24 October 2007 (Updated: 2 September 2010)
This will not be a conventional war, but one upon every nation and all people on the globe. No one will be safe from this war.
Furthermore, this is a war that effect’s not only the future, but also the past in what were the birthplaces of advancement’s to humanity; for example, Iraq, because it was where the Garden of Eden was or Afghanistan, because this was the birthplace of the Indo-European Language in history.
Israel will eventually be the most effected with all the inhabitants because it is Allah’s (Hashem's) heart; but Allah (Hashem) makes sure it is saved, but with it share of destruction. For these battle's go as far as the Sinai, to close to Syria; in size.
A war of this magnitude, you will see things that you have never seen even in your worse nightmares.
People will beg Allah (Hashem) to save them, their will be global devastation in every corner of the world. As the Prophet, will pray most strenuously to intercede in the suffering of people.
The perpetrator to attempt the beginning of this war is the Sea Serpent and do not forget those who come after them is far worse, such as Dajjal.
Be forewarned, this is a war in the attempt of complete global extermination; some people refer to this war as the one at the End of Time or Armageddon.
The Prophet will be seated on a white horse and dressed in blue.
It is also written in prophecy, that the majority of the Ummah will be one again, fighting alongside the whole of the Jewish population and some of the Christian’s, against Dajjal’ with the attempt to preserve humanity and the world. While the Ummah will have some skeptical people because of certain events, they do listen eventually when the Mahdi arrives.
While the prophet of peace is almost defeated in part of this war, is when the Mahdi will appear and be greeted by the prophet of peace, to help fight and then when these two prophet’s began to struggle as the war get’s more fierce, is when the Messiah will appear, to fight along side these two other prophets.
When the war is won, is when it is said, Allah (Hashem) will appear for judgment. But no human should attempt to start this war, because Allah (Hashem) will cause a great curse upon them; for the idea of this war is not soule for judgment, but a war between good and evil.
Looking towards the Global Horizon of the ticking of time (1980)
Finally, I will admit I have in my own way in a manner of speaking rebelled the coming of these events, soule because the inhumanity or such cruelty of this time by evil forces such as what goes with Apostasy for such as never been seen upon the earth before and for a little time not fully understanding what created this war due too divine love vs evil intentions of harm of the righteous children of humanity, with the increasing tearful sorrow of the Archangel that was sent through truthful prayers from the righteous ones many years ago for the sake of mankind, with the magitude of that which is yet to come to pass.
She walks through the chaos of war within a bubble, saving the wounded and dying through Allah (Hashem); the innocent who speak the languages of the world.
While there is so many events that occur in this time period, it is felt to not say everything at this time and I am also still learning or understanding too; but time moves on.-HRM Deborah
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