The sons of Noah who came out of the Ark were Shem, Ham and Japheth- Ham being the father of Canaan (Canaanites). These three were the sons of Noah and from these the whole world was spread out.
Noah, the man of the earth, debased himself and planted a vineyard. He drank of the wine and became drunk and he uncovered himself within his tent.
Ham the father of Canaan, saw his father’s nakedness (shame) and told his two brother’s outside. And Shem and Japheth took a garment, laid it upon their shoulders and they walked backwards and covered their father’s nakedness; their faces were turned away and saw not their father’s nakedness.
Noah awoke from his wine and realized what his small son had done to him. And he said, “Cursed is Canaan; a slave of slaves shall he be to his brother’s.”
And he said, “Blessed is HASHEM, the God of Shem; and let Canaan be a slave to them.
“ May God extend Japheth, but he will dwell in the tents of Shem; may Canaan be a slave to them.”
Bereishis/Genesis 9:22-24
The Canaanites Historically
Noah, the man of the earth, debased himself and planted a vineyard. He drank of the wine and became drunk and he uncovered himself within his tent.
Ham the father of Canaan, saw his father’s nakedness (shame) and told his two brother’s outside. And Shem and Japheth took a garment, laid it upon their shoulders and they walked backwards and covered their father’s nakedness; their faces were turned away and saw not their father’s nakedness.
Noah awoke from his wine and realized what his small son had done to him. And he said, “Cursed is Canaan; a slave of slaves shall he be to his brother’s.”
And he said, “Blessed is HASHEM, the God of Shem; and let Canaan be a slave to them.
“ May God extend Japheth, but he will dwell in the tents of Shem; may Canaan be a slave to them.”
Bereishis/Genesis 9:22-24
The Canaanites Historically
The true home of the Canaanites is what in modern time’s is Turkey, not what is claimed by some theologians; mistakenly or may have come about for a short time, when the Canaanites were trying to conquer Israel from the Jewish and Israeli Muslims by blood during the Egyptian slavery period and Moses’ time; without true claim on the country because of how they came to be in Israel in the first place, due to wandering the countryside because they where ran out of Turkey for being beggars and theives. Some maps or mistranslations from the original writing’s or US distortions of history which they do quite a bit, miss claim the true home of the Canaanites and I say this without disrespect.
Also, like to remind here, that when the Canaanites where trying to conquer Israel in Moses' time, such as the city of Jericho by blood; they murdered every Israeli man, woman, child and all animals. Otherwise, they murdered every living thing; for they despise all Israeli's regardless of religion, to every horse or a mouse that happened to peek out there hole, as they will even do in modern times.
It is also a known fact, that where ever a Canaanite is they usually will be engaged in some type of criminal activity and in mass; will try to take the country where ever they may be.
Also, like to remind here, that when the Canaanites where trying to conquer Israel in Moses' time, such as the city of Jericho by blood; they murdered every Israeli man, woman, child and all animals. Otherwise, they murdered every living thing; for they despise all Israeli's regardless of religion, to every horse or a mouse that happened to peek out there hole, as they will even do in modern times.
It is also a known fact, that where ever a Canaanite is they usually will be engaged in some type of criminal activity and in mass; will try to take the country where ever they may be.
From the time of Noah, to this time, the Canaanites have always been cursed and the Haram’s (sins) of Allah’s (Hashem's) anger upon them have increased over time; as is seen by that which the Canaanites are doing now upon those blessed by Allah (Hashem).
It should also be understood, that no one is to ever marry a Canaanite for they will inherit the curse upon themselves and their future generations or associate with them for they too will be cursed. What further brings this to mind, is those collaborating with them at this time period; for example these foreign terrorist activist groups that follow the Canaanite deceptions and certain foreign governments.
Nevertheless, every abomination known to mankind has came through the Canaanites and at times where this is concerned; are a bit creative from some people's understanding. One historical example is Baal [(Demon)(Beelzebub (Satan) cultic prostitution, human sacrifices and opposed by all the Prophets] worship, to some of the worse haram’s (sin‘s) well known in modern times; which was explained to me and the type of person I am do not wish to elaborate.
The idolatry associated with Molech in history, contained many perversions besides the well known one of child sacrifice by fire. Among the Canaanites there was some among them known from my understanding as ‘Wolves and Jackals’ by the character of these particular animals and one should never turn there back on them but always keep there guard; as has been mentioned even in the Tanach (but not by name, but description towards Molech), for these idolaters languished in blood due to savage death among other horrendous atrocities of savagery, such as cannibalism, dismemberment and extreme torture for three example's.
Let us also not forget, the extreme depraved forms of debauchery among the Canaanites; which is most strongly condemned by Allah (Hashem), which is also considered from the very old idolatry worship with Molech.
As to the mark of the curse that Allah (Hashem) placed upon the face's of the Canaanites is that there face’s would appear sharp as chiseled granite until the end time and as part of the curse laid down by Allah (Hashem), that until the end of time; which includes the day of Judgment, that the Canaanites would be the servants of mankind, with nothing more ever allowed.
