It has been brought to my attention that there has been much discussion, as to who some of my ancestors may have been. For example, it was said to me that some of the Jewish people for instance, are trying to decide, if I am a descendant of Abraham.
Apparently, this discussion came about I am told, because of my mannerisms, thinking and so forth.
While I am one to not talk a lot about my family tree usually, especially in our modern times; because of people questioning it‘s genuineness, for I do have an interesting family history.
To make it very easy, I am related to all the prophets, either directly or they where first cousins; also the only Palestinian companion to Muhammad (PBUH), which was Abu Hurayra.
So to answer the question, if I am related to Abraham is of course yes, directly through Ishmael (Ismail); otherwise, he was a very great grandfather.
While I could have wrote a lengthy discussion also on this subject, I felt it was easier to just simplify; to make it easier for everyone to understand, because of the enormous amount of history.
Furthermore, because of the type of person I am and my family history, I was also tested last year by a Sheik if it was possible; I was the first prophet in the end of time. For in prophesy, the first prophet is a woman.
A lot of heads apparently came together to come up with the hardest question they could think of to ask me and then the Sheikh came to my home with the two witnesses. While I did have to simplify my answer because it was to much for the dear Sheikh, I did answer correctly, which overwhelmed everyone in the room; even one man dropped his car keys.
They came to the conclusion, while I’m still in question of the fact; that I am considered the first prophet in the end times.
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