Down through time, when a Prophet appears people think they are a cure all and this is not quite true; while mankind learns from them and they do have certain abilities given to them by Allah (Hashem) to even due extraordinary things, mankind is still suppose to do what is good and righteous also; for themselves.
For Allah (Hashem) judges a person by there deed’s, not that another is there fix all (intermediary), regardless of who they maybe and to insult a Prophet is most grave in Allah (Hashem) eyes; for they are not just born but sent by Him for the sake of humanity nor is a Prophet to be worshiped with Him or instead of Allah (Hashem) for this is idolatry.
Allah (Hashem) stands alone!
There is no go between for this is idolatry, for in true faith; Allah (Hashem) alone will stand so close, He is as the very breath one breaths. As He knows all that you do, not even the darkness of a cupboard to hide you're sins will save you from His hearing or His sight. Arise, above the deceptions of old and seek that which is true and Allah's (Hashem's) love shall be returned unto you; but to continue in idolatry is destruction and you shall be plunged into the lowest depths of hell where you will wail with thirst and not one drop of water will reach your lips.- HRM Deborah
Allah (Hashem) a Jealous God
You shall not recognize the gods of others in My presence. You shall not make yourself a carved image nor any likeness of that which is in the heavens above or on the earth below or in the water beneath the earth. You shall not prostrate yourself to them nor worship them, for I am Allah (Hashem), your God-a jealous God. Who visits the sin of the fathers upon the children (as long as the continue the sinful legacy of the parents) to the third and fourth generations, for My enemies; but Who shows kindness for the thousands (of generations) to those who love Me and observe My commandments (laws).
Exodus/Yisro 20: 3-6 (Deuteronomy/Va'eschanan 5: 7-8)
The Life of Prophet Jesus (PBUH) and the Aftermath
As to the Prophet and Rabbi
Jesus [(Isa) (PBUH)] he was born 15 June and by the Gregorian Calendar; the year of his birth was 4B.C., as to his surname it was Kohn (Cohn).
While he was
born in Bethlehem; he was further
born inside a livestock stable that was surround by a natural cave (which still does exists), which was common during this time period and under no circumstances was he illegitimate. As to the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, I am sorry to say that this is not over Prophet Jesus [(Isa) (PBUH)] birthplace (for more information see below).
As to Prophet Jesus [(Isa)(PBUH)] relationship to the monarchy of Israel, he was a cousin. As to a religion being created in association with him, their never was an intention. But the development of what is considered Catholicism ("Katholesizam") into the evolution of today’s Christianity, is an idolatrized creation by Constantine and the Roman Empire. (For further history, see below.)
Accept for Judaism, Jesus (PBUH) spoke of another religion and person’s who he foretold in his lifetime; which he spoke of extensively which would be, the then future Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the end of time Prophetess Deborah, whom he also called, “The Angel sent from Paradise (she will as an Angel sent by Allah (Hashem) from the sphere of the seventh heaven. "From whence she came, in whence she shall return."),” for example and the Islamic Age (Islam) from the descendants of Ishmael (Ismail); who's brother was Isaac (Ishaq).
As to the issue of Prophet Jesus’ (PBUH) death, while he was arrested by the Roman’s for sedition, because the Roman’s where afraid that Jesus (PBUH) was uniting all the Jews against the Roman’s and that they could be overthrown to further be removed from the country; collapsing the Roman occupation.
This also came at a time when the Roman’s where slaughtering the indigence inhabitance of the country in abundance.
Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, Israel
While Jesus (PBUH) was under Roman arrest, the Jews did get him cleared of all charges which saved his life for the Romans where the ones that planned on killing him and Jesus (PBUH) was then freed; to further die many years later, simply of natural causes. He was given a Jewish ground burial (he is buried in the Jewish cemetary on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem) and not buried in any type of cave.
It should be known at this time in history, the Jewish faith was extremely strong in Allah (Hashem).
As to the Christian perception surrounding Jesus alleged savior death on the cross story, this never occurred. Which the story, was falsely created by the Roman's to persecute the Jewish people in the early stages of what became known as Anti-Semitism.
With the dawning of the Islamic Age, the relentless blood lust stranglehold of the Roman Empire was still ongoing which with the Roman falsification’s that stemmed from this time period; further created the Muslim persecutions of what evolved in becoming known today, as Islamophobia.
This is how the innocent (Jews and Muslims) came to be in a pea green boat gliding through the water’s of time, being subjected to such as pogrom’s, holocaust’s, Crusades, occupation, genocide and wars to name a few; all because of the whale of a Roman tale, perpetrated far to often by an excuse or to commit theft and murder; even with those today, in the name of racist activism.
The Tides of Upheaval

He who accuses an innocent person of murder is as though they are guilty of said murder, whether they drew there sword or not (this includes harming a person in any manner, it is the same as if one murdered them; for example, attacking with malice, torture, starvation, slander, lying etc.); as they who march with vengeance in there hearts, for vengeance belongs to Allah (Hashem) alone and shall not be found among you.
As he who attempts to justify there sins traveling along the road of thorns, they are the one’s who are truly lost; for they shall have no food, but poisoned thorns, which will neither nourish nor avail against hunger.
Oh you hypocrites, you speak of one in arrogance as the Holy Spirit (Holy Ghost), as you’re protector, but yet; you know not his name nor that he walks to the right of the Prophets (PBUH) and gives compassion to the humble.
If you shall sell Me (Allah, Hashem) in the market place as a common merchant, what good is within you; even a thief sell’s his wares.
For they who call Me (Allah, Hashem) “Friend and Beloved” and loves Me, who searches for Me, shall find Me; as through Me all thing’s are possible. But he who equates others with Me, their storehouses shall lay empty.
In you’re blasphemy you commit holy war’s (Tenth Christian Crusade, The Wind and the Lion) against My (Allah, Hashem) believers (Jewish and Muslim); as My (Allah, Hashem) wrath stand’s as a wall against you.
“As to those who disbelieve, I will punish them with a severe torment in this world and in the Hereafter and they will have no helpers.”
And as for those who believe in the Oneness of Allah (Hashem) and do good deeds, Allah (Hashem) will pay them their reward in full. And Allah (Hashem) does not like the polytheists and the wrongdoers.
Indeed, they reject the truth when it came to them, but there will come to them the news of the torment which they use to mock.
See what examples they (the polytheists and the wrongdoers) have put forward for you. So you can see they have gone astray and never can find their way.
For a time will come, when they (the polytheists and the wrongdoers) will seek the Prophet’s (PBUH) of old to save them from their deeds; without avail.
Those who have no knowledge say” Why doesn’t Allah (Hashem) speak to us as though we can see Him? So said those that came before them, for indeed we have made plain the signs for people who believe with certainty and even if We had sent down unto them angels and the dead spoke unto them and We gather all things before their very eyes they will not believe, for most would rather walk the road (of thorns) of ignorance.
In their hearts is a disease and Allah (Hashem) has increased this disease, as a painful torment because they tell lies. As Allah (Hashem) has set a seal on their hearts [ As Allah (Hashem) had strode from the fields of Edom] and on their hearing and their eyes is a covering which will be a greater torment.
Verily, those who belie (contradict, teach falsehood; lie and oppress) Our Ayat (Monotheistic beliefs) and treat them with arrogance, for them the gates of heaven will not be opened and they will not enter Paradise until a Camel goes through the eye of a needle (impossibility). Thus do We recompense the Mujrimun (criminals, polytheists and the wrongdoers).
“The truth is from your Lord.” We [Allah (Hashem)], have prepared for the polytheists and wrongdoers, a fire whose walls will be surrounding them. And if they ask for help they will be granted water like boiling oil, that will scald their faces. Terrible is the drink and an evil dwelling! And if you not repent of your murders, sorceries, immoralities and theft; a mighty angel shall descend upon you. He will appear as that which comes from the sky (clothed with a cloud, rainbow over their head and face like the sun) and his right foot will be on the sea and his left foot will be on the land, for his feet will be as pillars of fire and he carries a little book laid open in his right hand, with his hands outstretched towards Paradise (heavens). He will cry in a loud voice, as when a lion roars. The Prophet is to seal up which the seven thunders utter and do not write them. When he cries, seven thunders will utter their voices and that which is to come to pass [(from Allah (Hashem)] shall no longer be delayed.
