The Dead Sea ((Hebrew: יָם הַמֶּלַח, Yām Ha-Melaḥ, "Sea of Salt"; Arabic: البَحْر المَيّت, al-Baḥr El-Mayyit, "Dead Sea") is the lowest point on earth (1,320 feet) below sea level. It is highly concentrated with salt, so much in fact that one is said to more float; rather than sink. As to sink holes around the Dead Sea, which is similar to the idea of quicksand; these places have been around the Dead Sea since it was created, through Allah (Hashem) destruction of the corrupt cities. In our modern times, some people are contributing these sink holes to modern use’s and water level occurring around the Dead Sea and this is not the case. From the time Allah (Hashem) destroyed the cities that created the Dead Sea, it has always been forbidden to venture beneath the surface, including any archaeological or scientific excavations; that there would be massive repercussions from Him; which does include death, among other occurrences.
In more than one place in the Holy Quran and in the Torah (Genesis 19; 27-29) Allah (Hashem) recounts to us the story of Lot’s people and how He destroyed them for their wicked practice.
There is a consensus among both Muslims and followers of all other religions that Sodomy (in this case, male homosexuality) is an enormity. It is considered even viler and uglier than adultery.
“Do you approach the males of humanity, leaving the wives Allah (Hashem) has created for you? But you are a people that transgress.” (Al Shu‘ara 26: 165-166; also see Leviticus 18)
Do unto one who Sodomizes and the one who lets it be done unto him, the same as they who commit’s the crime of murder.
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, “May Allah curse him who does what Lot’s people did.”
Lesbianism by a woman is adultery between them and the punishment is as those who have committed Sodomy.
Diseases and Mental Health
As to this illicit behavior, it not only carry’s numerous contagious and transmittable diseases; which in too many cases are incurable, but even more diseases will appear as long as this type of behavior continues in any society.
It also has been documented in medical books endorsed by the AMA (American Medical Association), that homosexuality in any form is not only considered and extreme form of mental illness; but the patient with said illness should receive an extended stay in a mental health facility undergoing treatment as with any other sexual type of illnesses, to also be considered a danger to society.
In conclusion, it is written that if mankind shall once again be overcame by this abominably; that Allah (Hashem) would once more destroy those inhabitant’s as in that which occurred towards Lot’s people and even if their where to be only a few of them upon your land, that famine would befall you to make you overcome with wanderings hunger.

The Homosexuality Law
All homosexual establishments, which does include public buildings will be closed forthwith and not allowed to be opened or reopened in the future in any part of the country and this type of behavior is also reinitiated as a high crime within the country; as was designated by the original foundation of law pertaining to this type of criminal activity.
As this type of behavior is not now nor has ever been acceptable, within the countries boundaries.
As this type of behavior is not now nor has ever been acceptable, within the countries boundaries.
The Torah Say's
You shall not lie with a man as one lies with a woman, it is an *abomination. (Leviticus 18:22)*The harshness which the Torah describes this perversion testifies to the repugnance in which Allah (Hashem) hold’s their practitioners. Homosexuality, however, is unnatural and therefore considered abominable.
Five more are considered an abomination within this context, which is Bestiality [Do not lie with an animal to be contaminated with it; a woman shall not stand before an animal for mating, it is a perversion. (Leviticus 18:23), Necrophilia (to have relations with a deceased person), Idolatry, Rape, and Pedophilia (Child Molestation).
As to the term “Gay,” to refer to homosexuality which about forty years ago it became a blanket word to cover-up this perverse act; the actual origin of the word, “gay;” actually means, “to have or show a lively mood; to be merry.”
'Not to be found Among You'
“They, who do not allow any perversion of enormities to prevail upon the land, shall walk without fear; for Allah (Hashem) shall allow the sun to shine as though it is day.
He that walks with perverse enormities, as boiled sores upon there backs; Allah’s (Hashem’s) wrath shall come upon them unmercifully.”
Israelis looks at a car' shattered windshield on 30 July 2010 from “Gay Pride” vandalism in coastal town of Ashkelon; which something such as this further speaks to the nature of these particular peoples type of behavior and why, Allah (Hashem) was so adherent to the unacceptability of sinful nature. In a second incident today, a field was set on fire in the village of Burin; the homosexual arsonist was arrested.
He that walks with perverse enormities, as boiled sores upon there backs; Allah’s (Hashem’s) wrath shall come upon them unmercifully.”

US Pro-Homosexuality
The US seems to stay on the pronouncement of pro-homosexuality in there country. To further agree upon homosexuals in there military. Several years ago this would not have been the case, due to not just instabilities, but the problem of US military securities.
Yet, under alleged US President Barack Obama with his ideals on an open promiscuous society this seems to no longer be the situation; especially with the US still marching to the tune of needed warm bodies to fill battlefield graves slots; instead of the old US adage of the "single bullet," which was originally the US military policy as retired US servicemen use to speak about.
As to the reason behind the US 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' policy, it is surely due to the fact that the majority of people realize that homosexuality is not just a degradation to any society; but has destroyed every society that promotes this type of behavior.
Furthermore, with alleged US President Barack Obama being bi-sexual and insistent in promoting deviant behavior in not just the US military, but the US society is not a surprise; especially with these types of behaviors keep being bounced in front of not just in the US government system, but bombarded in the US media for public view since he has been in office.
As to the term "Gay," it is a shadow word that came into being because people who were homosexual still had a closet issue and as far as I know, being homosexual has nothing to do with the what the true original of the term "Gay" which is "gaiety;" actually is about. Has one ever met a truly happy homosexual!
( The song, "Ode to Billy Joe," was actually about a young American man that committed depressive suicide; tormented with the belief he was a homosexual. He jumped off the Tallahatchie bridge in Mississippi and died.)
As to the US, it is the only country that actively promotes Homosexuality; which has been proven as a diagnosed form of mental illness that is usually treated with inpatient care for the protection others, the homosexual mental patients instability with high rates of depressive suicide and higher rates of social diseases which the US does have an extremely high rate due to excessive promiscuity. The US considers Homosexuality as an alternative lifestyle and as an acceptable part of there society structure in every facet.-HRM Deborah
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