13 February 2009

The Runaway Tongue

The tongue is the only part of a person that is in a containable receptacle.


To Much Talking Devalues with Depreciation

Something one should always remember: “A word is worth one shekel, as silence is worth two shekel’s;” or think before one speaks, if it is worthwhile what one is going to say or fall by the wayward; as chatter.

Also, one should be soft spoken and not over emphasizing loudly as the polytheist and wrongdoers do.

Be not rash with your mouth, and let not your heart be hasty to utter a word before God; for God is in heaven and you are on the earth, so let your words be few. For a dream comes from much concern (1) and foolish talk from many words.

-Ecclesiastes 5:1, 2

"Silence is good for the wise; how much more so for the foolish."

As a Liars Tongue is Never Silent

‘Whoever equivocates in his speech is as though he worshiped idols.’
As lying is the equivalent of theft at its worse form, for they are stealing the mind or thoughts of other’s (by their lying words.)
As a liar is also considered to be in association with scoffers, hypocrites and slanderers.

The greatest crimes to ever have befell mankind, came at the price of a lie and that a liar is one that can never be trusted; even if they try to justify their tongue as only once in awhile, for even a “white lie” is still a lie and to color it changes it not nor is the liar ever profitable in the long term. Too even the idea of a liar, to attempt to force an honest person to make "choices;" based on the same device. -HRM Deborah

Stand With Conviction

As these two element’s are a growing concern in modern society, especially with the overrun of propaganda (which one should just ignor; to also, just sit and watch the parade march pass and not forget the balloons until the Propagandist grows weary), idolatry and out right lying; especially with the attempt to achieve within criminal activities and chattering when one should be listening.
Sometimes in life, it pays to bite one's tongue in a given situation for the good of that particular instance or use decorum when needed; but never compromise one's thoughts or belief's in doing so. If one is right, stand strong by your conviction and if the thought is found to be incorrect except the criticism; for one will be a better person for it.

Nevertheless, in all thing's stand by the truth!-HRM Deborah

(1) Dreams reflect an overabundance of thoughts during the day. Similarly, excessive chatter betrays the fool.

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