When a person does good in this life unconsciously or without alternative motive, the blessings from Allah (Hashem) can at times be overwhelmingly bountiful; too at times make a person awe struck in amazement.
But a person that has evil intent in their heart (deeds) or does not do good in this life, especially towards mankind; the chastisement by Allah (Hashem) can be at times very devastating according to what He see’s as the offence against His teachings.

All the while, the person standing at the top of the water well with there hands out in a pitiful state, with the grief stricken tears streaming down there face.

An Early Jewish Prayer Opening:
‘With great love hast Thou loved us, O Lord our G-d, with great and exceeding pity hast Thou pitied us. Our Father, our King, for our fathers' sake, who trusted in Thee and whom Thou didst teach that statues of life, be also gracious unto us and teach us.’(This prayer predates the Jewish Diaspora, from Israel.)
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