Voices from the Iron Cross

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." - William Casey, CIA Director (first staff meeting, 1981)
In order to bring a nation to support the burdens of maintaining great military establishments, it is necessary to create an emotional state akin to war psychology. There must be the portrayal of an external menace. This involves the development to a high degree of the nation-hero, nation-villain ideology and the arousing of the population to a sense of sacrifice. Once these exist, we have gone a long way on the path to war.- John Foster Dulles (served as US Secretary of State under former US President Dwight D. Eisenhower from 1953 to 1959.)
"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the State." -Joseph Goebbels, Nazi propaganda minister [(1933-1945) he has been quoted many times by the US government; especially on numerous occasions by former US President George W. Bush (Prescott Bush, a former US Senator from Connecticut and a financer of the Nazi campaign to exterminate the Jewish people; was Bush’s grandfather), as well as quoting of Adolf Hitler]
"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill ... All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself." – Alexander King, Bertrand Schneider, founder and secretary, of the Club of Rome
The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer.
Military men are just dumb stupid animals to be used as pawns in (US) foreign policy. – Henry Kissinger
Afghan Genocide
"The US may have the watches, but we have the time."-quote from Afghan Political Hostages

The body of a teenager killed by an overnight air strike rocket attack by US NATO-led soldiers lies in a vehicle after the residents of Babaji brought the bodies to the provincial capital, Lashkargah, as a protest against the massacre of nine non-combatant civilians.
Residents of Baba Ji area, who brought the bodies to Lashkargah, capital city, say nine people were killed in the US-NATO attack.

The dead body of a local civilian lies in a civilian vehicle after he was killed by a US NATO attack by rocket in the southern Helmand; as the genocide of Afghan civilians, Pakistani and Iraqi civilians is ongoing at an exorbitant rate.

On 27 December 2009 in Afghanistan, it is estimated that 10 more innocent civilians, which included adults and children were murdered in another US-NATO attack; as well as certain predominately Muslim African countries such as four countries, which are Somalia, Yemen, Egypt and Nigeria are under US brand's of attack. This also comes at a time as of 30 December 2009, that US forces murdered 23 innocent people, including 13 policemen in Iraq's western Anbar province through staggered explosions. Less we also not forget, the US's unceasing attacks upon Iran and Israel.

On 31 December 2009, over 100 people have been murdered and untold amount of injured at a volleyball tournament from another US suicide bombing in Lakki Marwat city, Pakistan. The magnitude of the blast was so intense that some nearby houses collapsed and people most assuredly, are also trapped in the rubble of there homes.
In a second incident on the same day, a US missile attack murdered three innocent Pakistani men riding in their car.
Within this particular area of Pakistan, the US has murdered so many people, the actually figured of the murdered may never be fully known; but one can be assured the number is excessively higher then the US claim of only 500, which this figure in itself is unacceptable.
A US air strike over Helmond, Afghanistan on 1 January 2010; has murdered at least nine Afghan civilians and wounded at least one civilian as pressure between the Afghan people and the US-NATO forces in the country is at a boiling point with the over eight years of continuous ethnic cleansing, religious persecution, war and occupation inflicted upon them.
One should be in awareness throughout the Jewish and Islamic world of the excessive nazification mortaring by the Obama administration towards the increasing Islamophobic and Anti-Semitic verbal and written disregard towards the structure of our countries and even the most minute elements within the very fabrics of our societies and religions; for nothing is being regarded with any form of respect or as sacred towards these countries or societies.
6 January 2010, US drones murders a total of 13 civilians in Datta Khel, Pakistan; when a first drone missile hit a house murdering 7 of the occupants, but when locals were trying to retrieve others from the rubble a second missile hit them causing 6 more deaths.
7 January 2010, two US bombings occurred in Anbar, Iraq; murdering 6 civilians, one a child and wounding seven others; which is reminiscent of houses in Pakistan being targeted by the US. A US suicide bomber blew himself up in a busy market in the town of Dihrawud, on 14 January 2009 in central Afghanistan, killing at least 16 civilians and wounding more than 13; the area was packed with shoppers and vendors gathered for the weekly bazaar.
On the same day, at least two US missiles hit the Pasalkot area of North Waziristan, Pakistan around 7 a.m. on 14 January 2009, at a school killing 12 civilians.
This comes at a time, when many across the globe are becoming more focused on US President Barack Obama’s homicidal tendencies and obsession with death, his flaunting disregard for legalities, his humorous outlook towards excessive abuse of human rights and of all thing's, Obama's downward racist opinion of black people.
15 January 2010, in the town of Najaf 150kms (95kms) south of Baghdad (Iraq), three US bombs were detonated the previous night; as many as 15 civilians were killed and dozens more were wounded, when the bombs simultaneously exploded; also causing massive destruction in the predominately Shia district.
17 January 2010, U.S. drone’s fired four missiles slamming into a house in Shakto, Pakistan; killing at least 20 civilians.
20 January 2010, in a US-NATO troop raid southwest of Kabul, Afghanistan; four civilians were murdered. “Troops descended the Qara Bagh district of Ghazni province in helicopters and stormed two houses at about 10 p.m. Wednesday. They killed a father and his two sons along with a neighbor even though they weren't armed,” witnesses said.
28 January 2010, US soldiers shot and killed an Afghan Sheikh as he drove Thursday with his young son near an American occupied zone base know as “Camp Phoenix” on the eastern edge of Kabul, underscoring the dangers facing civilians.
The shooting occurred as Mohammad Yunus, 36, approached a four-lane highway with one of his sons, according to police and witnesses.
Yunus was struck by four bullets fired at his Toyota Corolla and died on the way to the Wazir Akbar Hospital, according to his son-in-law, Abdul Qadir. His son was not injured. Yunus left two wives and 10 children, Abdul-Qadir said.
A shopkeeper who witnessed the shooting said a military convoy was traveling from Kabul toward the eastern city of Jalalabad when the gunner in the lead vehicle opened fire as Yunus pulled onto the same highway.
The 25-year-old shopkeeper, who identified himself only as Aymal, said he heard no warning shots.
Dozens of demonstrators gathered outside Camp Phoenix to protest the killing. They dispersed after police promised the Americans would discuss the death with local elders, according to district police chief Col. Rohullah.
The US said, “It said Yunus' family would be compensated in accordance with local customs.” The Sheikh’s brother, Mohammad Youssef Ajami, said no compensation could make up for the loss of a life.
Something about money, it never does take the place of a human life nor does it allow to see the face of the martyr or allow one to ever hear their voice again and as the US talks of compensation, this same measure has also been used in occupied Iraq when a civilian was murdered by the US. What is most interesting is the US when they get against the wall for a murder, always claims they will investigate. But also what usually comes along with this is the US finds along the way someone else to insult, fabricate or harm; which they are usually person or persons that are Muslim or Jewish and the wheel of religious discrimination, too death turns once more.
While those who are Muslim or Jewish may not know the exact moment or day another murder will come it is a certainty that the US will always do it once more and while it always ways heavy on the heart and one braces for that time; it shall never compensate for the loss or family tear-stained sorrow nor the religious discriminatory, to vulgar venom that persistently spouts from the US’s lips.
Furthermore, one element that seems to be coming more into the forefront is if one does not fit into the US idea of how a person should be in regards to religion or culture, they are discussed as though they are inferior and one thing; no living person is inferior, but quite the contrary; the world and all who live in it are so very precious. As my mother use to say, what makes life sad; is those who make bad choices.
"Ladies and gentlemen, regrettably, civilian casualties continue to be a great concern for the people of Afghanistan," he told an international conference on Afghanistan. "We should put the protection of people's lives and property at the top of our agenda."-Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai, in London 30 January 2010, a US operative suicide bomber killed 25 civilians Saturday at a market area police checkpoint in the Bajur tribal region, northwest Pakistan.
Fourteen civilians and two police officers died in the suicide attack in the Bajur tribal region, while 20 civilians were wounded, local government official Bakhat Pacha said. The attacker, on foot, struck a market area in the region's main town, Khar, he said.
Also overnight Saturday, three US missile's attacked and brutally murdered at least 10 Pakistani civilians. With another US air strike that murder 4 more Pakistani soldiers, which the US-NATO forces is trying to claim was in error; which I am sure such as this, does not bring any comfort to the soldiers families; but, it was understood it made them furious.
Washington has waged its own fight in Pakistan's tribal territories through its covert CIA-led missile program.-quoted from the US media themselves.
This also comes at a time of a $6.4 billion in planned U.S. arms sales to Taiwan, which is the only way the US these days can get revenue apparently to continue these terrorist acts and crimes against humanity; as what has not just been seen today or in just the recent past, but for those that will be murdered or terrorized globally by the US in the near future if such arms sales continue or as such with this current planned arms sale to Taiwan.
Following is the alleged US list of what is up for sell, Black Hawk helicopters, Patriot Advanced Capability-3 missiles, mine hunter ships and information technology, to Taiwan.
18 February 2010, a US bomb blast in the Aka Khel area of Khyber at a mosque in Pakistan; killed 29 civilians.
A US suicide car bomb exploded outside the gate of the main government compound in downtown Ramadi, Iraq; killing at least 13 civilians, including four police. The blast also wounded at least 26 civilians, in the predominately Sunni area.
The US attacker detonated his explosive-packed car at the compound housing the governor's office, police headquarters and courts.
Which it has been reminded that on 30 December 2009, twin US bombings in Ramadi killed 23 civilians and badly wounded the governor.
22 February 2010, a US suicide bomber has killed 15 civilians in eastern Afghanistan, as a US-NATO air strike killed at least 27 civilians in central Afghanistan.
The Afghanistan Council of Ministers strongly condemned an air strike Sunday in Uruzgan province, calling it "unjustifiable."
It said reports indicated that US-NATO planes fired at a convoy of three vehicles, killing at least 27 civilians, including four women and a child, and injuring 12 others.
Contrary to the ongoing absurd planted US media propaganda and in many cases aged photograph’s being used, with also laughable captions and nonsensical articles which the US seems to be more in tune to a spoiled black house cat without there cushion and kibble; nevertheless, it was a calm day in Israel, on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.