Prophecy is given unto the righteous as gifts from Allah (Hashem), to profane them is to do the same unto Allah (Hashem) Himself and unto all Allah's (Hashem's) representatives throughout the oceans of time; to be brought before the profaner on the Day of Judgment.
Demon’s walk among them, but they see them not for they are blinded by their deceptions; as a Prophet and Angels walk among them, as they have no fear; but it shall come upon them as Allah’s (Hashem’s) wrath refolds as the sweeping of wind.
The wall can speak as each mortared brick oozes profusely with innocent blood, spreading outward for the whole world to see, smell its retched stench and feel its horror upon their hearts; so such as this never comes again upon mankind.-Prophet and Rabbi Jesus [(Isa)(PBUH)]
Polytheist Witness Against Themselves
And who is more unjust than he who forges a lie against Allah or (he who) gives the lie to His communications; surely the unjust will not be successful.
And on the day when We shall gather them all together, then shall We say to those who associated others (with Allah): Where are your associates whom you asserted?
Then their excuse would be nothing but that they would say: By Allah, our Lord, we were not polytheists.
See how they lie against their own souls, and that which they forged has passed away from them.
And of them is he who hearkens to you, and We have cast veils over their hearts lest they understand it and a heaviness into their ears; and even if they see every sign they will not believe in it; so much so that when they come to you they only dispute with you; those who disbelieve say: This is naught but the stories of the ancients.
And they prohibit (others) from it and go far away from it, and they only bring destruction upon their own souls while they do not perceive.
And could you see when they are made to stand before the fire, then they shall say: Would that we were sent back, and we would not reject the communications of our Lord and we would be of the believers.
Nay, what they concealed before shall become manifest to them; and if they were sent back, they would certainly go back to that which they are forbidden, and most surely they are liars.
And they say: There is nothing but our life of this world, and we shall not be raised.
And could you see when they are made to stand before their Lord. He will say: Is not this the truth? They will say: Yea! by our Lord. He will say: Taste then the chastisement because you disbelieved.
Al-An'am 6:21-30
The idolatry of the trinity began by Constantine, to associate with the idolatry of sun worship of which the idolatries of his day were loosing favor among the citizens of Rome; to further combine with what he knew from the slaves or captives who spoke of Jesus (Isa) and not as a religion, but yet Constantine created an idolatrous cult to entice the people of the Roman Empire to gain their favor; that would later evolved to what is seen today.
The buildings that where built, that later would be considered churches, where not their original intention; but built to honor Constantine by his design and many had throne rooms during his lifetime.
The use of the day of Sunday was implemented to coincide also with the same day as the Roman day of Sun worship; hence "Sun"day [ Old English sunnandæg "day of the sun," translation of Latin dies solis ].
Within Constantine's time he made concession's with his new cult with the introduction of sorcery, which many of his follower's (clergymen) who were already magicians, charmer's, soothsayer's, astrologers and the makers of amulet's; especially later with the cross symbol that was called, "Constantine's Cross." Which became the evolution as to the idea of any symbol of the cross, which was actually just a source of tortuous execution by the Roman Empire of their opposition and nothing more; being introduced over time within this cult to be worshiped.
According to a Roman legend, after Constantine gained victory at the Milvian Bridge outside Rome (312), he allegedly claimed he saw an apparition with a cross and the words, “in hoc signo vinces” (“By this sign thou shall conquer“) and this was considered the forerunner to his created religion. Through conquest, is how he forced his new cult religion upon others, especially his Byzantine Empire. When Constantine came among the early Byzantine culture (also Spain) with his enforced military conquering's, he was rebuked for his cult worship and as his buildings spread for the images he had depicted upon the walls; due to idolatry. Not until a century later, would the worship connected to this cult of the Virgin Mary would be introduced, along with the evolution of other depictions, especially with the introduction of those of Jesus (Isa); enhanced with the cult's perception.
As to the writing’s, some where fragments Constantine found in his travels, especially in Greece, while many where changed to fit within his new cult; other writings would appear as nothing but mere forgeries written during the time, to further the cult ideal's. As to the term “Christ,” would come from this time period; with the equation of the “sun,” worship cult.
There is those (the polytheists and the wrongdoers) who would rather follow their own lusts, without guidance from Allah (Hashem). Then if one would say, bring the book from Allah (Hashem) that one may follow it; if you are truthful. But they answer not nor do they bring the book of Allah (Hashem), for they know it not.
Sun Worship Cult
Silver disc of Sol Invictus, Roman, 3rd century-‘The title Sol Invictus had also been applied to a number of other solar deities before and during this period. The type of Sol Invictus, though not the name, appears on imperial coinage from the time of Septimius Severus onwards. A solidus of Constantine as well as a gold medallion from his reign depict the Emperor's bust in profile twinned ("jugate") with Sol Invictus, with the legend INVICTUS CONSTANTINUS.’
The origin of the sun worship cult was developed within the Roman Empire from ancient Greece, with the evolution of the Greek worship of Apollo. It was brought into Rome through the army, during a conquest into Greece.
The ideal of a Roman emperor associated with this particular cult was due to their belief where a ruler claimed his rule by the power of the sun ("son") and would further claim to be descended from it and the citizens of the Roman Empire, would worship the emperor as a god.
The sun deity was often seen as the ruler of both the upper and lower worlds; which sun worshipers believed this deity visited daily.
The further evolution after the fall of the Roman Empire became the ideology of the Roman Catholic Pope.
The Statue of Liberty, standing on Liberty Island in New York Harbor; United States
The Roman Empire also called itself a Democracy Republic (Demoncrocia Republicus) with liberty and contained a Senate body usually the affluent within the Emperor; with small actual regard, for the citizens of Rome The political system called Democracy was proven from the period of the Roman Empire to be a failed system; but one overflowed with excessive corruption and immorality. That even by later written accounts, that Democracies shelf life was at most 200 years before the implosion began to set in; while many other political systems were found to be more equable to the populace. Even before the complete collapse of the Roman Empire, many in the Roman populace equated Democracy; with Demonology, hence the latin terminology.
Blood in the Sun
Israeli archaeologist Professor Adam Zertal points his torch to an engraving he believes represents the zodiac (which was actually a depiction of the idolatry of the old Sun Cult in early Christianity) in an artificial underground cave quarry, which he dates to the 1st century A.D., on 24 June 2009 near the city of Jericho.
After a long period of time, that this cave was used for the early Christian Sun cult worship and human sacrifice of kidnapped Jew’s in the early days by the Roman’s; the cave was destroyed later by the Jewish inhabitants (being also prior to the Islamic age), to stop this idolatry of human sacrifice and the cave was then sealed, to stay sealed for all time because of the horrendous circumstances of the overwhelming amount of people that did die there over an extended period of time.
The Code of Constantine
The Arch of Constantine ( Italian: Arco di Constantino), was built by Roman emperor Constantine to commemorate his victory over Maxentius at the Battle of Milvian Bridge in 315 A.D.
The Code of Constantine was numerous laws imposed to take away human rights to further create oppression, murder and segregation of all non-Christians; especially Jews.
Fausta and Crispus
In 326, Constantine had his then wife Fausta and an older son Crispus murdered, which for some of his family this was common; if one “lost favor” with him.
Nevertheless, while there are many accounts of what occurred; from treason towards Constantine, to an adulterous liaison between Fausta and Crispus.
As many emperors before Constantine and after him suffered a constant internal struggle and what occurred for Constantine was far too common a scenario; that was more in line of utter chaos, which the idea of “killed or be killed;” was always in the forefront, as well as the other various forms of dissention.

There has been some Christian historians over time, that have tried to blot out that Constantine committed murder towards his own family and especially these particular two murders of Fausta and Crispus, as to the whole of what actually occurred may never be completely known.
Blood Sports
The Roman Coliseum in a 1757 engraving by Giovanni Battista Piranesi (Enlarge to View)
As the overwhelming amount of Jews that where taken to Rome as slaves by the Roman’s, while some where simply maltreated slaves for the alleged good of the empire; others where taken for the barbaric blood sports within the Roman Coliseum; as well as other’s from occupied countries within the Roman Empire, no one was safe from the Coliseum, even some Roman’s who became out of favor; saw there life end within it’s walls.
