She then looks out the window to see her world, that has grown with the stench of sin , of death; a life that has grown dismal and dank (at times a brownish yellow hue and other times a darkness as though a great storm is upon them).

Vietnam War (1945-1975): A US soldier with a charred Vietnamese civilian. The Vietnam War was considered the 20th century eye-opener of how merciless and greedy the US actually is towards people throughout the world. For the idea of the US in this war during the 1960-70's became equated with the cruelty of greed. During this war, US soldiers were known to murder a civilian for body parts, such as for hat decorations, too human jewelry. The destruction and wiping out all human life in whole villages was all to common.Furthermore, during this war; the US mass murdering civilians using a defoliant known as "Agent Orange," in a US herbicidal warfare program that also caused health problems such as Cancer in US soldiers, to numerous birth defects in there children that is still occurring. Many US soldier are still dying from the effects of "Agent Orange," I met a person once, that died horribly of the effects of this defoliant and what happened to there two children and there wife because of this. They were Anti-war and had been forced into the US military, were they eventually refused and was discharged. There reason I always remember them; is they met there wife in elementary school where they always had dreams of having a beautiful life together and it became completely opposite with his death and continuous health problems for the children, with severe learning disabilities. Within the year after her husband's death, she was so distraught that she committed suicide and the children went to live with grandparents. Many Vietnam war images were considered so shocking that if a US soldier had them in there possession or the media tried to show certain views of the war, they were censored or confiscated. US Political Prisoners like myself, were barred from the media during the war, but since it was on every ones minds and apart of the heated era; even as US Political Prisoner was finally exposed by an usual accident at lunchtime in 1967.
March on the Pentagon: Anti-war demonstrators gather opposite the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC on 21 October 1967. In the background is the Reflecting Pool at the base of the Washington Monument and barely visible through the haze is the Capitol Building. Around 50,000 railed at the Lincoln Memorial in the morning for speeches and songs, although not all continued across the Memorial Bridge to the Pentagon. Rally organizers claimed 100,000 or more marches. While there was many Anti-war demonstrations in the 1960-1970's, the most well-known was this large crowd of demonstrators that gathered in Washington DC. It was a time of standing-up for what one believed in no matter the cost and that it was better to share a sunflower, then murder you're fellow man no matter who they are. But the US government from the inception of the war in South East Asia, that included Vietnam; was how many warm bodies could be put in a US military uniform to be sent off to war and as for the peace protesters, they were not just accused of being anti-establishment, but anti-American. The US government's response similar to what was occurring for African-Americans protesting for civil rights, was to be attacked by the police with everything from physical abuse, too murder. It was during this era, that the US was first coined by those Americans wanting a better world as a "Police State." Did such as this deter those standing for a better world, not in the slightest; it just reaffirmed that the US had a major bloodletting problem. Former US President Lyndon Johnsons' response was actually to tell Americans that if they did not like it in the US as it was, too leave there own country and some actually did; Canada saw quite a few. As for many people that either intended to immigrate to the US with the false belief of the "American Dream" or were visiting, got the fastest plane out of the US and most returned to there home countries; with Anti-US on there lips.
While in the 21st century on would think this was a US Occupation in another country, such as Israel; but it was on a university campus on 4 May 1970 and will forever be known as "Kent State Massacre." Fully armed US National guardsmen fired 67 rounds over a period of 13 seconds, killing four students and wounding twelve others , one of whom suffered permanent paralysis. Some of the students who were shot had been peacefully protesting against the American invasion of Cambodia, which then US President Richard Nixon announced in a television State of the Union address on 30 April. Other students who were shot had been walking nearby, eating lunch on the grass enjoying the sunshine or observing the protest from a distance; with the only people armed was the US National guardsmen. There was a significant national response to the shootings, hundreds of universities, colleges, and high schools closed throughout the US due to a student strike of four million students, and the event further affected the US public opinion – at an already socially contentious time – over the " role of the United States in the Vietnam War."
