always been important to me, is to be the best person I know how to be because what I have learned so far in this life, I would very much when it is my time to see Paradise. For the beauty that Allah did create on this Earth, has to be hundred time’s better as it is written in Paradise.
It is just we as all the people on this earth, need to see that beauty, instead of thinking how dreary the world is; because I know for one it doesn’t have to be this way nor was it ever intended to be so.
The next time you go out to get to work or do your daily errands, wear a smile, because the whole world looks brighter and you will find sunshine in everyone you meet far more often then you could imagine.
Just think, it only took a smile!
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