by HRM Deborah
For three generations my family have been political hostages in the United States and if one wonder’s how this occurred, when the war finally did break out after the assassination of my Great Grandmother. As it is my understanding an invitation when

However, when my Great Grandfather arrived with his three daughter’s and a son, it turned out not to be the case. It must be understood at this time my grandmother was Queen of Israel after the loss of her mother at the hands, of some apparent miguided people, at that time period.
The invitation by Roosevelt from what I know, came about because their was to many assassination’s occurring to other members of my family and it was felt to be important to save us so we would not end up like Nicholas 2 and family in Russia in 1918. This was why, the invitation was accepted.
As those before her, my Grandmother married someone from Israel and had five children of her own; which included five sons and a daughter, which the daughter became my mother; myself, being the third generation born in exile.
What actually occurred when my Grandmother came to the United States her family and all future generations became political hostages in this country.
None of the three generations has had regular status as American citizens; we have been all classified as Israeli Nationals living in exile.
As a political hostage curtails, I cannot travel outside of the United States, or live a normal life even as a citizen in the country would normally be able to do in most facet's. Otherwise, I have had no freedom to live a normal life; but the contrary.
It must be understood that since my family has been in this country we have done everything we could to be good productive people living in the United States. Their has been several member’s of my family that have made major contributions to the art’s, inventions, and many charitable endeavors for the betterment of not only the United States, but the world.
It is always been a firm belief, that all people have the right to freedom and live a normal life, that no one in this life should have to live out their life in a type of prison situation. I do hope that the government of this country, find it in their heart’s to grant my freedom so that I may live a normal productive life, to be able to live the rest of my life in a quite peace and with the solace in my heart and there‘s, that they finally did a very kind endeavor.
Finally, it must be understood on my part, I do thank the United States for allowing us to escape what could very well have occurred in Israel towards my family, even though Roosevelt did initiate the first war, between the Jews and Muslims, by deceit. I have no animosity towards what occurred, after my family arrived in the country, but I ask only, to please make everything good again between them and the royal family of Israel.
What some people may not know, that U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., was actually a very racist man; he would have been considered very Islamophobic and Anti-Semitic, for his time.
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