Martin Luther King, Jr. also was opposed to the Vietnam War on the grounds that the war took money and resources that could have been spent on social welfare services like the War on Poverty. The United States Congress was spending more and more on the military and less and less on anti-poverty programs at the same time. He summed up this aspect by saying, "A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death." (4 April 1967)
The Unknown of Vietnam: The Tomb guards stood at death watch for the entire day as thousands of people braved the dreary weather to pay their emotional respects.
Former US President Ronald Reagan presided over the funeral, the remains of the Vietnam Unknown were later exhumed 14 May 1998. Based on mitochondrial DNA testing, US Department of Defense scientists identified the remains as those of Air Force 1st Lt. Michael Joseph Blassie, who was shot down near An Loc, Vietnam, in 1972. The identification was announced on 30 June 1998 and on 10 July, Blassie's remains arrived to his family in St. Louis, Missouri; he was reinterred at Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery. The inscription on the Vietnam tomb was changed to glorify the US views on comitting globe expansion through military might.
There has been so many US military killed in foreign battle, that the US is burying them in secret after they were flown into the US under the the cloud of darkness and the US families are either not being notified or told they are missing in action. As mental illness and the suicide rate among the US military is in epidemic proportions, far greater then any previous US excursions upon the world; much more pronounced then what occurred even in the Vietnam war.
US Civil War: The Grand Review of the Northern Army in Washington DC. General Horatio G. Wright, staff and 6th Corps passing on Pennsylvania Avenue near the Treasury in 1865. The US Civil War was a period that was surrounded by a severe economic depression, an envious wealth division between the Northern and Southern states and without consideration for the ratification of the slavery issue. For if the slavery issue had actually been the case that caused the Civil War as the US has attempted to distort this historical fact due to discrimination of African Americans, there would not still be inequality that is still seen so prevalent among the descendants of former slaves into the 21st century. Also, during US Reconstruction; former slaves would not have been in so many cases homeless and hungry due to the "white" population not visually wanting them or some still forced to work on the former plantations with even further less then they had before and still being preyed upon by former owns and a new Northern breed called, "The Carpetbaggers." Needless to say, a lot of former slaves were not just wailing over there new predicament; but would be found murdered along river banks and other places that it was thought the bodies could be hidden, usually in the darkness of night. The Northern states while it was not as publicized, also had slaves. It was literally, brother murdering brother in lines of war; as the grass turned so bloody it would become slick to the feet and the neighboring rivers red, as bodies were piled higher then the eyes could see over them. Mothers, sisters, wives and possible future wives would hide men and children as young as seven-years-old from the ravages of being kidnapped by military press gangs to be put in prison wagons, so they couldn't escape or patriotic brainwashing of going into this war. This was a time before the US initiation of any type of war draft or US marriage laws in some states, there had been cases were a man could marry a girl as young as six-years-old. While the Civil War according to US history ended in 1865, which is 145 years ago and was only considered a four year war; as it began historically on 12 April 1861 at Fort Sumter, South Carolina; where the Northern Army (Union) invaded this Southern state. For many in the US, the Civil War continues on not just in mentality; but those reenactments that never has allowed the education of a peaceful to non racist outlook, that people are actually equal and the murdering of a brother was not acceptable.
Fort Sumter a Northern Union Post after its capture, showing damage from the Southern Confederate bombardment of over 3000 shells and now flying the Southern Confederate Flag known as the "Stars and Bars" (14 April 1861). The Civil War had a third element of the opportunist profiteers while some claimed to fighting for the North or South, they were actually taking the opportunity to scoop down on unsuspecting farms and towns to commit robbery leaving often times mass destruction and death in there wake, such as what occurred in Lawrence, Kansas. The members of these groups that did survive the Civil War went on to committing armed robbery of stagecoaches, banks and trains. One of the more famous bank robberies of these type of gangs was the Northfield Minnesota Raid, with cousins known as the Younger brothers and James brothers (Frank and Jesse James). Where some of these robbers, there descendants and glory followers were committing these crimes well into the early part of the 20th century. What mutated this form of robbery was the industrial revolution.