For several centuries, as the Jewish people kept being taken to Rome and while too many would die in the Coliseum in some of the most barbaric horrifying manners; there where some that where profoundly for a time speaking of a Rabbi and while his name was Jesus (PBUH) they where not Christian, but Jewish nor did they profess any new religion.
During this time of hearing about this extraordinary Rabbi, is where Constantine got the idea, to create his idolatrized religion to gain favor with the 'Mob'; mixing with what the Jewish captives where speaking about, with the Sun Cult; which evolved not as an off shoot of Judaism, but mainly of the Polytheist ideology of the Sun Cult. Which when the implosion of the Roman Empire occurred, out of its ashes was Roman Catholicism ("Katholesizam"); to hide in plain view as the Sun Cult.
As to the severity of being a Roman captive especially if one was Jewish, it was thought by many instead of seeing Rome as a slave or end up in the Coliseum; that the alternative was to fight or commit suicide, such as what occurred at Masada after trying to hold off the Roman Army for almost two years.
The Oppressed Pay: Roman Poll Tax
Their has never been a poll tax levied on any citizen of Israel, other then just the upkeep of the sanctuary of the Temple by only the male citizens (Exodus 30: 12-16); until after the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 C.E., which was the amount of half a shekel.
The major poll tax that was levied on the citizens came by way of the Roman Empire until about the fourth century and which some have claimed it was a voluntary contribution of just a half shekel, it actually was not the case; but an occupation tax of a whole shekel that was imposed by the Romans and was said to be for the good of the Roman Empire; otherwise, making money off the backs of the oppressed to fund the occupiers lifestyle.
This situation was later reimposed for a time after the empire fell by the Roman Catholic Church and not just in Israel proper, but the whole of the area controlled by the Roman Catholic Church; into the period known as the Middle Ages and well into the time the Christians call the Reformation.
It should also be known, when the Islamic Age occurred this same Roman and later Roman Catholic poll tax was imposed upon all Muslim’s, there countries for the extent of the same period and circumstances.
Roman Census From the time the Roman Empire first came into Israel until the extent of the time of the Poll tax, a census was also forcibly imposed on all Jews and later on all Muslims, to not just collect the poll tax; but to monitor and forciably control all citizens of the occupied countries or later where any and all Muslims and Jews where in the area’s controlled by the Roman Catholic Church, again up into the time of the Christian Reformation.
Because of this oppressive imposition upon Muslims and Jews by the Roman Empire and later by the Roman Catholic Church, that any type of census is not to be imposed even until today, upon any Muslim or Jew; regardless of where they may be. These permanent laws came about by a former Queen of Israel, during this time period.
When the Romans occupied the country, they named the country as an insult and to disregard not just to the country itself, but her people due to their contempt, by naming the country, Palestinia after one of their idolatrous Roman gods and no, it had nothing to do with those known as the Philistines; which also were not enemies to anyone within the country, but considered exceptional seamen and traders.
Many centuries later, the US would use the same insulting term towards a portion of the Arab, Canaanite and Jewish inhabitants; by calling them Palestinian, with the same disregard as the Roman Empire had done previously.
When the US invaded the country in 1901 of what would forever be known as The Wind and the Lion Campaign, along with one of the worst pogroms in history; nevertheless, if one asked the people the true name of there country, they would answer rather easily and even to this day, contrary to the names, harsh conditions and US political tactics that have been imposed upon their descendants; most of these same people would warmly say the name that has been said for thousands of years, simply "Israel."
From the time of the survivors of 1901 on down to their descendants, one thing that would be passed down as a reminder; that regardless of what the US would do to them, to always hold there heads up, be proud of who they are and where they came.
Furthermore, through numerous forms of documentations, the US is the most Anti-Semitic country in the world today and most Anti-Semitism that has filtered out into the world is stemmed from the US; including discriminatory terminology and incitement of violence. As to the people who are Semitic in origin besides the Jews, which are all the descendants of Ishmael [(Ismail) including the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)], who's brother was Isaac ( Ishag). The descendants of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) are related to the Israeli monarchy; as well as one of Prophet Muhammad's companions, Abu Hurayra. Respectfully excluding the Canaanites, all who are Muslim today in Israel prior to the Islamic age, where Jewish. As it has been written many times of the lost tribes of the Jewish people or that they had vanished, they actually have not.
The torso was recovered from the sandy sea floor at a depth of 500 m (1600 ft.) off the southwestern coast of Sicily, on the night of 4 March 1998, in the nets of the same fishing boat (operating from Mazara del Vallo, hence the sculpture's name) that had in the previous year recovered the sculpture's left leg. It was hailed as the finest new discovery in Italian waters since the Riace Warriors were found in 1972.
The Philistines were known to have traveled and traded throughout the known world, into more places even before the Vikings ever set a sail and where not considered violent, as the reputation the Vikings have historically received; but were highly welcomed in the many ports of call. They would not just bring physical goods, but such things as knowledge of other places including the technology of the day; from such places as Atlantis, which did exist; but sank in Allah's (Hashem’s) deluge during the time of Noah [(Arabic: Nuh); Genesis 7:10, 11,
Al-Ankabut 29: 14, 15].
Which Atlantis was one of the largest islands within a chain of islands that all sank, with one exception of Sicily being the only surviving island within this island chain and also was the closest to Atlantis; in the Mediterranean Sea. Ruins of whole cities are still on the sea floor in this area with some intact.
Nevertheless, the Romans tried to obliterate the country and the indigenous people’s existence, by giving the place such an abominable name. This is also how the derivative of the word Palestine for the country and Palestinian for the people ever evolved; to never have basis on whom the people or the country actually where and still are to this day.
As to the evolution of the Christian Sun Cult worship that began through Constantine, these followers still commit abominations, insults towards religions, war, murder, racism and religious persecutions towards her people, with ill regard towards anything associated with the country or its inhabitants; well into the twenty-first century.
The Day Allah (Hashem) Spoke Aloud
Prior to the sacking of Jerusalem, there was an event so profound that it is seldom mentioned down through the centuries. It was a day, that as the threat of Rome loomed upon Israel, that Allah (Hashem) physically spoke to all the people of the country and He simply told them to flee to the surrounding territories (For during this time, country boundaries did not exists, yet.) until it was safe for the people to return.
As to those in the surrounding territories, they cared for the people and kept them safe.
While many did, those that did remain, as to what occurred in Jerusalem and later at Masada; but another eliminate of this historical event is not often mentioned either, after many people had fled and the Romans were attacking those that remained, Allah (Hashem) actually attacked the Romans.
Many of the Romans suffered horrible plagues unkown even to this day and other forms of physical death. The Romans when they died thought they where going to "Elysium" (the abode of the dead or Paradise, which they acquired this idea from Greek Mythology), which in reality the Romans were going to hell.
As to those that fled, Allah (Hashem) later also told them it was safe to return and there descendents are the Jews and Muslims one may know or see to this day.
A State of Veritable Hell
A Roman mosaic of the Fifth or Seventh century
“Moreover the Christianity of the seventh century was itself decrepit and corrupt. It is disabled by contending schisms, and had substituted the puerilities of superstition for the pure and expansive faith of the early ages.”-Sir William Muir (His comparison of the seventh century, to the pre-Constantine period.)
'The heavenly kingdom was utterly upset and a state of veritable hell had been established on earth, in consequence of inner corruption.'- Seventh century Christian Bishop
Belief in the Oneness of God had long disappeared, to be replaced with the idolatrous doctrine of the trinity, which had given rise to numerous corruptive complications, even in those days-drinking, gambling, high rate of premeditated murder, nudity (which also included the arts; such as statuary, painting's and mosaics), all places of idolatry worship (including Constantine's Christian sun cult) prostitution (they had all forms for sale, heterosexual, homosexual, bestiality, pedophiliac and so on) and adultery (which included rampant homosexuality, rape and bestiality, pedophiliac)-among them was in full swing; as all driving forces towards morality was long defunct.
Also during this period, a person fifty-years-old was still considered elderly; due to immoral lifestyle, conquest wars and rampant incurable disease.
Furthermore, as to the tyrannical epitome of the unbearable misery of human slavery, its zenith would not endure until the collapse of the empire itself; but yet, the legacy would continue within the Roman Catholic Church fermenting from Rome's ashes; as they have haughtily marched on through time under a cross banner.
The Tyranny of Rome
“Fairest sang the poet and home to the god’s, was Rome.”