As to the dictates within the curse is that if the Canaanites did not fulfill that which was required by Allah (Hashem), that the curse would increase and this would include those associated with them mentioned previously.
Furthermore, if they would do anything towards Allah (Hashem) or that which belongs to Him, the curse would increase seven times seventy; that by the end of time if the Canaanites had not made restitution or repentance in what was pertained within the curse by Allah (Hashem) or especially with the increase of the curse, they would become as a walking plaque and their would be no cure.
As to the restitution or repentance, the Canaanites where required to do good towards the whole of mankind and no harm in any manner; within the laws Allah (Hashem) required and that they would further have to walk as the lowest upon the earth among mankind for their sin; that created the curse, so long ago.
As to the Day of Judgment, the Canaanites by not fulfilling that which Allah (Hashem) commanded and their associates; will see the deepest depth’s of Hell, as well as those that die anytime in between for they are condemned by Allah (Hashem) Himself.
It should also be understood, that no one is to ever marry a Canaanite for they will inherit the curse upon themselves and their future generations or associate with them for they too will be cursed. What further brings this to mind, is those collaborating with them at this time period; for example these foreign terrorist activist groups that follow the Canaanite deceptions and certain foreign governments.
Nevertheless, every abomination known to mankind has came through the Canaanites and at times where this is concerned; are a bit creative from some people's understanding. One historical example is Baal [(Demon)(Beelzebub (Satan) cultic prostitution, human sacrifices and opposed by all the Prophets] worship, to some of the worse haram’s (sin‘s) well known in modern times; which was explained to me and the type of person I am do not wish to elaborate.
The idolatry associated with Molech in history, contained many perversions besides the well known one of child sacrifice by fire. Among the Canaanites there was some among them known from my understanding as ‘Wolves and Jackals’ by the character of these particular animals and one should never turn there back on them but always keep there guard; as has been mentioned even in the Tanach (but not by name, but description towards Molech), for these idolaters languished in blood due to savage death among other horrendous atrocities of savagery, such as cannibalism, dismemberment and extreme torture for three example's.
Let us also not forget, the extreme depraved forms of debauchery among the Canaanites; which is most strongly condemned by Allah (Hashem), which is also considered from the very old idolatry worship with Molech.
As to the mark of the curse that Allah (Hashem) placed upon the face's of the Canaanites is that there face’s would appear sharp as chiseled granite until the end time and as part of the curse laid down by Allah (Hashem), that until the end of time; which includes the day of Judgment, that the Canaanites would be the servants of mankind, with nothing more ever allowed.
As to the dictates within the curse is that if the Canaanites did not fulfill that which was required by Allah (Hashem), that the curse would increase and this would include those associated with them mentioned previously.
Furthermore, if they would do anything towards Allah (Hashem) or that which belongs to Him, the curse would increase seven times seventy; that by the end of time if the Canaanites had not made restitution or repentance in what was pertained within the curse by Allah (Hashem) or especially with the increase of the curse, they would become as a walking plaque and their would be no cure.
As to the restitution or repentance, the Canaanites where required to do good towards the whole of mankind and no harm in any manner; within the laws Allah (Hashem) required and that they would further have to walk as the lowest upon the earth among mankind for their sin; that created the curse, so long ago.
As to the Day of Judgment, the Canaanites by not fulfilling that which Allah (Hashem) commanded and their associates; will see the deepest depth’s of Hell, as well as those that die anytime in between for they are condemned by Allah (Hashem) Himself.
What is often not brought foreword about the Canaanites mode of living illegally in Israel over the centuries, is their apparent inherent criminality and they where always known as the people that enjoyed living on what is usually called, “the wrong side of the tracks” not just morally but in every facet.
Not just the curse upon them, but the fact of the manner in which they have chosen to live all this time; until their collaboration in the latter years with the US, one did not usually even speak of them. Which it is yet a wonder if the Canaanites have ever understood why the US chooses to collaborate with them or more in the manner of use them; that the US intention towards them is not an honorable one.
As the Canaanites seem to think they will achieve something through this collaboration with the US, they are most mistaken; but the true intent is not the Canaanite ancient objective, but grief for the whole of the country as well as themselves.
Yet, their seems to be an apparent reminder when the Canaanites where ousted from Anatolia (Turkey) so long ago; to wonder about the hills, of the people that actually offered them charity from their plight and when the tide of their demise would wash over them at different times through the centuries by Turkey; of who (Israel) actually protected them, even though they have on there own wish to remain the non-citizen inhabitants within the country. Even with the ancient objective over the centuries by bloodshed, to steal the country and continuous harassment; as what was occurring when the Canaanites where ousted from Anatolia (Turkey). That which was requested of the Canaanites so long ago when they came into Israel by the then Queen of the country, was to respect the people of the country, the government, live decently (morally) and follow the laws of the country; but most of all just be happy with the place the Canaanites where taken in so long ago in charity.
The Canaanites have for a time now; have disassociated themselves with the US.
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