22 October 2008

The Angel that Watched Over the Children

By HRM Deborah

This particular piece of art and another that I could not find to show, use to hang on my grandmother’s wall; when I was a little girl.

The two picture’s while they where in simple frame‘s, use to hang on a wall originally in our home in Palestine, before ending up on a wall in America.

When I went to my grandmother’s as a child probably at first the age of the above children, I would look and these pictures’ sometime’s for what seemed like long period’s of time, because Angels really do look over, love and protect good people from harm; especially children. These are known as the guardian Angels.

As to what happened to the pictures after my grandmother was assassinated in 1973, I do not know and many times have wondered about them in fond memory.

As to anything more about them, I have wondered very much, other then I loved them and they always gave me a very good feeling.

This is one of those times; I wished to share a nice memory with everyone.

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