The Roman Empire (Latin: Imperium Romanum) founding idolatrous legend, was of twin boys named Romulus and Remus, who where claimed to be the founders of Rome and they were suckled by a she-wolf. Later, Romulus slew Remus over a dispute about which one of the two brothers had the support of the local deities to rule the new city and give it his name. Romulus was claimed by the legend, to have served as the first King of Rome. As idolatry, conquest and war was the Roman Empire’s foundation.
Prior to the development of what became known as the Roman Empire, the country was made-up of highly superstitious scattered tribes; which eventually united them in their idolatrous superstitions and lust for conquest.
The Roman Empire never created or developed anything for themselves; it came about with occupational conquest of other countries; basically through theft and returned to Rome.
The countries they conquered that became under duress apart of the empire, was due to invasion’s by Roman legion’s that committed large scale murder, to devastation leaving whole cities in ruin’s and overwhelming debauchery as to what would eventually help cause Rome’s fall. Where in turn, they would rob everything possible from said country, even rounding up people for the bonds of human slavery to serve Rome; to go even so far as steal from their murdered victim’s and commit acts of Necrophilia upon them.
The Roman legion was not as militarily skillful as one would think to take a country, but overwhelmed the country by the insurmountable numbers of soldiers; known by the Roman’s as “Cohorts,” also with the use of fierce dog’s and fire, among other means of this nature.
Rome’s new society, was nothing but oppression, misery and death for any non-Roman; even for them that where Roman, if they lost favor in Roman the consequences where undesirable to say the least.
Such as the case if one was in the Roman legions and had returned from one of the many conquest wars, it was thought within Roman ideology if a soldier returned without a wound or had a back wound they where usually deemed a coward and put to death. In the case from a Roman historian, where a son returned to Rome happy to be home after returning from one of those battle’s with a deep wound in the back. His mother thought he was a coward, so she murdered her own son in his sleep, only to learn after it was too late; that the Roman commander had deemed him a hero and he had gotten the wound in battle. Or the numerous other cases, of falling out of favor with Caesar, the Senate and the “mob (Roman citizens).”
Less it shouldn’t be forgotten, the insurmountable amount of torture, which included not just physical, but mental; especially if one was a slave.The Art of Human Misery
'Only freedom for a slave was death itself, that there was no other hope of freedom; from the clutches of Rome.'
Map of the Appian Way (Enlarge for view)
The Romans
branded their slaves, as one would brand cattle. Also, intelligent’s for a
slave or showing these qualities could cause their death, for subservience was more important to the Roman’s and an intelligent slave could cause endangerment to the empire; such as what occurred with the uprising’s known as the three Servile War’s (Slave Wars).
All subordinate labor was done by slaves, to even a gladiator, work in various mines or a teacher (limited education) of children were slaves; the very backbone of service to the empire was slave labor.
Food and clothing was strictly at the discretion of a particular owner and usually barely enough to perform a certain task.
Their where various forms of death for a slave, not including just the Coliseum, but such as being crucified and burned while still alive.
As to the Servile War’s, the most notable was the third, by a gladiator slave known as Spartacus who was a Thracian ( Bulgaria); while the first two failed because of disorganization and Roman legions, the third almost completely overthrew the tyranny of Rome.
The number of slaves that joined Spartacus where overwhelming and would actually fight against the Roman legion’s and this war actually lasted for several years; with the slave army gaining wealth through various cities within the empire that they entered.
Remains of the Appian Way in Rome, near Quarto Miglio
But, a Roman General Marcus Licinius Crassus, with several legion's from Rome; was able to destroy the slave revolt by not just murdering men, women, children and babies, which was a devastating bloodbath; but a further notoriety that has gone down through history- the Appian Way slave crucifixion’s- where one Roman historian claimed Spartacus was among the crucified and was hung by the very gates that led into Rome and that he was made to watch as his fellow compatriots where crucified the whole length of the Appian way. Some historians had estimated there were 6,000 slaves crucified and others have claimed the number was greater, because of the length of the Appian Way.
Some historians had estimated there were 6,000 slaves crucified and others have claimed the number was greater, because of the length of the Appian Way.
What made this unbearable for other’s in the Roman Empire proper, was Crassus’ decree that the crucified slaves would hang on the crosses until they rotted off; which created not just a horrendous odor, but the fear of disease.
The reasoning behind this, was to bring fear into the slaves so they would not try a fourth uprising.
This event occurred centuries before Constantine ever came into power and created his Christian Sun cult and as far as misery of slavery; there was little change.
The Hidden Tears of Persecution
Between the fourth and Sixth century, dozens of Roman laws came into being to attack not only Judaism, but the Jews themselves, such as one law for example, that did forbid marriages between Christians and Jews.
It was also during this period that Christian persecutions took on a more heinous face of persecution and further attacks upon them with the false accusations of Jews being, “Christ killers in league with the devil.”
As Anti-Semitism continued through the centuries into the current station, another example of false malicious persecution occurred in an attempt to forcibly Christianize Jews; which occurred in 1171 in a town called Blois; where Jews were falsely accused of committing ritual murders (killing of Christian children) and blood libel (using the blood of a child in a Jewish religious ritual). During this incident, the adult Jews of the city are arrested and most are executed after refusing to convert to Christianity. Thirty-one or thirty-two of the Jews are killed, as the Jewish children are forcibly baptized.
These two incidents of religious persecution would not revive its grandiose serpents head in severance until the reign of Nazi terror and further continue within the US’s Anti-Semitic undercurrent.
Not until 1965 with the Second Vatican Council would Jews be forgiven by the Catholic only alleged crime of what is called Deicide ( which is the non-belief in idolatry and the allegation of “Christ-killers“).
The fall of The Roman Empire
Panorama of the Roman Forum today (Enlarge for View)
About sixty-years after Constantine created his idolatrous religion, the Roman Empire began to fall.
Within the Roman Empire the costs of war’s to establish the occupied portion of the empire and to maintain it, became to costly; as to the immoral iniquities within the empire flourished, such as even seen today in rock work for example; of the male phallic symbol embedment’s and there extensive arrogance on lavish living.
But outside among the occupied countries, armies where growing which over time; did attack the Roman Empire, furthering its collapse; as well as numerous natural disasters kept befalling them such as what occurred at Pompeii, which was Allah's (Hashem's) part on their demise.
The Church of the Nativity
The Church of the Nativity began in 326 CE by Constantine's mother, Helena; as a palace for her son and as for it being a church was not the original intention; instead it was built in celebration of the Roman conquest under Constantine into Israel. Which this building like many of Constantine's building's, did have a throne room. After the Catholic Crusades this building fell into disrepair, until it became for centuries right down to being decrepit; until it was disguised as a church in 1751 and this was when Christians where being told it was the birth place for Jesus (Isa).
The Church of the Holy Sepulchre
Church of the Holy Sepulchre (1885).
Other than some ever continuous restoration work due to ongoing internal Christian religious conflicts, it appears essentially the same today.
The Church of the Holy Sepulchre was first determined by Constantine’s mother, during a pilgrimage in 331 CE.
First on this site was thought to have been that Roman Emperor Hadrian (117 to 138 CE) erected temple to Venus and Jupiter.
Constantine’s mother sponsored excavations and uncovered a Jewish tomb, which she allegedly thought was the tomb of Joseph of Armathea and three crosses, which she surmised and never verified its authenticity; which has never been done even until the present.

Pope Benedict XVI prays in front of a Roman Aedicule (ensign) banner (In ancient Rome, a aedicule was a magistrate responsible for public works, buildings, games (Colosseum), markets, grain and water supplies.) during his visit to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem's Old City on 15 May 2009. Roman banner worship, which consisted to swearing by the ensigns and preferring the ensigns before all the (other) idolatrous gods (including later, the Christian sun god worship) of the Roman Empire; such as this was occurring prior to the Roman destruction and mass murder in Jerusalem in 70-72 C.E., by the Roman Army under the command of Roman Emperor Titus (Titus Flavius Vespasianus); which also occurred under duress occupation within the Second Jewish Temple, until the Temple and Jerusalem where burnt by Titus during the "sack of Jerusalem."
Constantine built one of his buildings on the site which was later destroyed due to an invasion into the country in 614, where it was rebuilt and destroyed again by another invasion in 1009.