On the US Thanksgiving holiday on 25 November 2010, alleged US President Barack Obama once again Apostasically praises his military for all there crimes against humanity, not caring about the punishment being sustain upon them from above; with him coveting in the arms of the scarlet woman.

The Woman Called Blasphemy
As to the woman who is called Blasphemy, she is also know as the “Scarlet Woman,” “the Mother of Harlots and the Abomination of the earth” and “Babylon the Great;” as these names are written upon her forehead.
As she does ride upon a beast that came up from the bowels of the bottomless pit which the beast is sometimes seen by ones sight and sometimes to appear something that has vanished; but they are still there and anyone associated with the woman, receives the same fate as her; rather one, a multitude or a nation. Which the final destination is known as Perdition (Hell).
There is a woman that counterfeits impersonation of what she views from the one of light for she can not grasp the real light and she has no part down to the pearls upon her neck. She is more easily known, as they that wanders the streets as a drunken harlot; who's life is fading and it can be seen upon them. When she was a child, that which one sees now was not so and she grieves a lost past; for she became as one that made a bargain with Satan. That which is to come upon her by Allah (Hashem) was already set sometime ago and she cannot change it or hide, for Allah (Hashem) still sees that which is within her.
The Collapse of the Scarlet Woman
Babylon the Great" has became a place of demons, a prison for every foul presence and a cage for every unclean and despised bird.
For they that have drunk her wine of fornication and luxuriousness will receive her plagues and as a cup will be mixed (seven times seventy) double for her. Come out from among her grip though’s that belong to Allah (Hashem), less you shall share in her sins, less you shall receive her plagues; for her sins have reached Paradise and Allah (Hashem) has remembered her iniquities.
Give her that which she has given unto you double according to her deeds, with torment and sorrow; for she stands in arrogance saying she shall never see such as this.
Therefore, her plagues shall overcome her in a day-death, mourning and famine; as far as the eyes can see and she shall be utterly burned by fire (as in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah), for the strength of Allah (Hashem) shall consume her and that which belongs to her shall lie in waste.
Sulfur and fire that rained out of heaven…the smoke of the earth rose like the smoke of a kiln…from amidst of the upheaval He overturned the cities and the vegetation of the soil.
All those who have committed luxurious fornication with her, this even includes the many types of caravans and ships; rather buying or selling, will weep and lament from afar when they see her smoke rise up from her fire; as they stand at a distance for fear of her fate upon them, for in a single hour judgment befell her.
The earth is filled with violence through them and there hands are stained with robbery. They call upon Allah (Hashem), but He will not hear or answer them, for they have committed the fullness of blasphemes names; as the Scarlet Woman sits upon the seven heads, ten horns beast, where she is made drunk by the wine of her fornication.
A time will come when some eyes shall open in the land of hatred and all they knew shall be false; but yet they will falter in disbelief towards the light, too abasing the one who walks upon the earth that was sent. As the world around them has began to crumble away.

As to her end, all the blood of all she had slain upon the earth; will be spewed from her.
For that which is written, shall be heralded in proclamation by that which is the will of Allah (Hashem).
*Deceptive Sorcery, is the use of witchcraft from Satan to mislead by false appearance such as pretending to be Global Philanthropists for instance or statements; even with propaganda for instance, to make other's believe that which is not true; so the reality of a person or place can be not just hidden, but to create trickery for misleading gain or horrendous criminal activities.
One element that is not often thought of is soothsaying, such as the use of a Crystal Ball as was suggest by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton; who not only has a very shady past that contains murder; but lives an excessively destructive, sinful lifestyle.
Those associated with the ideology of Nazism, use these tactic's frequently.
This type of sorcery is also used to influence a person or people to do what they normally would not do, similar to a form of hypnotism; spread by such means as with the use of television subliminal messages, to certain types of music used in a war zone; for examples.-HRM Deborah
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