On a more cheerful note, three adorable one-month-old lion cubs made their first public appearance at the Ramat Gan Zoo near Tel Aviv on Sunday, 21 February 2010.
Sadly in Israel, Ultra Orthodox Rabbi Meacham Porush, a former Knesset member was buried with an enormous attendance on 22 February 2010; he was 93 years-old.Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu unveiled too much happiness among the Arab and Jewish populace of his plan to restore and beatify religious sites; which in part, includes the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron and Rachel's Tomb in Bethlehem. Such religious sites not only should be preserved for the future, but are significant to both Islam and Judaism, which are frequently visited by both religions. Some religious sites had previously been damaged during the 1901 Pogrom, when the US military under former US President Theodore Roosevelt invaded Israel.
Contrary to the US media propaganda caption that was included with this photograph meant to mislead the public on 22 February 2010, this mammoth furious protest that was spread not just throughout the whole of the country; but crossed all the religions this evening, was due to the fact that US President Barack Obama under extreme force from the international community refuses to release HRM Deborah of Israel from her Political Hostage situation even as the US is still in criminal contempt of international court regarding this case, to allow her to return to her home country of Israel. As of the 23 February 2010, the intense protest for the Queens release continues into another day and it is not just all the religions, but every facet of the populace and appears to be extending to outside of Israel as an inflamed whirlwind across the globe more as the clock ticks accelerated explosion; as the US at this time is awfully offensively, calling Israel and her government a banana republic andt still the US continues their heightened barrage of abusiveness especially towards HRM Deborah of Israel. Now, US President Barack Obama insists on raising the stakes on this situation; as they are being broken across his knee one by one as they keep occurring which the current one doesn't apply in any regards, along with the US stock market dropping of 17 points, among other increasing severe incentives and within the US, the protest has now flooded across the country; most notably as an embrace among the Jewish, Black, Islamic, Native Americans and Spanish communities. Of the Jewish, Islamic and Spanish communities support, US President Barack Obama caused 2.1 million to loose there job; which has under this situation created a firmer support for the Queens freedom then ever before.
This beautiful one-month-old South China tiger cub Niuniu is seen at a zoo in Luoyang, Henan province, 20 February 2010. The Chinese New Year began on 14 February and according to the lunar calendar, it is the Year of the Tiger. Also, one of the parade floats in preparation for the upcoming Jewish holiday of Purim in Kalmaniya, Israel; is a fierce tiger.
It has been brought to my attention of why I have been a Political Hostage by the US for over 52 years, which it was while I am not guilty of anything; it was because my grandmother Dora saved many Jewish lives during the European portion of the Holocaust in the 1940’s. Because of this, her daughter Zaytuna and granddaughter Deborah was subjected to much similar maltreatment as what did occur during the European Holocaust by the US and even too the assassinations of grandmother Dora (D 1973) and my mother Zaytuna (D 1995); who just prior to her death or the initiation of her death by the US, would be due to her attempt to bring internal peace into Israel which the unrest was also caused by the US.-HRM Deborah
This is another case of contrary to the US media propaganda caption: An Arab Israeli protester climbs on an electricity pole to hang a national flag during another enormous demonstration on 24 February 2010. This demonstration has to do with not just freedom for the current Queen of Israel, but in remembrance of my grandmother Dora; the former Queen of the country for the many Jewish lives she saved during the European portion of the Holocaust. While some people that may not know, my grandmother had full support of not just the Jewish populace of Israel, but also the Islamic populace as well and that those she saved was able to get into Israel at the time; when many were being refused because of the US and their allies against my grandmother's and the Jewish and Islamic populace's wishes. It has been later explained, that my grandmother Dora is considered one of the Righteous Among the Nations for the many people she saved, with the majority being children. Furthermore, it is being proposed at this time by the global community; of new and more severe sanctions being imposed upon the US and it is going through the UN at this time, to advocate war against the US and it is understood this was affirmed and agreed. The US instigated another US operative protest within Israel, today; due to the global communities instance of trying to help HRM Deborah of Israel. Nevertheless, as to the US's foreign policy towards there same old tactics towards Israel and all her people, it is completely unacceptable under all circumstances; regardless of what speed the US wants to pursue nor is George Mitchell welcome into the country for any means; as voiced by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Also, that old game of the US's use of Joseph Goebbels media propaganda techniques especially towards Israel, has became nothing but a lame duck that keeps falling and sliding across the wet grass on its chin; as no one hears.
A Japanese (Nipponese) fan cheers before the start of the Men's 10,000m Speed skating race at the Richmond Olympic Oval, in Richmond, VA during the XXI Winter Olympics.
Supporters shout slogans as they march in the Khan Yunis on 26 February 2010 during a rally for HRM Deborah of Israel’s return; as for over two days rallies, riots broke out among the whole of the countries populace and prayers with the lighting of candles at such places as the Tomb of the Patriarchs with Muslim and Jews in flooding attendance, while other religions are attending there places of worship; as with the continuing roller coaster negations between the Israeli government and the US on this concern. At this time while the riots have been subdued, the heated protests are still ongoing, as well as the US is still murdering civilians, in such places as Pakistan and Afghanistan. Nevertheless, with their being global protests on wishing the Queens return; as of yesterday, Israeli and foreign activists within Israel, created symbolic heads of US President Barack Obama and US Vice President Joseph Biden and had them mounted on sticks due to their excessive anger. Apparently, the people of not just in Israel; but the world shall not rest until HRM Deborah of Israel is returned to her home country; what is even more interesting, Is it seems Allah (Hashem) is listening very closely in ways that is very reminiscent of the days of Moses; which happens to be the very great-grandfather of the Queen. While many are on the threshold of the eve of Purim, as it is being put into the forefront once again; that the Queen is considered an Israel national treasure; as US President Barack Obama continues stalling on resolving this issue, that it is being acknowledged that the agreement made with the UN, is being put foreword at this very moment. 28 February 2010, clashes broke out again this time at Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa mosque compound due to the US's refusal to return HRM Deborah of Israel and some people that where believed to be US operatives had stones hurled at them; which most Israeli’s deem as extremists or US terrorists. There were only two mild injuries as police tried to calm the situation and a few Israeli’s that refused to stop throwing rocks at the US operative suspects were arrested. Some Israeli’s have expressed that the unrest will continue, until the Queen is released by the US, under current US President Barack Obama and allowed to return to her home country of Israel. Furthermore, more foreign activists and dignitaries from many religious backgrounds including many Christians; with some people wearing traditional attire, such as the Nipponese (Japanese) ladies in breathtaking vibrant Kimonos; are coming into Israel at this time to further take up the protest for the Queens return, very carefully and successfully on her countries soil with not one single hair harmed.
Such as for example, the current awful (most unacceptable) Anti-Semitic proposal by US President Barack Obama of murdering the Queen, smothering her corpse in bacon fat and sending her home in an Israeli flag shroud; also included with said negative proposal of the particular brand of bacon, too the pitiful bird impersonation, “cheap, cheap…” unending! Which it more appears, that "Haman" Obama must be having an extensive problem with his comprehension skills? Neither does anyone in our modern times, stands in the Roman coliseum as Emperor Nero Obama has a female slave decide "simple" thumbs up or thumbs down; but yet, does Nero Obama knows how to play a blistering violin?
The prudent (Amos 5:13) sheds one tear from their left eye, for the abomination that struck there eyes and battered there ears; for it was a time of great evils, as locusts scourged across the land having came from the land of shadows. As Allah (Hashem) counted even this single tear into a torrent upon that land of forever darkness.
Spring and ice : A buttercup blossoms through the snow in a park the eastern German town of Ostrau.
Notwithstanding, the nonexistent Molotov cocktail attack on the historic Jewish synagogue in Cairo, Egypt; which of course would cause no casualties nor damage on Sunday.
A US blast apparently aimed at Pakistani security forces ripped through a busy market in the northwestern Swat Valley on Monday, killing at least eight civilans and wounding dozens of others, officials and witnesses said.
A US terrorist "gang" has killed eight members of a family in the village of Wahda which is a mixed Shia-Sunni village 20 miles (30 kilometers) south of Baghdad; shooting some using silencers and beheading others. It was not known at this time of how many were beheaded and how many were shot.
In the US on Monday, there seems to again be another influx of Islamophobia and Anti-Semitism in there media propaganda; with fabricated, to decrepitude innuendo’s.
24 February 2010, a US drone aircraft fired three missiles into Pakistan's North Waziristan region on the Afghan border Wednesday, killing 8 civilians. Fire broke out after the missiles exploded in Dargi Mandi village, 4 km (2.5 miles) north of North Waziristan's main town of Miranshah.
A US flag is draped upside down on a table as Iraqi war-refugees casts their ballots during voting for the Iraqi parliamentary election at a polling station on 6 March 2010 in Dearborn, Michigan.
10 March 2010, US Vice-President Joe Biden, his wife Dr. Jill Biden, US operative Tony Blair and very recently US operative George Mitchell entered Israel illegally; not with peace on their lips but the same old US oppressive lies of the continued war between the US and Israel. While these people are not welcome and it has became apparent they, especially Biden as being rude and offensive to those within the ministry of the country, it is most advisable they should very quickly apologize to those within the country they have offended and leave the country immediately!
As to the majority of the Israeli populace especially among Muslims and Jews, the latest US visitations were not met with happiness; but repulsion, even among the children. It is also a wonder, if Biden himself has forgotten on 25 February 2010; that Israeli and foreign protestors within Israel, wanted his head on a stick?US Vice President Joe Biden (L) visits a gift shop in Bethlehem on 10 March 2010, only to find that his money is no good nor was he wanted in the shop. As to the majority of the country, all US goods are boycotted and apparently so is Biden's money. Even HRM Deborah of Israel, boycotts US goods; which this is easier then it sounds even here; since many products are no longer made in the US. As to the abundance one can see in the gift shop above, the goods on US shelves continues to dwindle and what US goods there are; always seems to be of substandard quality.
The only peace that has ever been acceptable for Israel and the whole her countrymen is for the US to cease there crimes and stop the now over 110 year war against the country; while the US crimes are excessively numerous in that long period of time, the country of Israel will accept nothing less then the US to do what is correct for the country and the freedom of not just HRM Deborah of Israel, but all political hostages being held against their will; for any crimes against humanity should never be allowed to continue especially when we are still in Holocaust proportions.
As for US President Barack Obama, he should know by now what is correct towards Israel, but continues the same old oppressive enslavement tactic "game" and as he is doing within the US for the citizens of that country; is a failure.
US President Barack Obama speaks on US healthcare and health insurance reform at Arcadia University in Glenside, Pennsylvania.
It should also be brought to the global attention that while Obama enjoys claiming others have "problems," is that recently; he not only failed his medical physical, but also his physiological test which it has been viewed; he is indeed suffering from mental illness.
Nevertheless, as in regards to the death of Rachel Corrie, who was illegally in the country in 2003 and committed the international crime of being a human shield; the case by the Corrie family has no legal foundation.
As for the Corrie family being in Israel at this time, it is also considered an illegal action of aggression and will be treated as such. Also, further action will be taken against the Corrie family for the instigated illegal US operative style protest and the crime of extortion within Israel.
As to the Corrie family, it is most disgusting that since their daughter Rachel’s death they have continued to beat the US drum to financially line there pockets in ever manner they can possibly fathom; instead of the real facts leading to her death.
A Yemeni woman walks through a heavily damaged neighborhood in the war-battered city of Saada, 240 kms (150 miles) north of the Yemeni capital Sanaa, on 8 March 2010. Which the view of this city is so reminiscent of Warsaw, Poland in 1943 to be utterly shocking. The situation in Yemen is another war of US aggression.
US Vice President Joe Biden gestures during a speech at a university in Tel Aviv, on 11 March 2010; as he was previously suggested to leave the country yesterday. Biden while on a perilous illegal visit to Israel, maliciously insulted the government of Israel over building of public housing where the invisible fence (US fallaciously labeling the area an "occupation zone" or later became known as the "1967 border") in part once stood; for the US still insists on the US segregated concentration system that they tried desperately to implement in 1948.
While this situation was in the forefront, the US is still insulting horrendously HRM Deborah of Israel in numerous manners and refuses her release nor will the US sign and actual peace agreement between the US and Israel to cease their religious discriminatory, genocide war of over 110 years.Arab Israeli’s light candles forming the number 1000, as they mark a 1000 days of the countries internal peace on 11 March 2010, in Gaza City. The formal peace agreement was signed on 14 March 2008, at 9 AM.
As Biden talked about a conflict within the country which the US had originally been the root cause; nevertheless, the internal situation was resolved most happily and peacefully some time ago for the sake of everyone. Which since that time, it has always been most interesting that the US has tried so desperately not to just hide this fact; but all the criminal activities and falsehoods they have battered upon not just Israel, but across the globe to hide the truth of what the US had previously done and still does; which the scope of these criminal activities and horrendous crimes against humanity being inflicted so very sadly not just upon Israel and her people, but so many other countries and there people.
The building known as Masjid Al-Aqsa or Al-Aqsa Mosque: Every Friday prayers at the Al-Aqsa Mosque building overflows, with thousands of worshippers who must make their prayers outside in the courtyards of the vast open expanse of the Noble Sanctuary.
12 March 2010, in recent weeks, their has been riots and protests with Jews, Muslims and foreign activists in attendance due to the US not allowing HRM Deborah of Israel’s release unharmed, as a political hostage on US soil and further allowed to return to her home country; too even her continued abuse in numerious manners and threats of life threatening harm such as what occured on 28 Feburary 2010 (See Above), while being held by the US against her will.
As the US continues to tell falsehoods towards the situation within the country, the dislike among the people also continues to be a heightened fury without any apparent exstinguishment, for instance the recent US fabrications of a Gaza blockade, it is also assured the current US fabrication of Muslims not being allowed at the Al-Aqsa Masjid (Mosque) for prayers, the public housing construction, the repulsive political hostage situation by the US, the US refusal of making a peace agreement and ending the over 110 year war and even the recent indiscretions during the illegal visit by US Vice President Joe Biden.
