27 July 2008

Faith Defeats Oppression

He who has true faith within there hearts for Allah (Hashem), can not be beaten down by they who oppress; but will stand undefeated, against anyone who wishes to cause one harm.

For Allah (Hashem) will protect the just, with His army of Angels if needed, against the transgressors; for He hears the cries.

On the last day, the tears from the just cries and the martyrs from time's past, will drown the idolaters; unlike a sudden rainstorm, in remembrance of the days of Moses with those who drowned in the sea. - HRM Deborah

The Setting Sun

This prophesy can be found not only in Islam, but also Judaism and has to do with a certain event in time; when the Canaanites are finally defeated after a very long period of terror, towards the whole of the people of Israel.

For the two faith’s are once again united, in this situation; as was around the time Moses.

Place of the Final Battle with the Canaanites

Where the final battle that the united Jewish people and Arab Muslims have with the Canaanites is known in the Torah as Amalek, which the old Hebrew is “milk;” apparently some Jewish scholars question what the name meant and if the name did indeed mean, milk and they should be happy to know they where indeed correct.

This particular place in Arabic, is called, “Wadi Haleeb,” which ironically is the “Valley of Milk.” A little not so known name is also the “Valley of Tears,” as to where this place is today, the city of Nablus.

The Armies

As to my understanding, there will be two clans among the Jews that do not take part in the battle and they are said to be of Reuben and Dan; this is due to being hesitant. The rest of the Jewish and Arab Muslims are in this battle.

Armies from surrounding countries come to the aid of this battle, the Angels come so many, they are like the stars from the sky and it is reminded in this battle there is to be no payment to the armies for service, but the fact they are like armies sent for Allah’s (Hashem) service only.

It is written, usually in a war of some type that booty was usually taken or some type of payment, in this particular case, none was to be taken because this battle was ordained by Allah(Hashem) Himself; upon those who are cursed by Him to the protection of those Allah (Hashem) loves.

Something I came across in my further reading, that if the cursed Canaanites would succeed in this battle, they would take spoils of war, in such a manner as to be like raping the country; as well as there plan is to kill all Non-Canaanites and those not like them.

After the Battle

As the enemies of Allah (Hashem) perish from battle, His friends or those that are of Allah (Hashem) will be like the sun rising in might (Great Intensity) or can be interpreted as influence.(Judges 5:31)

There is a further understanding, that all the suffering on the earth for a time will seem to keep diminishing; because of Allah’s (Hashem's) influence.

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