by HRM Deborah
The Defining World of the Innocent Ones
1. Absence of guilt: the state of not being guilty of a crime or offense.
2. Harmlessness: harmlessness in intention
3. Freedom from sin: freedom from sin or evil
4. Lack of worldly experience: a lack of experience of the world, especially when this results in a failure to recognize the harmful intentions of other people (except that which Allah (Hashem) allows them to see) or to understand that there are unbelievers with harmful intentions and protect other’s from these unacceptable intentions; by Allah's (G-d's) grace.
5. Chastity: Relations within marriage for they only cleave to their spouse.
Why do the Innocent suffer?
People often wonder why people that are considered the innocent ones have to suffer so many hardships. This is actually a very simple question, because in many ways those who are innocent of the sin’s of this world are put under attack by Satan, because they bring good into the world that is contrary to what Satan does; in creating havoc and harm to people.
The true innocent ones, tend to be in many ways more like the purity you often see in small children that are overwhelmed by the splendor and beauty of world around them.
Those who are innocent tend to also view the evil in the world in a different manner then most people. They view it as not just sin’s but things that are solely a product of Satan as well, as that which is of Allah (Hashem) to be purely and honestly good.
They are more likely to combat the forces of evil, because their trust and alliance is with Allah (Hashem).
They tend to be more capable of learning from the hardships thrust upon them.
They also, will tend to be more to helping humanity in easing their struggle and hardships, because an innocent can actually feel these hardships within themselves.
They also tend to posses within their heart’s many of the attributes usually associated with Allah (Hashem), such as compassion and love for examples.
Furthermore, it is very important to them that happiness should be in the world and no suffering among humanity. It must be understood, those who are truly innocent are under Allah’s (Hashem's) protection from much of what goes on in the world or unless evil influences forced upon them take hold and sin further erupts among mankind; especially in children, for Satan eyes a child.
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