Artist: Salvador Dali
A small girl child set in a tree
Hidden among its green leaves.
When what abound below her
The arm of nations.
For the time of reckoning
Had came to cleanse the land.
The child clutching the tree
With all her might
Shedding a single tear from her left eye.
-HRM Deborah
There is no blame (sin) on the Prophet(ess) in that which Allah (Hashem) has made legal for them. That has been Allah's (Hashem's) way with those who have passed away of old. And the command of Allah (Hashem) is a decree determined.
Those who convey the Message of Allah (Hashem) and fear Him and fear none save Allah (Hashem). And Sufficient is Allah (Hashem) as a Reckoner.
Only those of the trueness towards Allah (Hashem) shall survive His reckon spence; for His law is unyielding.
Allah (Hashem) is judging mankind, as one would look for a single grain of dust upon the back of a gnat.
Can one buy and sell that which belongs to Allah (Hashem) as common wares? For that which belongs to Allah (Hashem) is as priceless, as a perfect pearl.
One who mocks a pauper insults his Maker; one who rejoices in another's misfortune will not be exonerated.
One who is forced to suffer needlessly, then seen by they who walk pass without trying to relieve the suffering of the other; is as guilty as they who caused it for there negligence. For even an Angel, will come upon the aid of a human; without even knowing there name. But yet, when a world is cast into evils darkness and refuses to nourish others with goodness; Allah's (Hashem's) justice shall befall upon them until mankind turns from their sinful ways. And silence shall cause the earth to diminish. Harken not upon Me, oh den of viper's; who breath Satan through the very nostril's.
There will come a time when the beasts of the air, fields, sea shall take up sword towards man's arrogance in that they themselves have a soul descending also unto Paradise (Heaven) and like man as dust they were and dust they shall return.
For in all things there is only one God (Allah, Hashem) and all is by Him for He stands alone and none should ever be equated with Him. "Greatness is My garment and haughtiness My mantle. Whomever vies with Me for them I will throw into Hell."
Forgiveness is for the deserving, not for those still wallowing in the mar of there sins without any heartfelt amends; for that which they have willingly committed towards the innocent.
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