by HRM Deborah
You hear these words over and over again, ”Allah will protect you,” and often time’s it seems to be said when someone is going through some type of hardship.
What seems to be easy, that if one doesn’t know what else to say, just say, ”Allah will protect you.” People tend to do this so much, that somehow at time’s it tends to loose its meaning.
What people have forgotten is, if one really trust’s Allah and truly believes in Him with all their heart, He will protect them through the worse hardships that life can throw at a person.
The words contributed to Allah, like love, humility, compassion, mercy, truth, are not just words but tools to share and live by. The power of these mere words or elimates is enormous.
As most people know if you do, Haraam’s (sins) that Allah does turn his back on you and I will assure you, He also will not protect you. This is one of many reasons why morality and living a good life is stressed for people.
Nevertheless, if you have a true faith in your heart towards Allah, he not only protects you from harm, but also takes away the sting of fear.
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