'The Downfall and the Antiserum
“ Everyman who is filled with an arrogant spirit is as though he had worshipped idols, denied the basic principles of religion and committed every kind of immorality he deserves to be hewn down like an idolatrous image, his dust will not be moved ( will never enter Paradise) and the Shechinah (Allah, Hashem) laments over him.’
For there are three things that walk together; arrogance, pride and conceit (vanity).
The following is by or concerns Muhammad (PBUH):
"Tyrants and the arrogant will be raised on the Last Day as a grain strewn underfoot that people walk upon.”
Salama ibn al-Akwa’ recounts that a man was eating with his left hand in the presence of the Prophet (PBUH). The Prophet told him, “Eat with your right,” to which the man replied, “I cannot,” though nothing stopped him but arrogance. The Prophet said, “May you not be able to.” And the man could never lift his right hand to his mouth again.
The wickedest arrogance is that of someone who exalts himself over people because of his learning and gloats to himself about his superiority. The knowledge of such a person is absolutely no benefit to him. Whomever learns Sacred Knowledge for the sake of the next world is unsettled by his learning, his heart is humbled and his ego lowered. Such a person lies in wait for his selfishness and never gives it free rein. He constantly takes his ego to task and corrects it. Were he to neglect it, it would diverge from the right path and destroy him. The person who seeks knowledge to take pride in it or to gain a position of leadership, looking disdainfully at others, thinking them fools and making light of them-all this is the most enormous arrogance and “no one with the slightest particle of arrogance in his heart will enter paradise.”
Opposites Do Not Attract
Arrogance, pride and conceit, concerns every facet of a human being; from how they dress, think or even walk; if it is in the manner of strutting, for example; to even cause the oppression or disdain for others.
Some arrogant people are the ones who you have heard about, that holds there nose up in the air so high; so they do not have to look at the people below them; only these people with their nose's up, have and added problem, especially when it rains. These people are also referred too as snobs or being haughty.
The complete opposite of these haram’s (sins), is humility and the respectful, loving belief in the equality of others traveling though this life together.-HRM Deborah
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