Nevertheless, while HRM Deborah of Israel seems to be the focal point of political hostages being held against her will in the US, it has been recently estimated that 7,300 Israeli political hostages are also being held against there will on US soil which these hostages are not just Muslim, but also Jewish. This does include not just men, but women and small children; which some of the children are mere babies born in incarceration; as what also did happen to the Queen herself.
It should be known that the conditions of being a political hostage is more often then not is more in tune to many maltreatment techniques used doing the 1940’s European Holocaust; which the status of all these political hostages by international law is that they are citizens of Israel and all have documentation of their Israeli citizenship in some manner and all have had their human rights violated by the US, tremendously inhumanly, too not even be considered as people.It also seems today, that the US decided to also have two US operative illegal protests with all these Americans protesters illegally in the country (which they are subject to arrest and treatment by law in accordance to criminal activities), under the guise of US Goebbels style media propaganda brainwashing; which these types of Americans are usually extremely violent, aggressive and have been known on numerous occasions to commit acts of terrorism, including murder and not just within Israel, but internationally.
One of the biggest jokes that the US has ever told across the globe, is that Israel is such “good friend’s” and has such “close ties” between the two countries, for it is so far from the truth. For ever growing animosity is more observant too reality and it has been this way since just a little prior, to the 1901 Pogrom and the premeditated murders of HRM Dora, with a seven-year-old niece. Which at that time the Queen did not approve of US oil exploration in the country and that the US disapproved of her welcoming Jews outside the country to return from the Diaspora, along with the welcoming open arms by the populace; especially among not just Jews already in the country, but Muslims who wanted to help anyway they could.
In more actuality, the US appears more as Ramses 2, to all the populace of Israel as there slaves and the people of Israel refused to live under this type tyranny for 110 years; let alone 430 years as our ancestors (Descendants: Muslim and Jewish) were forced to do.
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton most unbecomingly “berates” and threatened Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on 12 March 2010 during an alleged 45 minute telephone call over recent events.
14 March 2010, if one was taking a popularity poll on US President Barack Obama, all one has to do is visit their nearest book stall. When Obama first came into office last year, the book stalls where flooded with every type of book promoting Obama; but these days to find one of his books, one would have to just look towards the bargain bin and some of the books are priced cheaper then most sandwiches in the US.The dead is as those that appear to see and hear but actually can not, anymore than an evil man does in life; to only dance as drunken monkeys.
As to Israel having any “regrets” over the latest “row” with the US, the US needs to rethink of what they actually did and continue to do towards Israel. As to the US claim of "insult's" is also a bit short sighted or just completely blind and deaf as to what they have blatantly done to not just Israel over time and again, for over 110 years; but all Jews and Muslims in the world nor is Israel's noses brown. Israel and her people, also does not need US permission to blow our noses!
US: Slavery, does not make relations between the Israeli people or her country, freedom does!
No more war, oppression and most of all; stop your Holocaust against all of us!
We believe in peace, just not the US brand. 17 March 2010, contrary to the US’s remark yesterday that an Intifada is not occurring and that the US has any type of imaginary bond with Israel.
The last few days and is still ongong, a unified (Jewish, Muslim) anti-US Intifada is indeed occurring in Israel and seems to be spreading throughout the region beyond Israel itself.
As of yesterday, 150 Americans were confirmed dead in Israel. Today, their is another 150 Americans confirmed dead in Israel, as the US government refuses to acknowledge these dead; but rather sweep them under the carpet with the rest.
As to the US government, they continue relentlessly their lies, persistent impertinent jeering and maltreatment towards not just Israel, but her people; as the people of Israel is fighting for there freedom from US oppression, with the firestorm persistently growing with no diplomatic easing in sight for the time of such as this has long past and will never occur again, by Israel towards the US. For the time has come to kick Satan (Shaytan) in the shins!
Apparently, a Pakistani court has charged five young Americans with planning terrorist attacks within Pakistan. Also in Pakistan, a US drone has murdered two civilians.
Edited for content due to extreme pornography and discrimination: The above is a US Anti-Semitic / Islamophobic media propaganda political cartoon with the intent to be excessively offensive towards Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Mahmoud Abbas; which there is at least fifteen other cartoons of this nature. In part, the insinuation was Netanyahu was a canine. These politcal cartoons are being circulated throughout the US; which these cartoons are reminiscent of the Nazi and US propaganda cartoons of the past, when the US was allied with Hitler's Germany during the "Final Solution." A different US Anti-Semitic political cartoon did insinuate that HRM Deborah of Israel was a mouse, along with showing a cat and a rodent exterminator wearing cheese suits.
No "shared values!"
18 March 2010, if one happened to read or see the latest US media propaganda on the current situation, it may seem as one is standing in a mud puddle and doesn’t know what is what, do to the fact that words are put in certain peoples mouths mainly those from Israel or the Middle East by the US which was not said or just the opposite was said. Also the fact, that a large portion of information is being omitted by the US. One would be better watching a tennis match, then the US media for the simple fact, if one reads or sees one news segment; then a different one it is not just confusing; but shakes the head.Something that was explained to me years ago and of all people, the one that held my mother and I captive; it was as far as the US media goes, to take it with a grain of salt. Otherwise, not to really listen or watch it, for the majority of the time the opposite of what is being said or shown is more usually in line with the truth or that one may find about one percent of honesty. As in the case of Israel, that the country exsists and the rest of the story is nothing but hot wind. As the above poster depicts using Joseph Goebbels media theology, the intention of the US media's use of propaganda is not to inform the public; but mind control. Which this same theology, was used in Nazi Germany to not just rally around Adolph Hitler; but his radical, dominating Anti-Semitic ideals; which caused not just a war, but the extermination of millions of people and massive global economic destabilization.
Furthermore, to the US claim of dispute on building or the repair of the Hurva synagogue (which everyone in the country was happy to see the finished synagogue and rededication), is so far from the truth of the real issue; but this is due to it seems one major factor, that the US never wanted Americans or the world to know the real truth about them and their crimes against humanity of what they have been doing not just to Israel, but the whole of the Middle East and beyond for so many years.
Even to go so far as one reads this segment from HRM Deborah of Israel, that the US will not acknowledge it, for the US never wanted to acknowledge the US sordidness to the world what they criminally did and have continued to do to the Israeli royal family, since 1901.US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaks with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov (not shown) in Moscow on 18 March 2010. “Clinton visited Russia in a bid to accelerate progress towards a new accord between the Cold War foes to drastically reduce their nuclear arsenals.”-as quoted by the US.
As we have learned, the US brand of Middle East peace is not peace at all; but something very heinous for the wellbeing of mankind. For to love another, does not include genocide, beheadings, terrorism, kidnapping, torture, political hostages, theft, oppression, occupation, religious discrimination, pogroms, holocaust, slavery and sadly the enormous list goes on… with the theology of "Aryanism."
As to the latest US Anti-Semitic political cartoon towards HRM Deborah of Israel; no, I do not plan to just “drop dead.”What is rather interesting is the US claim of a rocket attack which to the contrary as most always did not occur, but that there has been no rockets fired in Israel for sometime now by anyone, so there couldn't be any loss of life of a Thai farm worker from an imaginary rocket and the US mistakenly geographic speaking, thinks Israel was Thailand. Does the US own a world map or as so many people today, Google Earth? Nevertheless, what did actually happen to the Thai farm worker; he was killed during the political protest that is currently occurring in Bangkok, Thailand; which the protest is apprently on its fifth day.
As of today, it is estimated 240 American dead in Israel, it should be known that these death tolls are due to the fact that the US has invaded Israel, militarily.
It has been reported, as to the claim by the US that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu phoned US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton today, is false and neither is a meeting in Washington next week in the planning to take place.
The current situation with the US is not beneficial, fraudulent and most condescending; which Israel's (including the regions of Samaria, Judea and Gaza) position is not even being taken into consideration by the US, as always; among other pressing issues. Until the US changes there current rhetoric, we have nothing to discuss.21 March 2010, I see the US is still continuing there current rhetoric, which is certainly not beneficial to them; but actually under the current circumstances very detrimental to the US, under the existing situation at hand. At this time, which many may not know; is the US militarily is attempting to create another pogrom similar to what occurred in 1901, which the US is failing for they are suffering extremely high causualities.
Mohammed who was 17-year-old and Osayed who was 20-year-old, from the Qadus family; along with two others where martyred yesterday by the US military (which the US falsely publicized as a knife fight at a checkpoint), as a few others sustained injuries and were treated at hospitals. As the appropiate messages, where sent to the families for honorably defending not just all the people in the country; but the country itself.
For those in the US, what they may not understand; is there own government is not just attempting to murder Jews, Muslims, Samaritans, Druids and others for example; but the very heart of Christendom.
A young, Mohannad Hussein al-Natsheh happened to see a Jewish soldier in the street, which as a many of us have probably done when you see someone; got to talking to him and wished to bring him home to meet his family, in Hebron on 18 March 2010. Nothing like a good visit, with some Arabic coffee or some nice hot tea and a pastry or two. If it is a certain time of day the soldier maybe setting down to a delicious meal, this is just a small part of hospitality in Israel and throughout the Middle East.
As to all those of Israel knows from that which was not just promised, but has come upon us before; that our country has always been the one country shielded by Allah (Hashem, G-d) and even now, He is towards our protection in all four of the directions controlled by the mightiest of Angels; as was prophesied long ago that the time would come, for even the signs can been seen with your own eyes.
For as it has been remembered since the beginning, that Allah (Hashem, G-d) takes care of that which belongs to Him rather it is the people, our that which is the center of His heart.
23 March 2010, the US bogusly still claims they have a “rock solid” relationship with Israel, as they are back furiously attacking all Israeli citizens; with a few Arab Israeli's reported injured, those people the US likes' to Romanize and call "Palestinians." Even HRM Deborah of Israel was under a bit of an attack today by the US, with no honest peaceful resolution by the US towards all Israel apparently insight for the time being-it seems for now that with these lemons, one needs to make another pitcher of lemonade and invite the neighborhood to share in a glass.
As not to forget the US casualties today which we extremely high once more, with one instance where a US contingent was hit so hard; that the area is now a rather large, deep crater in the ground and the US military dead, vanished entirely.
26 March 2010, the US militarily is once again heavily attacking the people of Israel, we have 6 reported Israeli military dead, with several injured; the US military is targeting and injuring civilians; including children (as one child seen above) at this time, which a situation such as this is not just crimes against humanity, but other international laws perpetuated towards the whole of Israel. As to the US military, they are seeing extremely high causalities and dead due to this heavy fighting.
This current up rise is due to US President Barack Obama being refused recently from representatives from Israel towards the US's unacceptable suppressive demands towards not just Jerusalem as the US claims, but the US refusal of recent requests from Israel; such as requesting HRM Deborah of Israel's release, among other important requests.
This situation is more in the appearance of the US Pharaoh, unhappy with his slaves (Israel, which includes not just Jews, but Muslims, Christians).
The US claims to be a Christian country; but yet, they are not just attacking Christians, they are being injured among everyone else in the country.
27 March 2010, the US cover-up over the recent battle claiming falsely a different situation that occurred well over a year ago towards the Gaza region; when yesterdays battle began because two US military personnel while committing an act of terrorism as the US aptly naming them “militants” was planting explosives by a fence and was caught by Israeli military personal which did ensue into a full scale battle between the US military and the Israeli military; further spilling over into the US injuring civilians, especially women and children, too the 6 Israel military deaths, with also others injured as well.
Two of the six honorable martyrs killed by the US military was Israeli Major Eliraz Peretz 31-years-old, who was buried on 28 March 2010, at Mt Herzl military cemetery; with his grief stricken family and friends in attendance, another honorable martyr was Israeli Military Policeman Abdullah Daoud 48-years-old; who was buried in Nablus with also a huge attendance; both where buried with full honors.
Which this also comes at a time when a bit of a skirmish is occurring over not just one, but several propaganda derogatory stories planted by the Obama administration towards Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and towards Israel as a whole; as far as tensions being downplayed as suggested by the US media propaganda on this issue and as well as other US media propaganda directed towards some Arab League delegates which was contrary to Islamic beliefs, that is so far out on a limb that US President Barack Obama has sawed that limb off while sitting on the wrong side and landed in a sea of mud with the rain pouring down increasing the mud flow upon him; along with Obama eating a few too many beans with his lunch.
Nevertheless, as of yesterday the US has ceased from attacking all Israel militarily for the moment and back with an escalation of bombarding using other methods of attack especially falsified media with US extremist Anti-Semitic/Islamophobic overtones; needless to say, for one thing the US does not believe in peace with Israel anymore than they believe in good relations or peace with any Muslim or Jew; but genocide instead and as to the recent US government attacks on Christians, one wonders if they actually follow any form Christianity or something else entirely; especially with some Christian denominations celebrating their “holy week” with today being Palm Sunday and the week ending with Easter; as being seen in many facets across Israel and the globe.
A smug US President Barack Obama (L) during his "surprise prodding” visit with an apparently distressed Afghan President Hamid Karzai (R) at the Presidential Palace in Kabul on 28 March 2010.
But how is US President Barack Obama supposedly spending his Palm Sunday, he is in the 8-year-old illegal US led bloodcurdling, war torn Afghanistan; to apparently "prod" the Afghan government to forcibly do his bidding. One thing people may tend to forget, throughout time; Israel has stood through all the tests forced upon this country and has stood throughout these tests and never has faltered. For if one reexamines the actual history of this particular country, they will know this is so. For one thing Allah (Hashem) always does, besides keeping His promises; He reacts upon the perseverance of them. -HRM Deborah