Part of the Churches foundation buttress in the present was a Crusader structure, built in 1149.
The present building was later decided to unite all the surrounding structures around the site into a single structure in 1852.
Church of the Annunciation: “Did the Directions say Avenue or Street?”
Front of the Church of the Annunciation in Nazareth
This is another case of mistaken identity, for this is not the area of Nazareth where Mary, Joseph or Jesus (PBUH) lived; while the recent excavations may be of that era, nevertheless for the address of these well-known affluent dwellers try across town; which Nazareth was actually a very large, bustling and prosperious city. As to Nazareth's most famous synagogue, it was destroyed by the Romans.
As to dwellings in Israel still standing dating to that era, there are still quite a few and as to the caves under the church, they are just that, ancient caves. But yet, the caves have one notable bit of history, when the three previous buildings were being used for idolatry; the caves were also being used for human sacrifice, to those later murdered for refusing to convert to Catholicism (which has been a church dogma even up to the more recent numerous cases of stolen Jewish children during the Holocaust; which some children due to age lost their identity and where raised by non-Jewish Catholic families in Europe and the US, as the controversy over these stolen children is ongoing) and the victims were Jews, as evidence of victims still remain in the caves. Which many people have had the belief that the present church was actually built to hide to what had previously occurred on this site.
An Israeli archaeologist works at an excavation site near the Church of the Annunciation on 21 December 2009, built on the ruins of three earlier buildings, since about 356 CE.
From 321 CE to 361 CE under the Roman occupation, religious persecution was having a zenith, Judaism was banned in every aspect, even the Sabbath and the destruction of synagogues; only the Sun Cult worship was allowed and the observance of Sunday. Conversion to this cult was mandatory under threat of death and an overwhelming amount of Jews died.
Jewish children were sometimes hidden in Roman Catholic monasteries and convents. (Often church officials would not take them unless they did convert to Catholicism.) Pictured are Jewish children of the Soeurs de Sainte Marie convent school in the Belgian village of Wesembeek-Oppem. Included is Sara Lamhaut, who survived the Holocaust under the name Jeannine van Meerhaegen. Both of Sara's parents died at Auschwitz in 1943. Well into the 1960's in the US an still is a policy, that Jewish and Muslim children have been approached to convert to Catholicsm and US Christianity sometimes through or threat of violence if the child refused; for those that did they succumb became lost and some suffer or develop a form of identity crisis in US society. Prior to the Holocaust, their has been many cases of Catholics kidnapping children from Jewish parents.
Sun Cult buildings were being built for idols and as fast as they where being built, they also were being destroyed; due to some of the most horrendous forms of idolatry being practiced within them and religious persecution due to refusal to convert that led to much bloodshed towards the Jewish populace and later, the Muslim populace as well.
From 361 CE to 363 CE Julian the Apostate disliked Judaism; but he detested the Sun Cult worship even more and tried to reintroduce the old Roman paganism, which during this period while persecution eased somewhat and small glimmers of hope appeared for this short time, it was dashed with a second wind of the previous cruelties by his successors.
One of the successors would make the slanderous comment that the Jews “grow like worms,” he would be known to this day as St. Jerome. In 387 CE, St. John Chrysostom, preaching from a pulpit in Antioch, ascribed every imaginable insult towards the Jews and forbade the Sun Cult worshipers from fraternizing with them. During this ban Jews were not allowed in any form of public life or the sphere of economy and an attempt to also destroy all Jewish relgious leadership within the community.
Theodosius II introduced a code in 438 CE which summarized all of the former anti-Jewish legislation, including the prohibition on the building of synagogues. The legislation was considered a fulsome expression of hatred and resentment the Sun Cult followers felt towards the Jewish people; as too various forms of banning were still occurring.
With the introduction of the Islamic Age under Muhammad (PBUH) the persecutions by the Sun Cult worshipers overlapped unto the Muslims, with murderous raids not just to the Jews by this time, but unto the Muslims as well and many died during these savage marauding raids.
By 692, Justinian II created Sun Cult, Muslim and Jewish segregated public bath places, Jews were further forced out of civic life as by this time Muslims also and the creation of segregated residences in certain cities due to the Sun Cult wanting to be further separated from the Jewish and Muslim inhabitance. In the economic sphere, Jews and Muslims were ousted from professions including the practice of medicine; as synagogues and Masjid's (Mosques) continued to be destroyed.
Every since these early periods of brutal religious persecution by the Sun Cult, alliances where made and kept, along with continuous unity between Jews and Muslims which is still strong even into the twenty-first century.
One major event during latter portion of this period was a large move by the Jews due to the cruelty of religious persecution and the strangling economic oppression by the Romans. Jews moved north and east into central Europe, westward into Germany and established what became the "Ashkenazi" branch of Jewry; this move became known to this day as the Diaspora, which the Jews went with the hope of freedom from persecution and prosperity.

Israel is the ant, under constant US fingered oppression!
But still a well established portion of Jews remained within the country bent on resisting these maltreatments inflicted upon them by the Romans. While the Romans were trying ever means possible to annihilate the Jews and later the Muslims, they stood steadfast against them and the majority of their descendants survived even with the other events throughout time such as the nine Crusades, until the US invasion under former US President Theodore Roosevelt of almost 110 years ago called "The Wind and the Lion;" when many were murdered by a US bloodbath, later allied with Germany during the Holocaust and then they created in 1948 what became known as the "Nakba" in an attempt to segregate the Jewish and Muslim population, too further create what some have called the "Refugee Camp System" and in reality was a "Concentration Camp/ Death System" with some "Sephardic" Jews being put on the Muslim side of this chasm or anguished "invisible" fence (US fallaciously labeling the area an "occupation zone" or later became known as the "1967 border" or the "West Bank") that in recent years was torn down where peace and stability has ensued within the country at a rapid pace as well as harmonious beneficial progress for the benefit of everyone in the country, even though the US tries to viciously tread under our every step into a deep muddied mar of oppression and than lies to the world daily for the actual US occupation of the country; but externally the war rages on with the US; as the US blood lust, falsifications, kidnappings and religious persecutions continues across the Jewish and Muslim world.
Nevertheless, along with the concentration/death camp system that the US has labeled the “West Bank,” another US intention has been to attempt to create a militarized zone, which originally was to include the country of Jordan. This is one of the main US issues of attempting to force the US idea of a two-state solution; with a further intent by the US to not only murder Jews and Arab’s in Israel and destabilized the whole of the Middle East, but ethnic cleansing on an devastating scale. This is also, why the US still refuses to this day of relinquishing the occupation in Israel and still commits large scale devastation and ethnic cleansing of the Israeli populace with all Israeli’s resisting such measures and the US threatening those in the surrounding regions which is apart of the US foreign policy towards the Middle East. In the beginning for the US in entering the Middle East was about oil manipulation, but developed into something much more heinous as far as the Arab populace; towards the Jewish populace pure Anti-Semantic animosity.
Even as early as 2001, former US President George W. Bush quoted of the intention of a more upscale "tenth crusade" attacks in many of the same places as the previous Crusaders attempted, which millions have so far been annihilated with the US continued previous conquests and occupations towards Muslims and Jews.
The Diaspora
The term “Diaspora,” was first coined when the Jews where forced into Babylonia exile in the sixth century B.C.
But a little better known as to what occurred during the time of the Roman occupation with the period of 70-72 C.E., which due to an unsuccessful rebellion against the Roman occupation which led to the destruction of the Second Temple being destroyed in 70 C.E. and after about two years of resistance; a small portion of the Jewish people by the Romans were dispersed throughout the world. Which was declared by the Roman’s at that time, to be the scattering unto the four winds. But the most pronounced Diaspora is mentioned above and happened at a later time because of Roman cruelty.Which over the centuries of this dispersal, the Jewish people have made enormous contributions in every field of endeavor where ever they are and have been; even being subjected at different times to harsh treatment in various forms in some of these locales, as well as maintaining their religious identity.
The Diaspora was declared formally ended, over a year and half ago by royal decree; by the only person that had the authority to do so.
Papalis Imperium: The Modernization of the Cult after Rome’s fall
Walking out of the smoke and ashes as a remnant of the Roman Empire version of this cult, is what became known as the Holy Roman Catholic Church; where the Vatican stands today, was originally a Roman emperor’s palace and does have within it's walls the greatest known treasure's that were taken during the many Roman conquest's, to the Crusades; which is hidden from public view.
