As the spider web is compared to those who speak falsehood, who are idolatrous, who follow the belief of polytheism and the wrongdoers.
So shall truth as a torrential rain as strong as a current sweep away the web, so shall the test of time sweep away these false beliefs and neither, shall a believer (Monotheism) listen or take part in anything that belongs to these unbelievers for this is the venomous pincers that leads one astray, to their downfall.
For Allah (Hashem) see's all and knows all that you do, as to what you do will be reciprocated unto you by Allah (Hashem); as to those that came before you.
As to those who came before to harm the believers and to create mischief, Allah (Hashem) destroyed everyone (from that which created the Dead Sea, the days of Noah, to Pharaoh). Even onto those that do the same unto you now, they too shall become something no longer among the believers; for even they can not escape Allah’s (Hashem’s) punishment.
As Allah (Hashem) created the heavens and the earth with truth; verily, therein is surely, a sign for those who believe.
Do that which Allah (Hashem) has revealed for you with His true writings and again have no part in those who’s only ambition is to cause the believer harm in their various manners of destructive deceptions. For that which is sufficient unto the believer, is not sufficient for them.
And as to those who ask to hasten the torment upon them, the time that is appointed (by Allah (Hashem), the torment shall surely come upon them suddenly, while they perceive it not! As the torment will not just come from above them, but also under their (unbelievers) feet; as to that which Allah (Hashem) use to do, as too the believers understanding.
As to those who believe, worship Me [Allah (Hashem)] alone.
As to those who believe in the Oneness of Allah [(Hashem), Monotheism] and do righteous good deeds, they shall surely dwell in Paradise (Heavens)and be able to enter any of its eight gates, underneath which rivers flow, to their in forever dwell.
Those who are patient and put their trust only in Allah (Hashem) and as many a living creature carries not its own provision, Allah (Hashem) provides for them and the believer.
But if one should as a believer as to who created all that is in the heavens and the earth, they will reply Allah (Hashem); but if one asks the unbelievers they know not and contribute others (polytheism) with Him.
And that which comes to pass for a believer of Allah (Hashem) is He protects and cares unto them their every need; but the unbeliever He does not; even as the unbeliever find’s enjoyment at this warning, but they will come to know.
Have they (polytheist and the wrongdoers) not seen the visual signs We made; but yet, the unbelievers snatch them (believers falsely) way. To believe as the unbelievers do, to deny the Graces of Allah (Hashem).
And who does more wrong than he who creates a lie against Allah (Hashem) or denies the truth when it comes to him? Is their not a dwelling in Hell for them (unbelievers)?
As those who strive hard in Us [that which is of Allah (Hashem)]; surely, We shall guide them on Our Paths; for Allah (Hashem) is with the good-doers.- HRM Deborah
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