The US has backed off their attack on Israel after a US Navy E-2C Hawkeye aircraft was hit and the aircraft attempted to fly back “hot” aboard the aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower where the aircraft was stationed in the Persian Gulf, when the aircraft crashed into the sea. Apparently, three of the four crew members have been recovered from the crash and one is missing.

In a different circumstance, a little something that is being readily mentioned with astonishment and usually towards Allah (Hashem) for doing; is that US aircrafts quite often are getting "slapped down" by the Angel Michael.
Myself, I only heard of one instance of a US military combat helicopter of all things falling from the sky and landing in a US park; were it is a wonder, if it ever eventually found its way to Iraq.
The US for lack of an explanation usually claims some form of technical failure or "experienced mechanical malfunctions," too a "mishap" for why their aircraft falls out of the sky with no usual apparent reasoning or to hide the truth.
Nevertheless, the US seems to be the ones that keeps having there aircrafts taking the deep plunge; regardless of the circumstances or there seemingly inherent fabrications of why they never have had wings, for if Allah (Hashem) meant for them to fly; He would have gave them wings, instead of all the ways US aircrafts keep falling out of the sky for crimes not just against Allah (Hashem) Himself, but crimes against the whole of humanity.

Christian pilgrims from around the world flocked to the Holy City to mark “Holy Week” and pray.
This also comes as many American pilgrims are visiting Israel, at the same time US President Barack Obama has created two instigated protests, overwhelmingly committed fabricated insults towards the people of the Gaza region and the Jewish populace as well; along with showing on just another occasion of his blatant disrespect for Christianity.
As far as some global situations, it seems the US has once again put the blame on a portion of the Islamic community for several committed US Terrorist acts; because the US as always wasn't getting there way.
3 April 2010, 'Words without good deeds are without merit, for a man is known not just by what they say; but by what they do…this further goes with those in wrongdoing who speaks unjustly of "rancor" (resentment) towards a faithful person that follows the precepts of Allah (Hashem)...' This also goes with US President Barack Obama's Easter address, laced throughout with US patriotism which has been shown to many times to be detrimental to the global good and as for Obama himself; his actions specially of late, have spoken louder than the words filled with Maple syrup and not Matzos, olives or the Easter bunny.
Speaking of deeds by Obama, the US has threatened a wide scale military action which could very well accumulate into huge loss of innocent lives and devastation; with the focal point being the Gaza region.
It has been confirmed that late Friday, US gunmen wearing Iraqi military uniforms raided a village outside of Baghdad and killed at least 24 people in execution-style, with the main targets being Sunni.
Some of the victims suffered broken arms and legs, indicating they had been tortured before they were shot, other victims were so badly brutalized that they were "beyond recognition." Five of the dead were women. At least seven people were found alive, bound with handcuffs.
4 April 2010, it has been confirmed, that US Suicide terrorist bombers did detonated three car bombs near the German, Egyptian and Iranian embassies in Baghdad on the Christian Easter Sunday; killing at least 42 people and wounding more than 185. These explosions did target diplomatic missions.
Which forlornly throughout the Christian “holy week,” US President Barack Obama seems to have scoffed each Christian observance day and since Obama seems to disrespect all religions, too include persons of faith; it is a question to what he really is?
This vintage Easter postcard and Obama's apparent deeds during the Christian "holy week" brings to mind, of the last two days in the US that some Christians have been expressing, “Happy Easter;” to others; even though they may forget that some of us are not Christian, but kindly smiled anyway. To even with the surrounding air for many Americans this year, it seems to be in a bit of a gloom with the constant sorrowful hearing of expressions towards the extremely poor US economy, the ever growing poverty, the US government constantly eliminating American human rights and the growing unemployment with Obama always "predicting" job growth and many Americans know it is not so. Something, I have never forgotten is hearing a woman arguing with a store cashier over two cents owed on a purchase. Nevertheless, as to not just Jews and Muslims in Israel, but this apparent gloom has effected Christians over the continuous harrowing oppressive maltreatment towards my country by the US; which has been expressed of all people, visiting American Christian pilgrims. While other Christian pilgrims, have remarked of seeing Israel for the harmonious country we have always been known for; but still see what the US has done to the country and her people over these many years.
It has been confirmed, that a US terrorist car bomb has exploded and ripped through a market in southwest Baghdad, killing at least 6 civilians; on 6 April 2010.
Hours earlier, at least seven massive US terrorist bombs hit apartment buildings across the capital, killing at least 50 civilians and wounding more than 160; with some people still trapped in the rubble and massive rescue efforts were under way to try and retrieve them.
In the photograph to the upper right, rescuers search for survivors at the scene of a bomb attack in central Baghdad, Iraq.
The US seems to have brought foreword on this particular day, of their “unhappiness” with many of the worlds leaders; not taking into there own accountability of why this is occuring.
"Bully" (1921)
Makes one think of a park playground where all the children have been playing happily for a good while, when a very selfish, mischievous child comes into the playground among the other children and begins to grab things out of the boys hands or hits them for no reason and contends to pull the little girls hair until they cry in on merciless pain. Just all around has to have his way, even though the other children say, no or what he is doing is not right.
Nevertheless, when the selfish child sees his mother; he runs up to her and pretends in front of her to be simply a little angel, when everyone else in the playground knows this is not so.
But yet, the selfish child will tell his mother, that he just doesn’t know why the other children doesn’t like him.
Over time the selfish child visits to the playground with the same old routine as the first time, the other children eventually has had enough, even with everything else they have tried never seemed to have appeased the selfish child. Till finally the other children decide to clobber the selfish child, only to send him off screaming trying to find his mother.
12 April 2010, the US military fired on an Kandahar Afghan city bus murdering 4 civilians; which caused such outrage, that at least 200 Afghan men had an anti-US protest in the wake of this horrific crime with the burning of tires and chanting "Death to America."
There is a growing conscious or movement in the US, which is in a manner Americans view of who they believe US President Barack Obama is in actuality to them; this is with the use of Christian terminology. When I heard about this I was a bit taken back actually, that the most Americans consider Obama to be the “Antichrist.”
This is also at a time it seems that some Americans are pulling away from what many Americans have termed "organized Christianity" and seeking the purity of faith; which I had the opportunity to meet one of these people, today; when of all things they asked me to help them learn or really find Allah (Hashem).
13 April 2010, as to allegations by the US of a recent attack in Israel and the insults towards the Jewish people of being perpetrators in this alleged attack that supposedly injured some people and one man was killed, very simply did not occur. To even a US media propaganda article, claiming Israel's visiting the Sinai are in any type of immediate danger and or must leave the country. It came to pass, the real danger was the US attacking Israeli citizens as it always seems to be the way with that government towards others; even it seems they even harm their own. As to another US hoax courtesy of US President Barack Obama which everyone should be use to by now, about “residents lacking proper identification” and towards any “plans to carry out mass expulsions” is not only false; but do not worry about.
As I wondered if Obama checked the back of his suit jacket at the Nuclear Security Summit, because it seemed someone tacked a sign on him that simply said, “Donkey?” “(US) President Barack Obama told assembled leaders at the 47-country Nuclear Security Summit Tuesday the risk of nuclear attack — not by an enemy nation, but from terrorists,” quoted from US media propaganda. Which the actual sole intention while false, seems to be to scare the global leaders into doing what Obama wants; which the contention has always been not to safeguard the world, but make them vulnerable to US terrorist attacks. It seems that Obama is putting pressure on the global leaders now, to do what he wants and not for what is towards the actual security around the globe; it is a wonder, if the US has attacked enough countries and murdered enough people, yet or are they still hungry wanting to defang and declaw the bear; to make the bear more vulnerable, so it is easier for the US to kill them with the only real global terrorist threat and giving a time period of four years means about as much as a spider eyeing the fly stuck to his web without said details, when he will eat them?
Just a bit of nautical history concerning the Great Barrier Reef which apparently a Chinese ship went aground there recently, this particular area even back in the days of the clipper ships has been one of those places that even the best of captains has had an extremely hard time fathoming and navigating this area and many has not just lost there ships, but there lives on this particular reef. The Great Barrier Reef, along with different oceanic places in the world for a seaman, is just one of the most dangerous and their still may be around a few old sea shanties about not just this particular reef, but the many perilous places seaman have had to face; too shipmates that went down with there ship, which many shanties and historical information were based on firsthand accounts and ship logs.
As to the Chinese vessel, they actually had little haul damage from what could have happened and the vessel actually did not breach and spill its cargo, the captain was very lucky on all accounts; since he was in an area that is known as a nautical graveyard.
Many a romantic story has been written about places such as the Great Barrier Reef, where a woman waited for her lost love who went to sea and never returned; because they were killed and she died herself of a broken heart.
As to the reef itself, it has always mended, as any natural thing tends to do.
14 April 2010, Iraqi security forces disrupted another 9/11-style plot by the US in Iraq to fly hijacked airplanes into Shia shrines, it was confirmed on Wednesday. The first 9/11 US plot that was carried out was in 2001, in attempt too validate by the US to commit global terrorism and attack illegally the countries of Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan. This particular style of terrorism planning was carried out previously by Nazi Germany and Germany was also Allies, along with the US being financiers during this period.
This also comes at a time that it is a contention that the US is once again threatening the populace of Israel, which includes mainly the Muslim, Jewish and Christian population. The US criminal activity threats towards Israel, seems to include a pogrom with loss of life, destruction of property which includes peoples homes, vandalism of graffiti to religious buildings especially Masjids, terrorism, individual selection, US operative instigated protests; also, US falsified media propaganda towards and about Israel, including nonexistent tunnels and false innuendo towards surrounding countries such as Syria, Lebanon.
Mahmoud Hijazi, 74, at his home in Ramallah on 14 April 2010; Hijazi is the only US political prisoner ever to be released from US custody and was kidnapped by the US in 1965. It has been confirmed, that Hijazi while in US custody as a political prisoner; was tortured. The very first Israeli's to become US illegal political prisoners were HRM Dora, her two sisters, a brother and father during the beginning of the 1901 pogrom. All later died, while illegally in US custody. (See the US Murder's a Queen below) The current figure is at least 8,200 political prisoners from Israel, with 30 being women, 400 children and babies (Christian, Jewish and Muslim) are still being held illegally by the US today, including myself. 15 April 2010, Israelis held up pictures, with also large displays of their relatives being held illegally by the US during massive protests being held from one end of Israel to the other, "demanding" on the release of all US political prisoners before the end of this week and all must be alive and in good health. At any time, the US is threatening to attack Syria and deceivingly trying to put the blame on Israel. 16 April 2010, protests for the release of all US Political prisoners is in its second day; while in the evening was the start of an enormous candlelight vigil in Jerusalem, continuing on into the night with Jews, Christians and Muslims participating. 17 April 2010, today is the deadline for the US to free all political prisoners held by them. It has been brought to my attention that the US has just tortured to death an Israeli middle-aged Ultra-Orthodox Jewish Rabbi (family is Cohn and he was the second cousin to Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, also a direct descedant of Rabbi and Prophet Jesus) that was a political prisoner in US custody and killed on Shabbat. Further, massive protests are again occurring across Israel, with many keeping in mind of this latest murder by the US. Obama’s latest excuse of not just disregarding International law and the Geneva Convention by not allowing the freedom of political prisoners is the Volcano in Iceland and yet, will this latest excuse relieve the suffering, torture, relentless threats of harm, too murder of political prisoners; most likely not. Prisoners Day across Israel is Sunday, 18 April 2010. As to the US remarks about people in Israeli jails, the only people in any jail are people that have committed high crimes and these sorts are usually in jail. In the later part of the afternoon, families across Israel showed pictures of family members murder by the US while in US custody in a solidarity protest for the recent murder of the Ultra-Orthodox Rabbi; into the late evening was another candlelight vigil. 18 April 2010, is Prisoners Day not just in Israel, but many places across the Middle East where Israeli citizens were forced to go and live as refugees due to US aggression some many years ago. Rallies, protests and the showing of pictures of US murdered family members where being shown; for it has always been said, the US has murdered at least one family member in every Israeli family and for some families far too many have been slaughtered, by the US just within Israel, surrounding countries and the many political prisoners held illegally in US custody; which in some cases, portions of a whole family has been literally destroyed. Too not forgetting, the major role the US played being allied with Nazi Germany during the European Holocaust. While others today and into tomorrow, are remembering fallen soldiers who have fought and died for Israeli freedom with serveral forms of commemorations. It further seems that rallies, remembrances and protests are springing-up across the globe; in two cases, a remembrance in Germany at Bergen-Belsen, too an Anti-Semitism rally in Los Angeles, California. Also at the California rally, US National Socialist Movement (NSM) members where also in attendance; the NSM members desecrated the Israel and Mexico flags by stomping on them. The NSM members were dressed in a type of black uniform with a flap jacket, military style boots and one type of a Nazi helmet.
It was so lovely today, to see such wonderful photographs of Queen Rania of Jordan. Nevertheless, something that has put many in awe, is Allah (Hashem) has not only listened, seen all the suffering and deeds perpetrated upon humanity; but it seems He has taken into account and is reacting upon them, even to the smallest element no larger then a single grain of sand.
16 April 2010, While the US pounds Israel with their version of non-peace with the country and no commitment in sight from the US on real peace with Israel; it further seems the US once again has found time to go ahead an vandalize buildings with graffiti, commit acts of terrorism, individual selection, at least three US instigated protests and once again murder.
Furthermore, US operative Tony Blair once again criminally has entered Israel; which he is not allowed under any instance for he is well known not just for extremist criminal activity towards Israel, but globally especially terrorism. As to Blair giving excuses of where to go, he may go anywhere but not in Israel.
As the US seems to continue their oppressive, insulting terminology to parts of Israel and her people; it also seems they have not kept up with the structure of the country in these areas the US so flagrantly speaks about or the people themselves; but what has always been noted, is they never really have, for they continue to attack a country called Israel and speak of a country that they only see in there head.
I wish very much to extend my condolences to the people of Poland over their recent losses and what makes it so deeply sad is once again, the perpetrators of the situation which was brought to my attention only a short time ago. Which as those that continue to harm Israel and so many in the world today, it is perplexing at this time of why the US would harm not just the people; but the governmental body of Poland.
On the bit of a happier note, earlier in the day some Israelis did enjoy their day at a beach in Tel-Aviv to mark the opening of the swimming season in Israel; with green umbrellas and chaises in ray about the smooth sandy beach.
I happened to heard a portion of a speech given by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, where she apparently did have troubles comprehending something she read and could only make out one word and mistakenly due to it; seemed to have extremely poor reading and comprehension skills along with equating that one word with what she called the “instability in the region.” Which further, the US seems to also have forgotten that not just Israel, but the Middle East was doing quite good long before the US was ever a country. It is suggested, before not just Clinton but others in her government make remarks again they need to learn how to better read and comprehend what they have read; which it is further suggested, they visit a Sylvan Learning Center near them. Nevertheless, US President Barack Obama really needs to do something about his severe bladder condition and it further seems, that Obama sees when he is “visiting” the White House with the family; as a "zoo;" has Obama sought serious health care for these and his many other health related conditions, apparently not. On a different note, it has been brought to my attention that among Obama’s many prejudices towards people; is he doesn’t like overweight people; either and it seems more all the time that he is attempting in many manners to force people in the US into a certain mold due to this particular prejudice.
Pakistani police officers and rescue workers gather at the site of a US suicide bombing in Kacha Pukka, Pakistan on 17 April 2010. Two male burqa-clad US suicide bombers attacked refugees as they lined up for food at a camp for people fleeing US military offensives in northwestern Pakistan, killing at least 41 civilians and wounding at least 62.
18 April 2010, It has been confirmed that a US UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter was shot down by the Iraqi military late Saturday evening in northern Iraq, where it did crash killing one US soldier and wounding 3 other US soldiers.
The US claims they have “around 100,000 troops still serving in Iraq” during their illegal war and discriminatory, oppressive occupation within Iraq these last seven years.
19 April 2010, with the US having so many woes on their home front it seems that the US has once again found time to plaster insincere, dishonest media propaganda towards Israel/US foreign relations; instead of confronting the real issues.
Also today, Arab-Israeli Ashraf Massrwha, 36, from the village of Kafr Qari'a, displayed a large Israeli flag he made using 25,000 plastic bottles during an attempt to break the record for the world's largest flag. It has been said, that Israel has made the Guinness World Records more times then any country. Arab-Israeli chefs gave the final touches to a huge service of Musakhan, which is a traditional dish made of chicken, flat bread, nuts and spices, in the village of Arura, near Ramallah. A happily relaxed dressed; Salam Fayyad was in attendance at the event. Bon Appetit everyone!
20 April 2010, in Israel today, there was a ceremony for outstanding soldiers for freedom from US oppression, slavery, too pogroms, Nakba's and Holocausts; with many displays and a solidarity protest with other displays across Israel, for the release of political hostages being held illegally by the US and some other protests with displays, showing the atrocities and other crimes committed by the US. 21 April 2010, the protests continue across Israel, as well as stepping up the boycott on all US goods and all US goods will be refused any port of entrance.A man shows his back after being interrogated by torture for hours by US soldiers with tens of other Sunni Arab men forced to watch in a US Prison west of Baghdad on 11 April 2010. The beatings followed the killing of five US soldiers that where in the area. This particular method of torture was very common when the US was allied with Nazi Germany in many of the concentration/death camps; this is also one of the methods used particularly on US hostages since that period and prior to this era was used during the US black slavery period. Nevertheless, ever since the global outrage in 2004 over what occurred at the US Abu Ghraib Prison in Baghdad, the US created secret prisons of the same nature across Iraq; as what occurred in this incident.
While the US is wholesale propagandizing that Israel is celebrating its 62nd Independence Day, which the US seems to have forgotten; that Israel was already there long before the first American ever put there foot into the country or stepped on Plymouth rock and murdered their first Native American standing on the shore.Moscow Muslims march along a street in Moscow on 20 April 2010 with a poster bearing a slogan which translates as 'Islam against Terrorism!' during their protest action. It is well known that Muslims and Jews alike are firmly against not just terrorism, but any form of criminal activities, especially those that cause harm to others. All terrorism crimes perpetuated around the globe for a number of years now, stems from the US.
23 April 2010, US operative George Mitchell seems to not understand what it means to enter a country illegally, including criminal harassment; which is punishable by International law and will be enforced nor the fact that he needs at once to return to the US immediately or be arrested.
Until the US does what is right and finally be honest to the real issues and not there criminal demeanor towards Israel and all her people, we have nothing to discuss and this does include media falsifications towards not just the whole of Israel, but the world; along with US criminal malfeasance.