Nevertheless, many forms of this cult from the extension of the Catholic ideals became the various denominations which are seen even into the twenty-first century, as Christendom.
It should also be understood, that not just the ideology of Rome, such as conquest, but Constantine's idolatry was carried through by this Roman remnant.
As to the classification of Christianity, in the form it had taken since the days of Constantine; it is not considered Monotheism, but Polytheism do to the worship of the trinity and not of Allah (Hashem, G-d) alone or also a question, to the acquisition of the days of (Satanic) sorcery.
The Dark Days of Christendom
“They say they believe in God, but in truth they trade with the Devil.”-14th Century Catholic Monk's quote on Catholicism.
The Inquisition
During this Catholic historical period, every conceivable type of torture was used; even the use of water torture by way of a funnel and water poured into the the mouth of the helpless.
As to there further history it is one of dire bleakness, as the Catholic Church strove for supremacy among the known world one saw the many years of death and torture, which included with the burning at the stake; regardless if one was Muslim, Jewish or any non-Catholic, which included others who professed in any form of Christianity other then Catholicism. This particular period was known at the Inquisition.As to those that where called “Peasants” during this era, they suffered severe poverty and unrelenting oppression from not just the Catholic’s; but some of the titled landowners, which also these particular people where not allowed an education nor to read the Christian Bible, they where told what the Catholic monks or priest wished them to know and too often the information had no basis in truth. Later the many “Peasants” Revolts and what became known as the Reformation, would be the outcome of this long period of unpleasantries.
The victims of the Inquisition numbered in the tens of thousands and lasted nearly 350 years.
Many across Europe that found themselves in the Crusades, as titled landowners who gained this prominence by allegiance or a form of servitude to the Catholic Church; by Papal Decree, that under this decree that the titled landowners had to do that which was ever the wish of the Catholic church or whatever was their bidding.
When the titled landowners and the “Peasants” where forcibly sent on the Crusader road, they where actually told to prepare them to commit genocide towards the inhabitants of the Middle East; that killing and "infidel" (any non-Catholic) was not murder and to kill them and commit theft was the pathway to heaven.
During the First Crusade was to be known as the overwhelming attack upon Israel which while prior to this Jews and Muslims where living not just in coexistence, but in complete harmony with each other; this would be shattered with the Crusaders murdering everything within their wake.
Muslims and Jews would find themselves slaughtered at the hands of the Crusaders not only in their respective houses of worship, but not a single place was safe; even today the scar’s of this period can be seen upon the walls of Jerusalem’s Old City and within these houses of worship.
Within this bloodbath, the country was sacked, with further attempts during the Crusades to take complete control of not just Israel; but the whole of the Middle East would fail.
Both faith's of Islam and Judaism would fight together to overcome this onslaught, even to the retaking of Jerusalem under the command of Saladin; which also included Israel's monarchy.
Another occurrence during this time was the forced in too numerious of case's through torture and death, the Roman Catholic Evangelism or Christianization of Jews and Muslims; which a law was imposed because of this incident by then Queen of Israel, that no Christian Evangelism of any type would be allowed ever within the country due to this horrendous incident imposed upon the Muslim and Jewish citizens; in due from the onslaught of the Christian Crusades.
"The Chrisitian Gate"
When Saladin and his troops where retaking Jerusalem from the Catholic Crusaders, this section of the wall that the Christians call, “The Christian Gate;” was destroyed, so that Saladin could enter the city; the reason why this particular section of the wall was blasted, was due to it being the weakest section of the surrounding city wall.
As to the Christian misunderstanding of why this section of the wall looks as it does today, was not due to any alternative intention by Muslims or Jews; but was just to rebuild and fortify this particular section of the wall after its destruction and due to the fact it was considered weak when the city was being retaken from the Catholic Crusaders.
The refortification of the wall was simply to protect Jerusalem and now what is known as the section called, "The Old City" from the possibility of future attacks; which did occur with the many Crusades that the country had to endure.
Carnal Lust
The interior of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome
by Giovanni Paolo Pannini
In our modern times with the advancement of the media, one will read numerous cases about Pedophile Catholic Priests which while some would think this type of situation is rather new, it actually is not.
Furthermore, as to remarks made in a 2010 “holy week” sermon by Pope Benedict XVI’s personal preacher, Fr Raniero Cantalamessa miss associating "collective violence suffered by the Jews," which provoked anger among Jewish groups and victims of abuse by illicit relations is most understandable for one has nothing to do with the other; especially with the Catholic historical disgrace of not just the long standing of having Pedophile Priests; but the overwhelming apprent inherent promiscuous Priests within the church walls and allowing it to occur even under the clouds of secrecy for several centuries.
Historically, it use to be on the pain of death, that one did not speak or closed their eyes, to even cover their faces with their hands of what went on behind the walls of the Church.
Their has been since the very early days of the Catholic church numerous cases of not just Pedophile Priest’s, but the rape or relations with the "Peasant" woman; who on many occasion’s had illegitimate children from these relationship’s.
Also, their where numerous cases of homosexuality among the Priest’s and Nuns, to relations among the Priests and Nuns that resulted in pregnancy; where many Abby’s these babies where either murdered outright or tossed over walls into rivers or ravines, while still alive; only to die from weather exposure, injury or drowning. If by some chance the baby was born dead, it was considered or called "divine providence."
There is one account of a nunnery having such a sever problem, that the river at times would cease to flow and had to be dredged; the first time of this occurrence the local population could not understand why the river was doing this, until hundred’s of baby bodies where found in the river like a dam.
The term "Carnal Lust," came to be known because of these types of relationships.
As to the Catholic dogma concerning celibacy, which is actually against Allah’s (Hashem’s) teachings concerning the integral nature surrounding the ideals of marriage and procreation among mankind and the perseverance of the human race; to the keeping of oneself clean and free from any type of sin or enticements. This this also has been a historical debate, even among some Christian denominations; due in part to the longstanding Catholic promiscuous problem coming to the forefront from time to time and the concern for going against Allah's (Hashem's) laws towards marriage, mentioned previously.
Dining With the Borgia’s
The Borgia’s are one of the most notorious families of the fifteenth and sixteenth century in Italy.
Even more famous then their father for ruthlessness was Pope Alexander VI two illegitimate children- Cesare and Lucrezia Borgia. All total Alexander VI had four illegitimate children, one Juan was said to have been murdered by his own sister and brother.
Alexander VI is most notable for various crimes, murder and war; especially for political achievement.
Nevertheless, this sister and brother pair of Cesare and Lucrezia Borgia murdered several of their victims with a form of poison mixture. And Italian anecdote of the time comments that a person may say, “I am dining with the Borgia’s tonight,” but nobody is able to say, “I dined last night with the Borgia’s."
While this family is most known for poisoning people, they did enjoy a variety of various methods of murder and this did include the father, Alexander VI- such as Cesare with his father and a servant to reload the weapons, so Cesare could shoot prisoner’s out a Papal window until they where all dead.
By this time Pope Alexander VI had aided in helping his son gain the position of archbishop, by falsifying that Cesare was illegitimate; which later, Cesare gave up this position to marry into a wealthy family. But less we forget he had eleven illegitimate children of his own.
As for Lucrezia, it has been claimed that her only child was from paternal incest; which she later in life devoted herself more to the Catholic religion.
Even unto today, the name Borgia is known by many with fear and despised.
The Propagandist Pope
As most people may know that the term Propaganda means the manipulation of information to influence public opinion; but, where did the original term of "Propaganda" come from?
The term originated from Congregatio de propaganda fida (“Congregation for Propagation of the Faith”) a missionary organization established by Catholic Pope Gregory XV (Alessandro Ludovisi) in 1622.
Gregory XV Legacy
While a Propagandist emphasizes information that supports their position and deemphasize or exclude what does not, often employing misleading statements and even lies; to lobbying, advertising and missionary activity are all forms of propaganda; which as the term is most commonly thought of to just be used in the political arena, one can see this is not the case.
So this concept was originally created to manipulate unsuspecting people along the Christian missionary road, to believe that which is not true; along the lines of 'the blind man trying to make everyone else, as blind as himself.’
