When I should see the smoke and ashes
Of a world maimed and torn
I hope to carry with me
A single rose without a thorn.
Robed in humility with mourning
Tears tricking down my face
For many a man will be lying
Full of death in disgrace.
Echo’s of their hate
Still boiled on their lips
As they wait for Satan
To announce their fate.
Women screaming grief-stricken
Dead children in their arms
Why hadn’t they listened?
Before such terrible harm.
Allah (Hashem) protects us
Who stand and wait for rain
To sooth the horror
Of this ill-gotten pain.
-HRM Deborah
Coming of the End
This poem which was first written 25 March 2006, having to do with the destruction of Babylon and what happens to the people in this evil place at the beginning.
When I was about 22 years-old sleeping in a make-shift bed in the pilot house of a boat, I had a recurring dream every night for six months about the war of many languages, including Babylon's destruction; until I was at a point of not wishing to go to sleep for the extreme horror of it all. Within the six months of having this dream I became like a person suffering from sleep deprivation, until one night is was over and I could sleep soundly again. It was such horrible dreams, I still remember many of the details; for such as this, is not so easily forgotten.
I always felt this six month dream was Allah’s (Hashem's) doing, so I could understand this war and all that would evolve; but yet what occurs before the war of many languages; is many cataclysmic events, that can go beyond the far reaches on the mind into the aftermath, must be understood simply by faith. For even to me, how could any place become so bad that a divine curse such as this; would befall them. But even I know, sadly; it does happen.
Furthermore, those that belong to Allah (Hashem) are protected from this ultimate tragedy; for they shall be the mourners and they that are not true will suffer the fate. As for Satan announcing there fate, has to do with the war and destruction that occurs not just on earth; but in hell, with the possible complete destruction of hell.
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