The Arch of Titus is a Pentelic marble triumphal arch with a single arched opening, located on the Via Sacra just to the south-east of the Forum in Rome. It was constructed by the emperor Domitian shortly after the death of his older brother Titus (born AD 41, emperor 79-81), commemorating the capture and sack of Jerusalem in 70.
As to some old writing’s of what occurred to these sacred item’s after the Roman Empire fell, it is said one place in particular; is still fully intact from that time; until today. But that which is sought-after is hidden from view for centuries, in what was the palace of an emperor; in a theory by the writing's description.
Look to he as a (wolf in) lamb (clothes) sleeps, hidden behind walls of stone; as thee should seek to find, the hope of mankind.
Ark of the Covenant and the New Temple
'Allah (Hashem) is with the patient and prayerful, who guard themselves against impurities.'
As to the Ark of the Covenant, it shall not be revealed until Allah (Hashem) say’s it is time; for He and He alone has it in safe keeping, surrounded in Paradise. This is why it has not yet been found.
As to a new temple, it shall be built by Him and not by human hands, for this is not allowed; for one must have patience in faith and be aware of the purities and impurities among you in attainment of virtue.
If mankind attempt's to do so, Allah ( Hashem) will destroy them. For mankind shall follow, His timetable and not there’s; for this is written.
As to in apart of the prophecies pertaining to the end of time and that the temple Allah ( Hashem) build’s, will never be destroyed and will last eternity.
As I too at one time tried to find the Ark of Covenant to help close the emptiness in the Jewish people's heart and learn as much as I could about everything concerning it to do just that and in doing so, what you see in this post is what I learned in part and that all come’s in that which is by Allah (Hashem). To most of all, not to pursue anything concerning this until He said it was time; because of the precautions or extreme peril’s of doing so.
As I speak of this as a warning, because I not wish any harm to come to anyone by Allah (Hashem). As those that belong to Satan want people to pursue this part fervently, because they know; they who do, will be destroyed, before Allah (Hashem) say's it is time.
The Dome of the Rock

For a further understanding, before the Dome of the Rock was built and the structure before that caught fire, over the centuries there has been several buildings on this spot; after the Jewish temple was destroyed for the reason previously mentioned.
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