Bernard De Clairvaux and the Knights Templar
Bernard De Clairvaux (Catholic Abbot of the Cistercian Order) writings during the Christian Crusades were before the term Propagandist was derived. Nevertheless, his writings which increased the numbers of a group called the Knights Templar from eight or nine to 20,000 men, whose mission was allegedly to protect Christian pilgrims and murder Muslims; to the very possibility Jews as well, since they claimed the origin of their name was because they took quarters near the sight of the former temple in Jerusalem and due to Muslims and Jews who were under continueous attack and slaughter during this period.
Most of the Knights Templar later died (after their two centuries of conquest expansion through other countries), due to a disputed claim of irreligious practices and blasphemies which they claimed also persecution and the vast wealth and property through the Crusades by conquest. They where either imprisoned or executed by those they claimed to have defended within the church.
While there is a cloud of mystery and various accounts towards the Knights Templar; some even in a rather fantasy manner, notwithstanding, they still where a product of the Crusades.
The Feast of Christmas
Mosaic of Jesus as Christo Sole (Christ the Sun; see reference above to Constantine) in Mausoleum M in the pre-fourth-century necropolis under St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Constantine's Idolatry
Christmas evolved in the fourth century as a Catholic feast day with three Masses (night, day, dawn) with the claim of honoring the birth of Jesus (PBUH). Which also included the Catholic symbolism trinal birth, eternally, the humanly from Mary's womb and the mysticism of the Christian soul.
In actuality, this holiday of merry-making festivities is derived from the Roman pagan winter festival of Saturnalia, the feast with which the Romans commemorated the dedication of the temple of their pagan god, Saturn and has no actual connection to Jesus (PBUH) at all.
The Feast of Easter and Lent
The Christian feast celebration commemorating the idea of the resurrection of Jesus (PBUH) actually co insides with the Roman pagan spring festival of Liber, which was the Roman god of wine and fertility.
Liber is usually depicted in Roman mythology as a happy, fat, bald old man accompanied by satyrs (half-man, half-goat Satanic looking creatures), which also another pagan god usually is in connection to this pagan god, which is one of agriculture; which co insides with the festival that came to be known as Lent.
While these pagan god's, did not have a temple in Rome itself, one could be found within the Roman Empire.
While these pagan god's, did not have a temple in Rome itself, one could be found within the Roman Empire.
Mardi Gras, Discrimination and the Black Arts
The term Mardi Gras literally means "fat Tuesday," (also known as "carnival") the day before Ash Wednesday and ends at the start of Lent; which is usually only within Roman Catholicism.
The history of Mardi Gras began long before Europeans set foot in the New World. In mid February the ancient Romans celebrated the Lupercalia, a circus like festival not entirely unlike the Mardi Gras one maybe familiar with today. When Rome embraced the Sun Cult worship of Constantine, later evolving into Roman Catholicism; "the early Church fathers decided it was better to incorporate certain aspects of pagan rituals into the new faith rather than attempt to abolish them altogether," for such would entice the masses to the Sun cult worship. Carnival became known as period of abandonment and merriment that preceded the penance of Lent, thus giving a Roman Catholic interpretation to the ancient form of paganism.
The two most famous Mardi Gras’s are in New Orleans, USA and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; which while its origins are strictly paganism, these carnival parades for many years especially in New Orleans has been considered as a time of free-for-all degradation and not meant by any means as family orientated entertainment or would be acceptable within the laws of Allah (Hashem).
As to the origins of wearing masks and costumes was strictly to hide one’s identity from moral society, due to the fact that historically Mardi Gras was not considered acceptable in any form in moral or religious society and anyone found to be participating in these pagan celebrations would be unwelcome in said society. Which in certain portions of moral or religious society today, this is still the norm.
As to the true monotheistic religions and those actually associated with these religions have never participated in Mardi Gras and in many cases were actually historically banned by the Roman Catholic’s; in one instance in New Orleans history, due to Anti-Semitism of those from the Jewish Reform movement who did not wish to be apart of the carnival itself, but have excess to a building for a time to start a men’s athletics program; which one Mardi Gras krew finally did help. For New Orleans in the 1800's had also what was called, "Black Code" which Jews were not allowed to live or own property in Louisiana; which was eventually no longer enforced.
The men’s athletics program finally became known as the Young Men's Hebrew Association (YMHA) in 1891; as attempts by families to join any other organizations in the city did not evolved after several attempts.
300 gentlemen from the Young Men's Hebrew Association gathered at the Grunewald Hotel (later to be known as “The Roosevelt Hotel” for former US President Theodore Roosevelt , in 1923) in response to a circular proposing the organization.
Later, the first Athenaeum which became “home” to the association at the corner St. Charles Avenue and Clio Street was built for the Young Men's Hebrew Association and dedicated 18 November 1896. Thereafter, two Mardi Gras courts (Rex and Comus) would have meetings at the official end of the carnival in the Athenaeum’s ballroom, even though one of the courts refused to allow association of the Jews.
The Rex Mardi Gras pageant in 1907; New Orleans, Louisiana
Mysteriously, the Athenaeum burned in January 1905 and was replaced in 1907 by the "New" Athenaeum on the same site, which continued to be the scene of many Carnival balls until the early 1930’s, even though Jews were not allowed in any attendance. The new Athenaeum was again mysteriously burned down in 1937.
The Rex Organization has always had strong ties to the US military, and many officers attend the ball in full dress uniform. A highlight of the 2010 ball is the appearance of the US Marine Band, which presents an impressive musical program, including a performance of the official hymn of each military service. -quote from the Rex Organization. An attendee at the 2010 Rex ball was former US President George W. Bush's wife, Laura; on 17 February 2010. While Laura Bush was dressed rather modestly, it was contrary to the black tie decorum of the evening. As for the other ladies present, they were wearing stunning rather modest evening formals and long white evening clothes. Three of the songs played at the ball, by the US Marine Band were Stars and Stripes Forever (can be heard by clicking on band photograph above) by John Phillip Sousa, Hallelujah by George Frideric Handel and a black slave spiritual called, When the Saints Coming Marching In.
After this time, not just Judaism, but the Islamic communities in New Orleans have helped in many aspects in the city from such as commerce, medicine (such as Touro Infirmary Hospital, founded in 1854 by Judah Touro from estate contributions), charity, architecture, too the arts.
While there is many notables that are Jewish and Muslim who are accomplished in many fields and with the US media propaganda instance that women in these cultures or religions are second class and of insufficient educationally, which this is highly contrary to the facts; but that Muslimah and Jewish women have had equal rights and extensive education long before it ever became an issue for women suffragettes in the US of the last century-one woman for example, was named Ida Weis Friend (1868-1963), who was very active politically and socially; for instance, she was the founder of the New Orleans Symphony Orchestra (later known as, The Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra) and a delegate to the Democratic Convention in 1921. Mrs. Friend was also awarded the Times-Picayune Loving Cup (which recognizes citizens who have worked unselfishly for the community without expectation of public acclaim or material reward) in 1946. Furthermore, Mrs. Friend accomplishments where occurring when Jews still were not being accepted in Louisiana and the high US Anti-Semitism of the 1930's and 40's nor where there many doors in the US open for women, due to gender discrimination.

Marie Laveau (?September 10, 1801 – June 16, 1881) was a Louisiana Creole (Black and French) practitioner of Voodoo and Roman Catholic renowned in New Orleans and many Americans still visit what is thought to be her grave sight in St. Louis Cementery 1.
New Orleans, not on like many places across the US is known for practicing the black arts, as it has been since the early days; when the first Christian stepped allegedly upon Plymouth rock.
The US as early as 1691, with their infamous Salem Witch trials murders; which in actuality was more with the intention of jealousy and greed, than something that went bump in the night.
But New Orleans has come to be known as a major hub for the black arts, especially among the Roman Catholics and some African Americans. Which New Orleans is not just famous for Voodoo, but for every form of Witchcraft, Superstitions and the practice of Vampirism; even to this day, there is area’s of New Orleans one does not venture because of the practice of these black arts.
Especially in the last twenty years, the black arts have been not just more openly practiced; but seems to be more promoted as acceptable among the US populace, usually under the term, “New Age.”
As to the celebration of Halloween, which is pagan in origin and has evolved more in the last hundred years to have more connotations within the black arts; which this is well known within the US.
As those within monotheism which is Judaism and Islam, such practices are not found; but are forbidden.