Has the US yet, figured out the protocol associated with a war between two countries or having an US instigated protest today more inline causing the injury of one American?
From the US response towards HRM Deborah and the whole Israel, apparently not and most assurely not "upbeat!"
As to Mitchell’s unsound trip, it is a wonder with the cost of airplane fuel; how many American families living in poverty could have been fed, too elevating some unnecessary air pollution, that would have helped towards saving the environment?
Blood stains the ground near Mohsin al-Hakim Shia Masjid, which was the scene of a US terrorist car bombing on 23 April 2010 in Baghdad, Iraq. A series of thirteen US terrorist car bombings rocked a market and Shia Masjids around the time of Jumma prayers, killing at least 69 civilians and about 200 wounded.
24 April 2010, US President Obama created two instigated protests, the first was not peaceful and one woman in the process of committing a violent act was injured; she was not from Malta as the US claims, but American. The second instigated protest had to do with the Armenian people. Very early in the day, an American tourist after he drew a knife on fellow officers and priests at Jerusalem's Church of the Holy Sepulchre; to which the assailant was wounded in order to stop them. Activities at the church have resumed. These latest attacks today, as well as US incidents yesterday (including the Iraq bombings which left 69 dead, yesterday) and innuendo’s towards Israel by the US is contrary to the usual situation occurring within the country; but due to a criminal situation occurring within the US political system. From my understanding, it has to do with International court on criminal charges towards former US President Bill Clinton and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
The latest lying excursion by the US towards Mr. Mahmoud Abbas makes one think of the US in regards to an old Americana story; I happened to heard years ago:
The Dim-Witted CowboyTheir was this dim-witted cowboy that kept shooting his own foot, over and over again; until one day when the foot was about half gone, the cowboy decided that it hurt; where he finally stopped doing it.
Another day, he thought he would try and walk down the dusty street to the general store for a chow of tobacco, but pondered just a bit on how he was going to climb the steps to get to the door.
Needless to say, he thought he would try anyway. He did make it a short ways, until he came beside a somewhat dirty, full horse trough; where he began to loose his balance and fell in. Being slow in thinking, instead of pulling himself up with his arms he drowned instead; lying in the bottom of the somewhat dirty horse trough.
When some of the townsfolk would walked by, all they could say was, “he never did have a lick of sense.”
To this day, boot hill is still waiting for that one more, cowboy.
26 April 2010, it seems the US once again doesn’t seem to have found a productive way to manage their time; with there bogus, derogatory media propaganda splashed about and another seemly violent instigated protest associated with Israel, along with a second instigated protest in the works and other propaganda plaguing countries across the globe; which yet still reminds one of that bullying child at the park playground.
Also, in several places across the globe yesterday, that Anti-US protests were rather spectacular to say the least; if one was polling the US popularity it would be extremely low across the globe and no amount of the US media propaganda could hide the fact. What makes it in a manner rather sad, is the US did it all to themselves. Yet, one still wonders when US excessive abuse towards others will cease? For how long must crimes against humanity by the US continue, before someone does something?
One is not just thinking of the here and now, but especially those people with small children or grandchildren; to wish a much better world for them, free from horror and chaos that at least the last three generations have had to sadly blister there eyes and ears with; too all the dead.To the issue lately of wearing the burqa and nijab, which even by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) did not accept this practice, he said these articles of clothing were foreign; too in actuality, not to be found among the Muslimah.
The burqa especially, does obstruct a woman’s vision and both the burqa and nijab are health hazards.
As to the Muslimah in Israel, the practice has never and is never to be found in all due respects towards the Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) teachings.
This evening Arab Israeli children held a candlelight vigil calling for the release of US political hostages.
Schoolgirls walk past a billboard in which Arab Israeli’s, most respectfully including the Canaanites and the rest of the Israeli populace are being encouraged to send messages addressed to US President Barack Obama asking for freedom and the end of US occupation, on 27 April 2010 in Hebron. As to what else is going on today, the US is still running amok with there fabricated media propaganda and we have had another US instigated violent protest. On a bit of a different front, the US is throwing rocks at glass houses; which is towards the Israeli Pavilion at the Shanghai (China) 2010 World Expo that is. The whole of Israel is being represented at the Pavilion and the US is discriminating towards Israel being there, which is most unacceptable especially with established esteemed global decorum that the US seems to have never learned; let alone the US once again being most disrespectful to China. The World Expo itself will be held from 1 May-31 October 2010 and is expected to attract about 70 million visitors. As of 7 p.m. on 1 May 2010, about 208,000 people visited the world expo.
An Israeli girl looks at a foreign urban graffiti artist spray-painting an old bomb shelter in Sderot, which the Gaza region is near by, on 27 April 2010.
There use to be rockets and now there is not.
But now foreign artists come in galore
Painting imaginative graffiti on shelters once forgot.
As a man blows smoke from his hookah
Farther away in a Gaza all men's café,
And thinks what a pleasant day it is today,
"As Israel is Israel and always shall be."
28 April 2010, It seems today in Israel, that US President Barack Obama with his phony media propaganda has gone fishing, as most American fish stories one starts out with catching a minnow and ends up being a whale.
As for Israel, their was a Muslim and Jewish equality get together out in a field and as for opinions, one puts a Muslim and Jew in a heated discussion and you get three opinions and the majority of the time the three opinions agreed.
"Anne" (L), a Christian American impersonating a Muslimah fined for driving while wearing a burqa and her accomplice, one Lies Hebbadj (R ) who is a Christian impersonating a Muslim; which was in actuality not her husband even though they have an illegitimate child under French law or Islamic law if it applied; leaves after a press conference on 23 April 2010 in Nantes, western France. Both were later found to be wanted for several high crimes not just in France, but globally. Hebbadj, himself was wanted by Interpol for crimes similar to what he committed in France. As for the Christian American impersonating a Muslimah, to commit criminal activities especially Terrorism (She was a US operative potential suicide car bomber; the target was a French Masjid called Mosquee Arrahma, which on the 25 April 2010 had been sprayed with about 30 bullets in the early morning by Hebbadj, who was the gunman); has become shamefully common place for several years now and similary Jews. As to any allocations towards the French ministry on this case, they should be commended for exposing this Christian couple and potentially saving many Muslim lives.
As to the foreign undesirables being deported from Israel, the majority are American nationals who after serving time in jails for criminal activities; with too many of these cases dealing with acts associated with terrorism. Which this type of law does apply to most countries when it comes to foreign undesirables, such as the recent case in France of the American Christian woman impersonating a Muslimah wearing a burqa to hide her identity and was stopped for a traffic violation. Which later, her non-Muslim counterpart who she was accomplices with had committed several high crimes within France and globally, which while the couple claimed they were married it was found they were not. It was also found the man named Lies Hebbadj was also wanted by Interpol in connection to similar crimes in his home country and the woman calling herself "Anne," was wanted for numerous other high crimes, especially terrorism.In this aerial photo taken in the Gulf of Mexico off Louisiana's tip, oil is seen near the site of last week's collapse and spill of the British Petroleum (BP) Deepwater Horizon oil rig on 28 April 2010. The leak resulted from a US sabotage explosion which caused the collapse of the oil rig. This is considered a massive environmental disaster along the US coastline, with the closes city being New Orleans and has not been affected by the spill. By a US media estimate, about 5,000 barrels a day is coming from the US espionage blown-out well 40 miles offshore. Allegedly, oil from the spill has crept to within 12 miles of the coast and could reach shore as soon as Friday, which could potentially destroy fragile marshlands. While the only one who has their green thumb damaged here should be the US and not BP or the UK, it is also not being taken into retrospect of the very possible damage to the Louisiana Creole seafood heritage and tourism, along with one of the most important industries in the state which is fishing; which the fishing industry for a time was damaged after Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and many fishermen fear this catastrophe may very wll wipe them out. As who should now and always have paid for this fiasco is the US dollars and not the British pound and with the reimbursement to BP for any money that came out of there pockets. One town that is the way of possible deluge to this situation caused by the latest US terrorism is towards the marshlands town of Houma. Parallel to what occurred on 24 March 1989 with the Exxon Valdez oil spill in the Prince William Sound off the Alaskan coastline, wildlife was severely threatened as with this latest oil spill and too many died back in 1989 smother in oil. But what is also taken into little account is US President Barack Obama’s latest temper fit and it just happened to be towards the UK this time around. Also, Obama apparently with this latest act; did not fully think out the long term devastation to not just relations with the UK and across the globe, but the huge long-term environmental damage that would occur. 30 April 2010, the oil spill has washed-up on the marshlands of Louisiana and has now effected the wildlife in the area; but one thing it seems that has been elevated towards this whole issue, is when the oil rig exploded, Obama caused the deaths of about 120 oil rig workers. 1 May 2010. “But the stakes only increased as Louisiana health and wildlife officials shut down all commercial and recreational fishing east of the mouth of the Mississippi River to protect consumers from tainted seafood. The closure imperiled the livelihoods of thousands of fishers and related interests. "This changes everything as we know it," said Glenn Sanchez of Breton Sound Marina in Hopedale. "I don't have a clue how I'll make a living." On Friday, strong winds sloshed oily waves over miles of booms deployed like a floating fence to shield Louisiana's multibillion-dollar seafood nursery, which supplies a third of the nation's domestic seafood.”- Quoted from New Orleans local news. As to the sudden atmospheric instability wind velocity, sporadic rain and the extreme insufferable sticky humidity; which apparently is causing some respiratory issues even in New Orleans, that actually begin on Friday. Which changes in weather can occur anytime the ecological natural balance of a given area on the earth is disrupted, such as the case of what occurred with the oil spill. While people may think the earth is rather hardly, it also does have a fragile side. The conditions on the Gulf of Mexico and were it has came to the Louisiana shore, is deteriorating faster (tripled in size, with some US "experts" fearing that the slick will become vastly more devastating) then previously suspected and further, causing instablity in weather conditions; which one should take caution in flying (high wind, unstable conditions) or driving (watch for broken and flying tree limbs, some areas high water). If one could see the grayish white clouds rolling by at enormous speeds, which something of this nature especially in the US is what is called by some as “tornado weather.” With the recent devastation in Arkansas from heavy rain and tornado’s, which is just North of Louisiana it actually is not surprising. But the weather conditions in Arkansas, has killed one woman and injured two others. 2 May 2010, many in the global community and myself included, while being polite; has wondered since this oil spill is off the US coast, of why US President Barack Obama has never suggested of “capping the well?” In doing so, it would stop the flow and effectively allow the cleaning-up to be easier; too also be able to remove the wreckage from the oil rig. Needless to say, there air oil experts that do know how to cap an ocean well. The oil spill has reached the coastline and for those Louisiana residents that did panicked yesterday and fled the state, it was not necessary; one just needed to be cautious and wait it out. As to the US insulting BP for a crime that Obama committed, is not going to improve the situation nor shaving the actual death count from the explosion, when most people know the real count. This idea of drilling a relief well that is estimated to take two to three months instead of capping the well, will further create much similar to a nuclear winter and devastate extensively; it is estimated of about a half to two-thirds of the US will become engulfed, under the current conditions. The effects of such upon land, is already being seen. As to Obama's fly by tour and chatting people up with promises, doesn't mean much; since the people of Louisiana, to the rest of the Gulf coast; has heard all those empty promise before and what did those solve not much and so far Obama has proven to be the same or much worse.
While so far there has been no type of protests and no injuries associated with same, contrary to Obama’s fishy propaganda in Israel. As for youths holding rocks; historically, where would David have been without a rock, when Goliath was standing in front of him and even before this period, rocks were usually always handy especially as a means to protect livestock.
While the US is so bent on “Black Journalism,” otherwise known as “Media Propaganda;” one thing the US is becoming to well known for is media censorship, for example the recent cartoon above; while no one should ever use “Black Journalism,” neither should people be subjected to censorship, too political or immoral malicious media either. Nevertheless, the US always claims “Freedom of Speech;” but they haven’t had any for a very long time and continues to project the same policy in the media global market.
29 April 2010, it seems US President Barack Obama is still on his flagrant fishing media propaganda campaign, but it seems in the last few days he has been hitting insultingly at Egypt quite readily and today included Israel in this mix; with the fabrication of people close to Rafah being gassed in those ever nonexistent smuggling tunnels. Which as most fish on a sunny day, we are not biting; but maybe for Obama, it is plastic fly-fishing in a White House sink.A family walks past a billboard urging all Israeli’s not to buy US goods on 30 April 2010 in Hebron. The new law follows what was said by HRM Deborah on 21 April 2010, too the elimination of such goods that has been seen in previous public burnings and of all destruction of US products; that also, no US goods would be allowed to enter in any manner into Israel. With the further appreciation of Mr. Mahmoud Abbas and others, for bring this to my attention. It should also be mentioned, my seeing all the jubilant faces concerning this issue; even with this coinciding with the Ultra-Orthodox Jewish celebration of Lag B'omer being started with a large bonfire in Jerusalem. As the Lag B'omer bonfire commemorates Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai's death who was considered a great scholar and one of the most important sages in Jewish history about 70 CE, after the destruction of the second Jewish temple by the Romans. In the Mishnah ( Yochai, who was a scholar to the Mishnah), he is often referred to as simply "Rabbi Shimon." As to the Mishnah Hierarchy, Rabbi Yochai came much later from such people as Hillel the Elder (traditionally about 110 BCE-10CE, who was born in Babylon and died in Jerusalem) who’s Mishnah writing’s are more known or usually first in the introduction of traditional study for Orthodox Jewish scholars. Nevertheless, not to forget the US; they decided to create today another instigated rather seemly violent protest in the country; among which, other US Anti-Semitic (including some global Islamophobic with a US operative) derogatory media propaganda remarks were made. If US President Barack Obama was intending to dampen the mood in Israel; apparently it has not occurred, for most Israeli’s are use to US’s maltreatment after 110 years worth and continued violations of our human rights. 1 May 2010, many places in Israel; the sky was lit-up this evening with bonfires for during the celebration Lag B'omer. 2 May 2010, besides prayers; Lag b’omer is a host to many celebrated activities across the globe and especially a large turn-out not just in Israel; but in Berlin, Germany.
When this cartoon first appeared, US President Barack Obama had not been in office a full nine months. If one also views towards the interior of the cartoon it appears more as a used car sell man’s office. As to the answer too the question, that is left to ones own opinion.
1 May 2010, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gave a speech yesterday concerning the US trudging into the Middle East with a forerunner of insulting people once again and the same old tired US Middle East policy rhetoric as though there old 78 record is stuck in a groove and they need to purchase a new needle or they really need to shake of the deaf and blind mothballs for this old approach has not now nor ever will work and this arrogance towards the Middle East not being able to prosper without the US is just historically foolhardy.
As to something that was brought to my attention yesterday, that many American citizens are getting very concerned in the direction their country has taken, with the global criminal activities, the creation of unrest with everyone and there plummeting economy.
One remark was made, that it seemed the US was collapsing and they did not know what to do; but that the US government was to blame, in there opinion.
This seems to be more resounded by those who are Native American and many of the younger American generation.
Which as for the US government understanding the woes of there own people and continuing on with current domestic policies, is another case of they do not listen even to there own people or just do not have any regards for anyone!
Speaking about US criminal activities-Two US bombs exploded inside a Masjid in Mogadishu's (Somalia) main market on Saturday, while people were waiting for noon prayers; at least 30 people were killed and 70 wounded.
Four US gunmen robbed a jewelry store in northern Baghdad and killed its owner, while a US car bomb attack was occurring nearby; killing about 7 civilians, which 3 were policemen.
The US military in Afghanistan, murdered 2 women and a child traveling in a car.
The US murdered also today, about 6 Pakistani civilians.
Also last week, the US attempted to destablize the European market and apprently, it became more of a hiccup.
As for Israel, the US continues their usual routine of insult, degrade and threaten; at every turn.
Also in Israel today, was a wedding celebration with the family of Farhan Atawi in the village of Salem; which I wish the couple many blessing for a happy marriage.
On a sadder thought, a poster went up in remembrance of the US created Nakba; in 1948 and we had another US instigated protest in Hebron, which was so inept that young people were laughing at the them.
Media members surround Arab League foreign ministers during a meeting at the Arab League headquarters in Cairo, Egypt on 1 May 2010.
In Cairo, foreign ministers from several top Arab League member nations, came together and contrary to what the US is once again running in their media propaganda; as far as the US’s old tired proposal on Israel, even the idea of indirect talks which I am yet to see the US properly speak at all; Nevertheless, it was unanimously turned down by the Arab League members and with much graditude by HRM Deborah.
Furthermore, the US taking what Mr. Saeb Erakat actually says and falsely saying the opposite is true; the US needs to understand that Mr. Erakat is not your puppet nor has a US hand stuck up his spine, as the US trys to make it appear.
2 May 2010, it seems the US has decided to disrespect not just the Arab League decision, but further disrespect the Israel Ministry; especially Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and HRM Deborah of Israel, but also the Canaanites. As to PM Benjamin Netanyahu, treating as you have done to Mr. Saeb Erakat and Mr. Mahmoud Abbas is most inexcusable.
As to US operative George Mitchell, if he does attempt to once again enter Israel illegally, this time he will not have a choice, but International law against him will be upheld and he will be arrested to be fully charged.
As it has been said before, the foreign policy the US has going for peace, is a criminal fallacy and until the US corrects there long standing activities towards Israel there is nothing to discuss and further, the US seriously needs to learn the protocol of who they actually should speak to concerning the country and stop disrespecting not just the Israeli government, including HRM Deborah; but the people themselves with the US insulting, fraudulent terminology and media propaganda towards everyone, especially the Canaanites.
Today was an opening of the two-week football tournament of Gaza's World Cup in Gaza City, between the Canaanites and the US; myself, I am whole heartily rooting for Israel’s Canaanite team to win. As the US claims of awareness of the non-existent blockade once more by the game, that is simply claptrap; unless, the US plans on doing what is right by Israel, finally?
Furthermore, on such a lovely day at old Jaffa with white fluffy clouds upon a beautiful blue sky; another couple was married today and I wish them a very blessed life together.
The Great ImpersonatorOn a bit of a different issue which has been brought foreword once again concerning US President Barack Obama being born in the US, there is many documents that claim otherwise (Barack Obama has an Indonesian birth record; then he later, immigrated to the US and never actually became a US citizen) and has also put into question, if Obama is even a US citizen.
As to Obama’s speaking of his approval rating being high, it leaves into question of why so many Americans being dissatisfied with him, have advocated to see him impeached.
Nevertheless, according to US laws; Obama can not legally be a US President.
While there is another strong question to Obama’s birth illegitimacy; nevertheless, another US law that I always considered a bit discriminatory that one had to be born and raised a Christian and that Obama is a convert to Christianity; which would also invalidate him to become a US President. The last time the Christianity law was raised was towards former US President John F. Kennedy, because he was Roman Catholic and not protestant.
A little about Obama’s childhood, his mother was an Indonesian prostitute from a red light district and Obama grew up as an outcast in a bordello with minimal education and the usual conditions in Indonesia befitting his standard in society, as a street urchin.
In actuality, his father is unknown and Obama was labeled without a religion.
It was recently found that children with this particular background are usually given some type of first name without any following names; more along the line of a "John" Doe and that the names Obama is using is more than likely, fictitious or an alias.
As for having a Harvard degree as he has claimed is doubtful. He impersonated a background for himself, all the way to the US Senate and then on to the White House.
Children growing up in this manner usually suffer from some type of mental illness (usually an Antisocial or Personality Disorder) and have a loathing towards others, especially women. Many of these children, even into adulthood are prone to unstable erratic or sudden violent behavior towards any given situation or towards people. Furthermore, many of these children take-up some form of criminal activities such as petty theft; too more major criminal activities later in life.
There has been extensive documentation towards these types of children or similar, especially in countries associated with US occupations; due to the fact of the extensive problem with the US military creating many illegitimate children, from association with prostitution to criminal rape. As to Obama’s father, there is no way to ever know; as is most common in these cases, which Obama was labeled without father.
An Arab Israeli man inspects a burnt Masjid in the village of Lubban Ash-Sharqiya, on 4 May 2010. The Masjid was fire bombed by a US operative, at a time when the US is upset over American criminals being deported from Israel; which these Americans had very recently been released from prisons after serving time mainly for acts of terrorism within Israel. Included with the Masjid fire, were 50 olive trees in a grove in a nearby village that also were ignited; which the Israeli military were able to extinquish without further damage to the olive grove. Furthermore within the US, US President Barack Obama is under international indictment for fraudulence to be a US President and under intensive scrutiny by the US government themselves over recent developments (Read: The Great Impersonator above), to previous reservations concerning Obama. As to the US foreign policy of there illegality with peace with Israel, is completely voided by everyone associated with Israel and was even loudly heralded among the Canaanites, which are the main group of people the US enjoys insulting by calling them Palestinians. To further clarifyy, no further association with the US is possible neither now under any circumstances nor in the near future with the US's long standing discriminatory policy towards all Israel and the old adage of splitting hairs among the people in the country will not help the US either. What Israel "stands to gain," is the US occupation completely be out of the country and the US stop the war they imposed upon Israel! Also today, the US forcibly got a truckload of illegal melons into Israel and they were completely destroyed; due to the law banning all US goods from entering the country.
In global focus: As far back as at least 1948, the US has had illegal prisons in Israel, very similar to what the US created from Iraq, Afghanistan to Cuba and while the US has always fraudulently claimed these prisons are ran by people within the given country, such as Israel. Nevertheless, mainly Canaanites in excessive numbers; are held in inhuman substandard cramp conditions within these US prison walls. Also within these illegal US prisons are Jews, Christians and Arab Israeli’s, were these US prisons are well known for acts of torture and large numbers of hideous murders taking place; among other crimes against humanity. Instead of even calling such places as prisons, they would be more equated with US chambers of horror.
5 May 2010, I see US operative George Mitchell got lost on the way to his outhouse in the US's backwoods!
Since he came to Israel once again illegally, after Mitchell was told not to do so; arrest him and fully charged him for all pending criminal charges and the new ones.
Did Mitchell at least brush the straw out of his hair this time, before you put the handcuffs on him?
Also, very recently another US operative similar to Mitchell was charged by international court with war crimes, one Tony Blair.
Nevertheless, the US decided to not just disrespect Israel with this recent visit by there operative; but the Arab League’s recent decision nor what was conveyed yesterday by HRM Deborah, has not changed.
Something that should be brought to attention, is Mr. Barack Obama is constantly giving harassing threats to HRM Deborah towards a one-way trip and has been doing so for quite a bit of time now; which in psychology is considered a classic example of a person with criminal mental illness and suffering extremely from delusions of grander; such as this is actually not surprising, given Obama's background from birth through youth (Read: The Great Impersonator, above) too also previous allegations of abuse of females and failure to making sound on rigid judgments, with acute underlining issues towards promiscuity (For example: an obsession with women in scanty clad swimsuits wearing cowboy hats, which he also has flunted in a harassing manner and shows Obama's ideals towards women.).
Furthermore, of why Obama is under international indictment for fraudulence to be a US President with his background and the current path of visual mental state of deterioration, which usually the treatment for such is more long term with an appropriate specialist and facility. It is also most understandable of why Obama failed especially, his last mental health evaluation.
A long with the one-way trip-includes a part about “two free bags,” on a Southwestern airplane; I am yet, to know of a woman that can travel with only two pieces of luggage.

8 May 2010, contrary to the US media propaganda, the Canaanites who the US enjoys insultingly referring the majority of the time as Palestinians; did not agree on indirect talks or anything else with US operative George Mitchell. They considered Mitchell after he criminally got him self out of custody by the US under table method, as playing the same old US violin tune among other things of this nature, even with the US temper tantrum over zealous rhetoric that followed toward not just the Canaanites by the US; but the rest of Israel.
But what was most astounding to this turn of US insulting rhetoric was at one point, it was directed towards the Ultra-Orthodox Jewish community, for the US policies that date back to even before the twentieth-century of maltreating women in the US as second class.
The US once again sending Mitchell to be a pressuring pest; the US does not seem to understand when Mr. Mahmoud Abbas says the word, no towards them on this current situation and this US babble about “factions” does not change the truth.
As to the US speaking about an "open door," on this same tired issue; they must have hit their face, for the door is not just closed but locked and if the US had looked down they would have noticed the mat was gone, with the porch light unlit having collected a rather large spider web with dust and got the further idea that the US is most assured not welcome for even a single second.
A little something one always finds interesting about the US, they travel willy-nilly across the Middle East and Israel trying to shovel there nonexistent peace plan; similar to a chicken dressed for the stew pot, but the one person they should actually speak to about the issues concerning Israel, they have yet to actually do so in the proper manner.

9 May 2010, The US has decided against Israel, the Arab League and even the Canaanites; that if everyone in Israel does not brown nose the US over this indirect talk situation that the US would attack Israel itself or the Israeli government, too those associated with the Canaanites, such as Mr. Mahmoud Abbas.
Originally, when US operative George Mitchell came into Israel illegally to harass and pressure everyone, they stood by the decision given by the Arab League and the long standing policies of Israel; but now it seems the US going against all parties mentioned, has decided to commit further international crimes against Israel and humanity itself.
While some people may think these tactics by the US is new, it is sad to say, this along standing policy by the US, not just to Israel herself; but the Middle East long before many were even born in these times. But Israel it always seems because of the US’s long standing Anti-Semitic and Islamophobic foreign policies, that Israel has had to carry the heaviest load.
One of the most important issues for Israel is when is the US going to leave our country and free all of us from these types of murderous threats and overwhelming abuse-for the land is ours, given to us by Allah (Hashem) Himself; not the US’s!


Then just recently, Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab who was accused on 25 December 2009 of an attempted airplane bombing that he not only did not commit, but the US used him to bolster fear once again in the US that their was an Islamic terrorism threat which this has been a US invention even before 11 September 2001; which this hideous occurrence was not due by anyone associated outside of the US nor were they Muslim or Jewish. But yet, the US continues to find others who are Muslim to rope into this conspiracy of theirs, especially those from Yemen because of the US ongoing war in this country and the Yemenis government instance that the US remove all presence within their country.

US President Barack Obama "defends" with "a robust defense of war," the murder of civilians as "just wars;" where is the justice for the innocent, who are dead? For illegal wars, occupation, oppression, ethnic cleansing (genocide) and discrimination; peace does not make!