The Rosery
(from Latin rosarium, "rose garden")
The rosary came about during the Crusader Siege upon Jerusalem, as they are copied from the Islamic Dhikr (Prayer Beads); which other religious and cultural items came into the Roman Catholic Church through conquest means; even some clothing idea’s that where seen within certain monasteries or nunneries.
As the name of the Catholic Rosary being named after a rose garden, gardens where plentiful especially in Jerusalem; but one garden in particular, which was the beautiful royal rose garden that existed during this time.
Even the origin or idea of the prayer concept of these beads where patterned from the Islamic Prayer Beads and the wording was changed over time to fit the Catholic ideology.
The Gregorian chant
While this type of music is used in the Roman Catholic Church worship and its name is contributed to Catholic Pope Gregory 1 (540-604 A.D.) by the Christians; but what is the true origin of this chanted acappella style of music?
The Gregorian chant is principally derived from Jewish cantillation and as many other things taken from the Holy Land by the Roman Empire, into the Catholic age; it was evolved over time to fit in the Catholic ideology, with the original Roman conquest idea of taking from others and returning to Rome to develop within their own ideals.
The Conquistadors, Priest's and the Catholic Church
Very early in Western history, when those assosiated with the Catholic Church entered the America's that atrocities would occur, such as genocide, slavery and other types of abuses towards the Native American's. It is historically recorded or written with some oral accounts, that whole tribes would vanish from the face of the earth or to be scattered, to whole cities would be destroyed or even until this day lay in ruins; due to this maltreatment. Especially in Mexico, these ruins of the Aztecs and the Inca's are still a favorite tourist destination. It should be further known, that the attacks upon these cities where because they wheren known as, "The Cities of Gold;" so the intention was not just genocide upon these people, but theft.
These events of attempted conquest, would span what became known as the United States, Mexico and South America.
Their is a fort in St. Augustine, Florida equated with the Spanish Catholics, that was built by Native American slave labor; when the fort was considered finished, the Native American slaves where taken to be crammed into a room like a Sardine can and then the doorway was sealed closed. These people where left to die in utter darkness, without air, food or water.
From the United States to South America their are whole chains of Catholic missions, which the intent was allegdely to Christianize; but in reality to Catholicize the whole of the continent by force, which was further seen among the Native Americans by very unscrupulous priests.
Hiding in Plain View
The majority of the United States claims that the foundation of their religion is called, "Katholesizam;" which is just a hidden way of saying they follow the doctrine's of Catholicism to having an allegiance to the Roman Catholic Church, which this does include American Protestantism and one should also taken into consideration the global Evangelism missionary march, that has stemmed from America for a number of years; with the intent to iron pound these ideals across the globe as a swooping eagle upon its prey and with a persistent global confrontation in a disoriented feverish momentum.As to how the United States came about with such a word as "Katholesizam," it is only the pronunciation for Catholicism; which has been distorted to hide a true intention of there ideology.

This also stands as a very large question of Pope Benedict XVI current trip to the Middle East and his constant insults and disrespect towards the two religions of Islam and Judaism; too that which pertains to the Holocaust, among other issues. Especially, with the very first derogatory speeches when he departs from airplanes; which sets for a very dreadful tone among his host's.
Hitler Youth recruitment poster.
The wording translates to: "Youth serves the leader. All ten year-olds into the Hitler Youth." Nazi Youth, where boys and girls brainwashed into the Nazi ideology for Aryan supremency and that all other people where inferior; to the extremeness of horrendious genocide and global conquest. This Nazi brainwashing technique was so thorough, that the majority of these former Nazi Youth's; still follow this ideology, today.
But yet, it not forgotten that this current Pope when he was a much younger man, was a Nazi Youth and this may also account for his extremeness of being overbearing, too just outright discourteous to everyone in the Middle East.
As to the Pope's current denial or hedging statements towards being apart of this particular organization, is typical for these people. Some previous Nazi Youth's, if questioned will vocalize there animosity towards other's; especially the religion's of Judaism and Islam.
A Case of Sacred Law
The Dome of the Rock and the Western Wall where forbidden for Pope Benedict XVI to visit by sacred law and it was assured that he was told that his request to visit these holy places; sacred to Islam and Judaism was unacceptable. But instead again, he disrespected the representatives of Israel and went to these places anyway.
As to Christianity’s claim that these two holy places are sacred to them also, is not historically true.
As to Mohammad Hussein, claiming to be the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem; he is not, he falsely represented himself by making this claim, because he was not appointed to this postition by the Queen and only the Queen can appoint a Grand Mufti. Nevertheless, Hussein misrepresented himself in front of the Pope and for this; HRM Deborah does apologize.
2,000 Years Forbidden
As to this Pope or any future ones, too any representives being taken into possible consideration for another visit to Palestine; will only take place after two thousand years have past, until then it is forbidden towards any visitation.
As to Pope Benedict XVI further visitation ("White Robe") at this time in Israel, he is no longer welcome within any part of the country and it is advisable that he leaves; as to any further engagements or courtesies by the countries citizens, are herewith cancelled.
Since the Pope Benedict XVI has refused to leave Israel and is associating himself with a global terrorist organization; he is classified as illegally within the country and will be treat as such, especially with his continued disrespect not only towards the country, but her people. It is strongly suggested that the Pope immediately leave, all Israel.
As to any other further association or visitation within the country of Israel or her people, for the Queen to change her mind upon the decree is if the Pope returns that which he has in his possession, especially from the Holy of Holies and that which was stolen during the Christian Crusades, then and only then may the Queen take into consideration, the decree; until then, the 2,000 years decree shall stand and from what is occurring now until then the answer is absolutely, No.
One thing about time, while time itself may change as the ticking of a clock; certain situations seem to never do.-HRM Deborah
The Pope and the Canaanites
The United States is showing several news media opinions of Pope Benedict XVI visit among the Canaanites as being favorable, if the truth be told it was anything but favorable.Before the Pope even landed in Palestine, several bombing devices had to be defused and several Canaanites tried to pass through or around security with the expressed idea of assassinating the Pope.
Then their was a fair amount of Canaanites that wished to take a pick axe or a sludge hammer to the Pope, if they got the opportunity.
As to Pope Benedict XVI visit with Canaanite global terrorist, Interpol fugitive Mahmoud Abbas and his organization, the Pope was in complete danger by sniper's the whole time he was with Abbas and those associated with his organization; the only reason the Pope was not shot, was the sniper's couldn't get a clear shot.
On this, the Pope left these people not only a lucky man; but with the hope a much wiser man with the realization of what type of people the Canaanites are and have always been.
As to the Muslim's and the Jews in the country, we expressly even under sever insult's and abuse of hospitality by the Pope himself; where actually the ones that gave the Pope hospitality and tried to keep him safe from the Canaanites attacks.
Papalis Remarks
As to the many remarks, that the Pope keep's making towards the Middle East and her people; show's he lacks much knowledge towards the region, for he has expressed numerious thing's that is not within the thinking or belief's of the people of this region. Such as the remarks of ' hatred and prejudice,' which is not felt, taught or believed; by either Jew or Muslim. While the other unacceptable remarks by the Pope is duly noted, he apprently has forgotten where he is in respect to the people of this particular country, courtesies and her laws.As to the Roman Catholic Basilica's or Churches within Palestine, the Pope should be reminded of the numerous crime's and immoral indiscretions that has over the centuries occured within these particular wall's and is still occurring and that these said building's are only in the country, due to courtesies on behalf of the Monarchy and nothing more.
It should also be duly understood, that when some of these Roman Catholic building's where built; that Jewish synagogues and other building's were destroyed. Some of the ruins can still be found underneath them or in some cases unearthed by the wall's. For instance, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem had a circular martyr's shrine upon the site of a Jewish tomb chamber, in the middle of an apsed basillica. These basillica's date from Constantine's conquests to the Catholic Crusades. It is being found, that apparently the Roman Catholic Church position towards the Middle East and Israel; has not changed or is the same as it has been, even since the thirteenth century.
Allah (Hashem) Most Displeased
You claim your greatness, in that you (say you) are the son's of Allah (Hashem) and His beloved; but yet even in your idolatry, you are still mortal's that Allah (Hashem) created.
Thus He gives to whom He pleases and chastises whom He pleases, even unto the Day of Judgement. And Allah (Hashem) is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them.