Global Performance below the Grading Scale:
It has even been brought to my attention of the recent response to this very post by the Obama Administration of which was the arson attack on the Masjid (Mosque) in the village of Kfar Yasuf (near Bethlehem) that Yitzhar Jewish settlers or the settlement Yeshiva staff and students, too especially insult the reputation of a Rabbi (18 January 2010 update: What is interesting that the US running this type of media propaganda is due to the fact that all the great European Yeshivot were destroyed in the Holocaust and that this brand of propaganda to accuse the innocent once again; is just pure anti-Semitism. This particular US media propaganda comes at a time, that contrary to their media water coloring; the US is banned from all aspects concerning Haiti, including entrance into the country nor is the US reporting acutely the situation on the ground, but rather more too insulting the many countries actually there and the Haitian people themselves.) did not do nor where they arrested, to a total so far ninety-four instigated protests (one on an alleged ban of events or segregation in Jerusalem which no such ban or segregation exists in not just the city proper, but the whole of the country; while Obama may believe in the flagrant abuse of human rights, we certainly do not; for everyone in my country has immense value, believes in respect for one another, unity and deserves dignity; which it has been this way long before the idea of the US was created on a crumpled piece of parchment over bloodstained stolen land) and rock throwing just yesterday within my country; which some very dear ladies where hit with rocks the other day and thankfully only received minor injury or even the apparent murder of a forty-year old Arab farmer just earlier today and a Jewish settler murdered on Christmas eve by one of Obama's operatives then for the media blamed unto a nonexistent terrorist group (Meir Avshalom Hai, 45 years-old was buried on the Mount of Olives, 25 December 2009 with heartfelt sorrow it is assured by the whole country), to other falsification’s (Propaganda) being spread throughout the media of situations that are not occurring or falsely reported (such as reporting a Fatah rally as the nonexistent Hamas, too a second falsified nonexistent Hamas rally on Christmas day or the Israeli Policeman/settlers beating attack that wasn't, the nonexistent tent cities or nonexistent Gaza siege and blockade or any other falsified innuendo concerning Gaza such as rocket attacks, too nonexistent tunnels in the country and so forth, to the countless of other occurrences that are not happening such as Hebron being divided and it is not so either; which Obama and his administration bombards people on a daily basis, as the previous US administrations have brutally oppressed my country and her people for almost 110 years) or even things that is as much as seven instances of seven-years out of-date. This must be just another of US President Obama’s visions of global peace.
A relative comforts the widow (L) of 45-year-old Jewish settler Meir Avshalom Hai during his funeral procession at the Mount of Olives cemetery in Jerusalem on 25 December 2009. Hai was shot dead on 24 December by an operative of US President Barack Obama, when his vehicle was shot at. These operative’s are considered highly dangerous and will commit numerous forms of terrorism, these instigated riots and protests, to cold-blooded murder, among many other activities; while they are of various nationalities, occupations or from under-the-rock scroungers [some are a reminder of the Jewish Police (see The Thief) during the Holocaust, which in this current era sadly to say; some are also Arab extraction], they are not just in Israel attacking Jews and Muslims, they are also in the US attacking people in the Jewish and Muslim community; as well as any country that has Muslims and or Jews within said country, such as the recent suicide bombing on 28 December 2009 in Pakistan that murder over 43 people, too injuring many others in the blast and the two murders in Lebanon. Then the little Jewish girl attacked on 25 December 2009 by a Molotov cocktail, was also from one of US President Barack Obama’s operative‘s. On 26 December 2009, three Arab men were shot and killed during a shoot-out with the military in Nablus, after their refusal of arrest for the murder of Hai and the attack on the little Jewish girl. Another planned Obama operative attack was foiled. In a second operation similar to the earlier one, three more of Obama's operative’s have been killed resisting arrest. All six men killed resisting arresting, where Arab Roman Catholic. 4 January 2010 in Pakistan, five US Non-Muslim operatives have been arrested for espionage; pending further charges. 5 January 2010, five wanted US operatives had a shoot-out with the Israeli military resisting arrest, four were wounded and one dead; all were Arab Roman Catholic. These shoot-outs it has been found to be occurring because these operatives would rather commit suicide with the Israeli military, then the alternative at the hands of the US. 10 January 2010, three wanted US operative's died in a shoot-out with the Israeli military; while resisting arrest. Like all the others who have died in disgrace, he was buried in a plain white shroud; while one normally doesn't speak of such, these are unusual time's due to the US constant media fabricated over winded propaganda.
Ethiopian Airlines US Terrorist Suicide Bombing
Lebanese soldiers gather debris from the Ethiopian Airlines plane that crashed in the sea on the shore near Beirut airport, Lebanon, on 25 January 2010. An Ethiopian Airlines plane carrying 90 people crashed into the Mediterranean Sea early Monday just minutes after takeoff from Beirut, Lebanon's transportation minister said.
The Ethiopian Airlines plane carrying 90 people caught fire due to a US terrorist operative suicide bomber aboard the plane in which a bomb was detonated and the plane crashed into the sea minutes after taking off from Beirut early Monday.
Contrary to the US media propaganda, it has been verified officially as a terrorist attack by a US terrorist operative on Lebanese soil.
At least 34 bodies have been recovered so far. All passenger's are considered dead, among the passengers said to be aboard; was the wife of French Ambassador to Lebanon, Marla Sanchez Pietton. Which it has came foreword, that the French Ambassador's wife was the initial target for the US terrorist bombing.
US Terrorist Suicide Bombers Hit Three Popular Iraqi Hotels
Iraqi police secure the site of a car bomb attack in Baghdad, Iraq, on 25 January 2010. Three parked car bombs hit three Baghdad hotels, killing at least 36 people so far.
US terrorist operative suicide bombers hit three hotels popular with Western journalists and businessmen Monday, with at least 36 people was killed and more than 80 injured, but the toll is expected to rise. Fifteen of the victims were at the al-Hamra, 14 at the Sheraton, and the remaining seven died at the Babylon, including two policemen.
The first explosion struck at about 3:40 p.m. in the parking lot of the Sheraton Hotel, toppling high concrete blast walls protecting the site and damaging a number of buildings along the Abu Nawas esplanade across the Tigris River from the US occupied Green Zone.
Two other blasts followed minutes later, striking near the Babylon Hotel and al-Hamra Hotel, which is popular with Western journalists and foreign security contractors.
Outside the Sheraton, a high-rise tower with views of the Tigris River and the US occupied Green Zone on the other side, the blast left a 10-foot-deep (three-meter) crater in the parking lot. Cars were torn apart by the spray of metal and glass, which littered the lawns and courtyards of the popular fish restaurants along the river.
The force of the explosion was strong enough to topple a row of 10-foot (three-meter) concrete blast walls along the road.
Updates: The death toll is now up to at least 37, with 107 injured.
For the Ethiopian Airlines terrorist bombing in Lebanon and the two terrorist bombings in Iraq, in accordance with International law; the US government and initially US President Barack Obama has been charged with these acts of terrorism and further crimes against humanity.
Obama Terrorist Operative suicide Bomber Again Hits Baghdad
An Iraqi woman grieves during a funeral of a relative killed in a US terrorist operative suicide bombing in Baghdad, Iraq, on 26 January 2010.
A US terrorist operative suicide car bomber killed at least 21 and injured dozens more Tuesday in a strike against a police crime lab in central Baghdad that had processed evidence of yesterday's Baghdad hotels bombings which were also hit by US terrorist operative suicide attacks, as reported.
Which yesterday‘s, US terrorist operations that the US government and US President Barack Obama had already been validated and charged in accordance with International Law, with said crimes of the hotels in Iraq and the airline terrorist bombing in Lebanon (see above) which had taken many losses of life; as Obama continues his acts of terrorism and crimes against humanity.
If one would think these types of US terrorist attacks are over, brace oneself; for more is sure to be on the way for the US foreign policy on this type of criminal behavior; has not seemed to have changed its outlook.
Nevertheless, these US crimes happened to come at a time when the majority of the globe is rejecting every facet of association with the US and no longer listens to their phony, slanderous dialogue; especially in such places as Israel where US heinous crimes has been despicable for well over a century. In some other parts of the world, people have stood up in earnst and are actually fighting their US tyrannical, oppressive taskmaster.
US Operative Female Suicide Bomber Murders in Baghdad
Iraqi security forces search the bags of Muslim Shia pilgrims as the pass through Baghdad on their way to the holy city of Karbala to mark the Shia mourning day of Arbaeen on 1 February 2010. At least 54 people were killed and 117 wounded, including women and children, when a US operative female suicide bomber blew herself up among Shia pilgrims in Baghdad.
A US operative female suicide bomber mingling among Shia pilgrims in Baghdad detonated an explosives belt Monday, killing at least 54 people, officials said.
The bomber hid the explosives underneath an abaya while impersonating a Muslimah pilgrim, as she joined a group of pilgrims on the outskirts of Baghdad's Shia neighborhood of Shaab, as reported.
The bomber set off the blast as she lined up with other women to be searched by female security guards at a security checkpoint just inside a rest tent, said Maj. Gen. Qassim al-Moussawi, Baghdad's top military spokesman.
A police official said 54 people, including 18 women and 12 children, were killed and 117 were wounded. A hospital official confirmed the casualties.
Raheem Kadhom, 35, said he was standing nearby when a huge fireball erupted among the pilgrims.
Pilgrims were "on the ground, covered in blood and crying for help," he said. "Banners were all over the ground and covered in blood."
The blast was so powerful it knocked some out of their slippers and shoes, which were scattered across the ground, Kadhom said.
Many ran to the aid of the pilgrims. Some put the wounded in cars, taking them to hospitals rather than wait for ambulances, Kadhom said.
In US history during the event of Boston Tea Party which was an action in actuality of US colomist fighting against the British government on 16 December 1773 and during the Native American wars of the 1800's, in particular; white Americans would dress-up as Native Americans to either commit acts of murder or other criminal activities to hide their true identity and its seems the US has added to there list of impersonating Muslims.Elsewhere on this day, in Iran there was chanting only of anti-US slogans on the first day of celebrations marking the anniversary of the Islamic revolution at the Behesht-e Zahra (Zahra's Paradise) cemetery in southern Tehran.
In Israel, contrary to some US media propaganda sprouting about again, which is getting to look most peculiarly, as the US is having these problems and trying to make it appear as others are in their shoes and they do not fit. Especially, with US President Barack Obama on his new US budget proposal of 3.83 trillion USD, of trying once again too get more blood out that shriveled up, old browning turnip and the further increase of hungry US mouths to go with it; with also the fact that it has came forward, that the majority of the US budget is for there global Holocaust continuation.
Nevertheless, we have had some anti-US protests and one US operative last night tried to run a checkpoint and would not halt; so he was fired on by the military at the checkpoint, which the US operative was only wounded.Also, today in Israel there were anniversaries and visitors, with Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos, too Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi who planted a tree in the Jewish National Fund forest at the Grove of Nations in Jerusalem and even with smiles, signed the hoe after the planting; along with other illustrious events, such as a state dinner at the King David Hotel with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
On some sour notes, the US off the Israeli coast sent two bomb-laden barrels which washed up on our coastline or beach. As of Tuesday they had launched a large number of floating explosives into the Mediterranean Sea (with the US claim of having sent 8 thus far, but only three has washed up on the beach); but as the US seems to enjoy doing, is covering-up a terrorist situation by blaming it on someone else in their media propaganda; which in this case, “militants;” which seems these days a more fitting word for the US government since many in the world have agreed to put the US on the international terrorist blacklist, too harsh or effective sanctions being put upon the US currently. Nevertheless, along with the bomb-laden barrels, Israel is getting once again verbal threats by the US, under US President Barack Obama.
Very recently, it appears as though the US is back either trying to traffic children out of Haiti or get caught trying to steal Haitian children; but the 10 US thieves in this criminal case, apparently got caught by Haitian authorities. Furthermore, as to those 10 US citizens that were caught kidnapping and attempted trafficking of 33 children out of Haiti, it should be taken into consideration that they are being detained in a country foreign too their own and should be considered highly as a flight risk; especially due to the validity of the charges.
Finally, just because the US at this time is having many disagreements with China, it is no excuse to insult the good name of the Dalai Lama.
US Terrorism Murders More Shia Pilgrims
An unidentified Muslim traveler prays for US President Barack Obama to get off that murderous prickly path he is on, in front of a snowy White House in Washington DC; on 2 February 2010. What is not often seen, is there has been many peace protests, too prayers (in Washington and global) from people of various groups and walks of life in front of the White House and several have been arrested; but what is most important is these people wish more than anything for global peace and for US President Obama to make that change for the better. This also, comes at a time when Obama continues to vulgarly threaten Israel and continues to murder not just people from Israel; but in Pakistan, Iraq and Afghanistan; with a host of numerous terrorist and criminal acts across the globe. What makes this situation so profound is the vast majority of the world is against the Obama White House and how the US has been unrest fully conducting themselves.
A US terrorist bomb planted on a parked motorcycle exploded Wednesday, 3 February 2010; on the outskirts of the holy city of Karbala (Iraq), killing at least 20 Shia pilgrims and wounding more than 108 others.
The blast was the latest in a string of US terrorist attacks this week that have targeted pilgrims.
Hours earlier, two separate US terrorist roadside bombs targeting Shia pilgrims exploded in Baghdad, killing one and wounding seven others.
Recently, I happened to watch part of a documentary on the US occupation military in Iraq; the reason I did not watch to the end was due to the fact it turned my stomach to say the least.
What I saw was a military conduct that would be considered most unbecoming to any other military in the world or that it wouldn‘t happen; to the flagrant disregard and bullying abuse towards the Iraqi people, such as one incident when some US military personal stormed a school full of children while it was in session. The nice man at the door that met them explained with the US military men being fully armed would frighten the children, but they did not care and went on into the school; with the teaching staff doing everything possible to protect the children.
Another instance that came to mind, is how the US military, doesn’t seem to understand that they did invade this country illegally without UN endorsement and that the Iraqi people have a right to defend themselves from such actions. That there is no people in the world being put under such extremely harsh conditions, would stand idly by with their hands up and say hurt us; it just doesn’t happen in reality nor the fact under the conditions of war that the occupying military; in this case the US doesn‘t get killed.
This is one reason why such things as wars, are horrible; especially in this instance where this war is not only illegal, but immoral, as well as the whole scope of situations being perpetuated across the globe by the US.
US Terrorists Murders More in Pakistan and Iraq
Pakistani Shia Muslims mourn alongside the bodies of victims of a US operative motorcycle bomb attack at a hospital in Karachi on 5 February 2010. The motorcycle rigged with explosives rammed into a bus packed with Shia’s in Karachi killing 12 civilians in the second attack in two months in Pakistan's financial capital. Then a second US bomb exploded outside a hospital treating victims from the earlier attack on Shia Muslim worshippers. At least 22 civilians were killed and more than 50 wounded.
A US operative suicide attacker detonated a car bomb Friday alongside a crowd of Shia pilgrims walking to a holy city south of Baghdad, killing at least 40 people and wounding 154.
Friday's blast occurred shortly after noon just east of one of three main entrances to Karbala.
Two US mortar rounds hit the same area after the car bomb exploded, adding that the death toll was likely to rise. This also comes at a time when the US is fabricating tensions between counties and people around the globe, especially in their media propaganda where such is not occurring; but the extreme farthest from the truth. That the heated excessive fabrications and crime waves, is strictly coming from the US. This also does not exclude the excessive bombardment of insults to countries and religious dignitaries. Which behavior such as this is a key element in an underdeveloped civilization or mental capacity (which would include social logical amoralities); either due to insufficient education or evolution of mental development.
Further, blistering uprising's of anti-US protests are sweeping the globe; along with two US operative instigated protests in Israel.

"The Sting" is a 1973 America film set in September 1936, about a high-stakes Confidence Game and murder.
Also, even further visual signs of the US economic plummet and poverty increase, which the US is not helping there own citizens with sky rocking pricing on all goods and services; as US unemployment is going staggeringly up, instead of down which is causing anxiety among the populace and their is a mounting rise in crime, especially various forms of theft, too to many forms of confidence games which is very reminiscent of what occurred during the US's 1930’s Great Depression; which this sort of criminal behavior has been shamefully romanticized in many US movies and books towards this period.
US Operative Murders Israeli Soldier
Israeli soldiers surround an overturned and blood stained army jeep following a stabbing and murder attack by a male US operative near the city of Nablus on 9 February 2010.
The US operative stabbed the Israeli soldier Sgt. Maj. Ihab Khatib 26 in the chest through his open window while Khatib was sitting in his vehicle at a traffic light. Khatib then tried to flee and his car overturned due to the excessiveness of the knife wound, it was reported.
Khatib, was Muslim and not Druze as claimed in the US media propaganda installed in the international press.
The US operative is in custody charged with premeditated homicide, he is not being named due to his dishonor. Furthermore, contrary to US propaganda, no harm of any type as occurred towards the perpetrators family.
It should be understood, that these US operatives are being financed by the US government to commit terrorism and other crimes globally and that they are of various backgrounds.On 11 February 2010, Israeli soldier Sgt. Maj. Ihab Khatib a Muslim, was buried with full military honors; in attendances was representatives from all the religions within the country and it is with deep sorrow we have loss one of our own due to an act of US homicidal terrorism.
As to any other violence within Israel in the last twenty-hours or so; it has not occurred; contrary to the false injection by the US of an occurrence.An Afghan family, who had fled from Marjha, sits on the back of a truck; arrive in Lashkar Gah, southern Afghanistan, on 12 February 2010. Today, the road between Marjah and Lashkar Gah was clogged with cars and trucks filled with people fleeing ahead of a US-NATO assault in the area, with fears of high civilian murders or the severity of every form of maltreatment possible as a political hostage, which is most often the case with the US. As to the survival rate as a political hostage, it is also tremendously poor. 14 February 2010, US-NATO fired two rockets killing 12 civilians in southern Afghanistan, 10 members of the same family died when a US rocket hit there house.
In Israel, near the village of Nabi Saleh; a US operative instigated a protest with the reasoning it was reported, that US President Barack Obama apparently did not appreciate that everyone in Israel is happy with each other regardless of their religion; too also the truth coming out about Israeli soldier Sgt. Maj. Ihab Khatib being Muslim and not Druze as claimed by US media propaganda, also that Khatib was buried with honor, with full attendance in Israel.
Then it seems, Obama decided to create another protest with the use of US operatives; with the false claim of discrimination and the only ones that seems to believe in this is the US themselves, for the people of Israel certainly does not nor ever have. As now a third US operative protest has sprang up in Hebron, where a few injuries were reported in this incident and a US operative tried to stab another soldier; nevertheless, this time the US operative was shot and killed to save the life of the soldier who was under attack.
It terrible thing when a country namely the US, doesn’t believe in harmony among people and telling the truth; but instead chaos, lies, cruelty and death.
In other news, European tourists are having an enjoyable visit with dancing ("The Bunny Hop"), bathing and just having fun at the Dead Sea on a sunny day with a temperature of 25 Celsius (77 F).

It is also becoming more disclosed towards the global public of the "cruel, inhuman and degrading" torturous treatment of Political Hostages within Guantanamo Bay Concentration Camp by the US government and that most of the prisoners in this concentration camp and other camps; where indeed kidnapped by the US.
Furthermore, many former camp inmates have previously disclosed themselves, of being beaten, shackled with immorally load music and deprived of sleep during and after interrogations by US agents within the camps.“This photo taken 11 September 2001 by the New York City Police Department and obtained by ABC News, which claims to have obtained it under the Freedom of Information Act, shows one of the towers of the World Trade Center in New York as it begins to crumble.”
Has the US decided to confess yet, for this act of terrorism?
US Bombs Iraqi Political Groups and Assaigns Operative to Doha
US special envoys are just US operative presidential sock puppets; the newest to this infamous list is Rashad Hussain who has been assigned by US President Barack Obama for the Doha Conference, on 13 February 2010. Two most well-known is George Mitchell and Tony Blair.
As for Doha (Qatar), the conference use to always be known as the Islamic World Forum and any participation by the US was just hanging on to Islamic shirt tails with the injection of Western ideals; which has not only been considered foreign to Middle East standards, but in numerous cases considered highly unethical with the US's historically "crude cowboy" tactics and with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in attendance this year, one has the added element of a common drunken, questionably contagious, immoral alley cat.
Also, the US does not have any ties with Israel, not now nor have they ever nor do they speak for us in any capacity; the US seems to forget too many times that Israel is very capable to speak for ourselves and as for hinting towards any aggression towards Iran it is not only rude, but the US is very sorry fully mistaken. Just because the US seems to continue to wallow in a sty, does not allow them to attempt to grab unto another country, namely Israel and think we would care to be splattered with there despicable lawless mud.
Notwithstanding, the respectful nature that Israel has always had with her neighbors; which has been a binding tie for thousands of years and that no intention of any disagreements is ever forthwith, contrary to the warlike, self-absorbed nature of the US; that attempts at ever turn to create such.
A series of US bombs has targeted political groups across Baghdad, wounding at least 11 civilians. The bombs struck Saturday night outside the offices or homes of leaders of at least five political groups, four of which were Sunni.
Lies, Crime, War and No Video Tape

In US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Doha appearance, she continued with the US false rhetoric towards peace with Israel as well as all the inhabitants of the country concerning peace. When the real scope of the situation, is when the US will themselves abide by an honest peace agreement with Israel and suspend their war and aggressions towards not just the country itself, but everyone associated with the country.

Even at Doha, Clinton appears to have attempted to create dissension among countries where there is not any, reverbalize the US foreign policy and not stand-up to the actual truths of what is the real scope of the situations between not just the Middle East per say but the US’s criminal activities globally; which they seem to be not forthwith to honesty stand up to there own actions and do what is right. It is becoming more visible the US has lied so much not just to the global community, but their own selves to the point that they seem to got lost in a dark tunnel and even over many years of attempting to rewrite their own history and some towards other countries to change the appearance of what is reality and in truth.

While the US seems to think with their lies and propaganda is able to pull the wool over some people eyes, there is still too many living that are still standing on top of the mountain and see’s the clearness of day.
A human case in point, of the very recent false allegations of improprieties caught on no video towards Rafiq al-Husseini, which comes because the US doesn’t appreciate his outspoken honesty towards them; which the US has a long history of illegal acts towards person’s or countries who stand up to their criminal activities.
As to the very recent US media propaganda article claiming a nonexistent group in Israel is detaining UK Documentary filmmaker Paul Martin for 15 days, which is the US’s attempt to slap at Israel; if one happened to read close at the article, the journalist that apparently wrote the article appears to have stepped somewhere on a landmine outside of the country an while there was only a head injury, set down and wrote a very outlandish science fiction story.
Nevertheless, a U.S. drone fired a missile at a vehicle in Pakistan today, killing three civilians; as the US has stepped up the use of missile strikes in Pakistan. The car was hit so hard it was torn into pieces.
As to that recent situation now being called the "Dubai Assassination Plot," the quilty person was a US operative and not anyone associated with Israel.

Even as the US is still playing he said, she said across the globe to continue to hide the fact they committed another murder on 18 February 2010; one great mistake the US has made concerning Israel, for one we do not like harming people for we believe in the sanctity of human life; which the US has proven time an again they do not nor had we ever had a reason to do such a thing as this; as for the US, the do seem to extremely enjoy attempting or assassinating others, for they have done so too many times.
As of yesterday, five US warships were with intention of a war threat towards China; which is also illegal under International law, docked in Hong Kong harbor. Furthermore, the US media propaganda on this situation is false in regards to what has caused tension between these two countries.

I have found that the greatest degree of inner tranquility comes from the development of love and compassion. The more we care about the happiness of others, the greater is our sense of well being. Cultivating a close, warmhearted feeling for others automatically puts the mind at ease. It is the ultimate source of success in life.-The Dalai Lama
US Prpearing to Build Nuclear Power Plant US President Barack Obama is making roughly 8 billion USD in federal loan guarantees available to help build the first US. nuclear power plant in which they claim the last nuclear power plant was built three decades ago.
Which at this time is most interesting, since the US has been having such insolent rhetoric towards Iran.
As for Russia and France siding with the US against Iran, which the US has been plastering in there media propaganda; this is so far against honesty to be even outside, beyond no mans land, where the US is walking alone.
Nevertheless, this also comes at a time when the US is gloating "a major victory" over their latest Islamophobic genocide spree in Pakistan.
As for Israel, there is a large protest in Gaza at this time against the US towards there criminal activities in the region.
The 1901 Pogrom
In 1901, the US military under former US President Theodore Roosevelt invaded Israel where at this time the bloodiest event in our most current history occurred, with tens of thousands of the people of the country were murdered unmercifully and when many of the ruins or vanished villages actually took place; the US did not care if they were murdering someone Jewish, Muslim, Christian or whom ever they may be at the time. Nevertheless, it was considered an absolute bloodbath and some of the older generation (who were eye witnesses) accounted that there was so much death at the US hands that “blood ran in the streets like a river.” This was considered the beginning of the war initiated by the US, called “The Wind and the Lion.” Since this event, nothing remotely close has ever occurred within the country; but yet, the war with the US is still ongoing and they continue to commit murder and manipulative mayhem in every aspect possible.
You are the wind
I am the lion
When the wind dies down
The lion will continue to walk on.
Poem is by HRM Maram in 1901, shortly before she was murdered by the Americans by being shot point-blank in the face; she was only 35 years-old.
The US Murder's a Queen

On the day my great-grandmother Maram was murdered, the US military stormed her home and grabbed a hold and restrained her; where some US soldiers brought her favorite seven-year-old niece in front of her.
They told my great-grandmother that the niece’s death would be the last thing she would ever see and then, they shot the seven-year-old child.
After her seeing the child shot dead, a US soldier, shot her point-blank in the face.
And unto this day, these murder's, the ensuing pogrom and war has never been forgotten.
For those interested in what happened to my great-grandfather, during the pogrom with the children; they where all taken prisoner and brought into the US declared as political hostages, to further be insulted for having to live under an assumed name and as for my great-grandfather himself, he loved his wife so much he mourned for her the rest of his life; he died of natural causes when he was in his nineties.-HRM Deborah

US Says No to Peace
An anti-US protest poster showing a picture of US President Barak Obama with his back turned and a phrase reading in Arabic, "one year since Obama ... what has changed?", is seen in the Judean city of Ramallah on 21 January 2010. The term West Bank for such cities as Ramallah, was named by the US in wartime and is not what that particular region was actually ever called. The actual names for the regions the US calls the West Bank, is Samaria and Judea which within Israel; it has never changed. Nor have the people of these particular regions ever appreciated the US calling them Palestinians; the term used by the US for these diversified people came originally as an insult from the Romans and is considered the same in usage by the US, even now.
This comes at a time, when the US under Obama still refuses to make a full peace agreement between the US and Israel; but instead the US continues with their oppressive war mentality towards the country, as well as the US's fabricated media propaganda campaign towards all that is associated with the country.
Which also today, the US's “Middle East Envoy” George Mitchell entered Israel illegally under a false pretext and refused to be escorted out of the country at the time without any delay, excuse or filibustering and has created an International situation along with further jeopardizing the US’s position towards Israel.
Nevertheless, as the US is bringing up issues towards Israel, that is either nonexistent for example, the blockade, too siege in the Gaza region that is not occurring; but is a false situation perpetrated by the US to raise anti-Semantic neck hairs and the US falsified, Islamophobic disregard on numerous occasions towards Egypt in regards to the Gaza region or they are just pretentiously disregarding the real issues in the forefront. As to the amount of time that the US has had on the real situation in the country towards negotiations with their usual insolent lackluster ambitions, instead of forthrightness; they have had an adequate amount of time, 110 year’s worth.
The Anti-Semantic/Islamophobic war between Israel and the US is now into its 110th year.
As of the 22 January 2010, anti-US protests are once again springing up across the Islamic and Jewish countries fervently and in some cases with fist-wrenching, torchlight bearers with a robust instance of a true peace across there world. Which also today, the Obama administration created an operative instigated riot within Israel, that has turned exceedingly violent with Jews and Muslims being attacked by foreigners and injuries are being sustained towards said Jews and Muslims. The operative foreigners are being arrested as quickly as possible with the possibility of some receiving injuries while the Jews and Muslims are trying to protect themselves; which this is showing exceptionally feeble-minded on the part of US President Obama. The US currently seems to also be under heavy fire in Afghanistan, which the US did sustain heavy casualties in the barrage; which their seems to be also, more heightened unrest towards the US across the globe. This seems to have further came at a time, when the US appears to have gotten themselves for some reason into high water and no lifebelt in sight.
As to the recent profane insult towards myself and it being made to look as though India was the guilty party this is not the case; the actual perpetrators was the US government, which they have done similar and sometimes worse insults towards me then what was seen today. As many people know, the US likes to make it look as though others are guilty for their crimes or cause dissentions between countries where there is none.
Freedom is the Butterfly of Resistance
'As to those that came in the past to conquer, occupy and lay waste, where are they now? For they have beaten us, manipulate some, even at times murdered and enslaved us; but unlike those that came before, they shall become as a stone cast into the water to become as silence, without a single breeze upon them from a solitary Angel to quench the preceeding fire. For Allah (Hashem) does not like the transgressors that do injustice to the righteous nor claim to have faith in Him with falsehood, but instead walk with their hands gripped towards demons. For even now, Allah's (Hashem's) wrath is growing bitter upon them.'
It is written, 'that just the flapping of a single butterfly's wings can result in large-scale changes in the weather.'
23 January 2010, in Afghanistan the US is still under heavy fire as the death toll for the US military is still increasing at an alarming rate and it is exceedingly more then the US government is claiming to the US public. As the Afghans are fighting for their freedom and as the rest of the Islamic and Jewish world is doing more forthrightly in force.
It is becoming more increasingly unsafe for the US in the majority of the globe, as the world has grown weary of the injustice and oppression that has weighed them down for far too long, as the US stands firmly against peace; but would rather have tyranny and death instead, upon the innocent of the world.In every instance, one should use their good mental individual judgment to always find out what is true and what is falsely instigated by the US and always remember the US carries a large demonizing bag of tricks; never do anything quickly in rashness and most assuredly, do not follow the US bonny trail with a devouring animal at the end of that bumpy trail. Always remember who you are!- HRM Deborah
The Freedom Butterfly Hovers Over Nippon

Some 47,000 US occupation troops are stationed in Nippon (Japan, is the name the US gave this country; under their imposed occupation), with more than half on the southern island of Okinawa. Residents have complained for years about noise, pollution and excessive crime around the bases; which does include such crimes as murder and rape over the course of the US occupation troops being stationed there.
The main focal point is that Nippon no longer wishes to live under US occupation, which Nippon has been forced to live under this US manipulative situation since World War 2.
Snow Blindness
It should be also known, that for the Obama Administration situations of this nature while it is not new for Obama has very bloody instigative hands, but constantly ongoing or on relentless illegal bombardment; a response of this nature is not out of character for this man and not just in my country, but across the Jewish and Muslim world as the millions of dead, the extreme hardships and sorrow is constantly at momentous proportions; for in apparent glee he took the reins of those US President’s that came before him.
Now let’s talk of the further falsified escapades by Obama towards not just my country only, but now dishonorably towards other countries, such as the recent illegal action by Britain towards Israeli foreign minister Tzipi Lvini, too continuous insulting innuendos towards Lvini in many facets being spread across the media and towards economic misfortune. Now we have accusations towards not just Britain, but China, Russia and the majority of the Middle East towards religious discrimination mostly towards the Christian population within said countries and one of the focal points was my country as to the Middle East which most strongly doesn’t believe in this type of thing, but most strongly towards the contrary because it is most against our beliefs and feeling’s of respect and equality towards others; now as far as the majority Europe towards many forms of religious discrimination to the various religions within their countries. Then there are falsified claims of ever continuous dialogue contributed most disrespectfully towards one Mahmoud Abbas; notwithstanding the insults and abuse towards myself is forever continuous and unyielding, too the flaunting disregard of International court judgment (which by doing so is contempt of court and in the majority of cases carries a jail sentence) of almost a year ago of allowing me to not just be able to travel, but my freedom from being a political hostage against my will in the US as me being a foreign diplomat and the overwhelming amount of other political hostages from various nationalities and religious backgrounds being held against their will in inhuman conditions by the US under Obama; to more falsified claims of dialogue towards Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and some people said to represent his office. While Obama may think this type of behavior is acceptable where he is in the US, some cultures would consider it not only disrespectful, but malice and blasphemy.
While Obama may have just received the Nobel Peace Prize, he should exchange it for a global cross-bar hotel for while he continues on relentlessly to commit global crime in every facet possible; global peace is the very last thing apparently on his agenda.
Let’s now discuss the latest Obama humor being spread across the media, which is either “Barack Obama said” or just “Obama said;” with the punch line that everyone knows, that what ever is being discussed or said from him is a simple bold face lie.
In Obama's Alley
As to something that is a rather macabre subject that the leading country since at least the 1980’s for illegal organ harvesting, to at least over forty-years for child and baby abduction, too white slavery is the US on the black market.For a time, organ harvesting and out right murder was in such close proximity of each other that many in the US refused to have an organ donation card out of fear of being murdered for their organs and at that time cases were coming foreword that this was occurring; so it later became an optional choice on other types of documentation.
Which at this time, baby abduction seems to be more on the rise again and child abduction, too white slavery is still a major problem; many women are kidnapped, transported and sold outside of the US.
This comes during the US economic downturn with "Abortion" as a watershed tacked unto the current US health care bill "Overhaul," as to the abduction of babies.
As to even within the US, male, female and child prostitution is such on the rise that the problem is becoming staggering with the excuse of the extreme economic decline. Which while these people acquire many social diseases, they also have a severe problem of alcoholism and drug abuse; with an exceptionally low life expectancy.
While such as this is not nor ever has been a practice in my country, this form of human rights abuse or human trafficking has been in the US alley for way too many years.
Obama Saved the Day, When...?Adam Natal with his wife, Tia, and two young sons Gerald (2) and Benjamin (1) live at Harmony House, 102 units of transitional housing, an atypical couple in an economy whose floor fell out from under them.
As for the latest dark humor of US President Barack Obama ‘saving the US economy through his stimulus bill and starving off another Great depression,’ which the American public has already been in a Great Depression for a little time now; as some US economists have said it is worse or steadily growing worse then the 1930's, with homelessness and starvation deaths on the ever rising spectrum. US President Barack Obama delivers remarks about the economy on the one year anniversary of the signing of the Recovery Act at the White House in Washington DC on 17 February 2010. Behind Obama is US Vice President Joe Biden, appearing to be chuckling behind his hand. Biden, who has led the stimulus implementation, took his own swipe at critics. "They're unwilling to step up," he said. "Well not us."
One can only wonder if Obama ever actually looks out is own window to see the crippled suffering of the American people and the two-thirds of the US's unemployed, too the few that is still able to be employed with their hours cut sometimes in half, too part-time from full employment with lowered wages or is he another former US President telling the American‘s all is well.
As Americans stand in there ragged clothes outside of a makeshift tent, trying to use their over-the-limit credit cards, too bouncing rubber checks or has Obama even seen the latest charity ad’s to feed the hungry American’s or aid to the homeless or even visit a shelter? Nevertheless, the US can always blame their economic failings or data havoc on a 2010 blizzard and forget about the previous incident with the Dust Bowl of the 1930's.

Upstairs to the White House, it read.
"Give Me Liberty, Not Debt"

US Tea party protesters marked tax day Thursday with exhortations against "gangster government" across the US, with many deeply upset with US President Barack Obama, some with the Clinton's and disdain for government spending, too overtaxing the American people who have tightened there belts to the point that they do not need Obama‘s dieting healthcare plan.
"We have to manage our own budgets and our homes, we have to cut our expenses, we have to go without," said Linda Chagnon, a 57-year-old caregiver from Burlington, who carried a protest sign that read: 'Give Me Liberty, Not Debt.' "This top-heavy government needs to be downsized. I downsize my home; they can downsize the government…"
With sentiments such as on a sign carried by a tea party member: "Reelect No One."
'The slogans on signs and T-shirts were biting, sometimes raw: "We Want Regime Change," "Save a Seal, Club a Liberal," "Down with the Gov't Takeover," "End the Fed" and "Waterboard (Ben) Bernanke." Some American flags waved upside down in the breeze' on this sun filled day.

For what is important for a government is not just the country itself, but the equitable benevolent wellbeing and prosperity of all her people with the fortitude for the betterment of the society as a whole; to be further extended to the respectful betterment of the world. One thing within any government, there should be harmony without strife. As one should render trust to those whom it is due and to judge among others with justice in accordance to their due, for this was laid down before people since the beginning of mankind.-HRM Deborah

In this 15 April 2010 photo, a couple participates in the Tax Day tea protest in New York.
Can you trust Washington? According to a new survey from the Pew Research Center on 19 April 2010, showed that nearly 4 out of 5 Americans said, no; while 8 out of 10 said they do not trust the US federal government, which the US claims is "at one of the lowest points in half century;" also the US government has failed according to many Americans, "the massive federal bureaucracy solving the nation's ills."For not just truth in this life, but a greater good is compassion for humanity and that all people have value one unto another in respect to our cultural differences, to the beauty of all that is spread upon this earth.
For a stranger is a friend one just has not had the opportunity to meet yet, with always the hope to do so one day.-HRM Deborah
What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty or democracy? -Mahatma Gandhi
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