The very first of this sign was drawn in the dirt by a Shepherd boy in a field, on the night the Prophet/ Rabbi Jesus (PBUH) was born from a sign by a star; that shown in the sky. There has since, been only this same type of sign to occur, in the birth of a Prophet; that happened in 1958.
As to Christianity, it has often been wondered during their Christmas season; if the original story of where the star came from, is how the song of the Shepherd drummer boy came about.
Lastly, in all of this; the Prophet/ Rabbi Jesus (PBUH), happened to be my cousin and a good friend.
If the Prophet/ Rabbi Jesus (PBUH) lived in the twentieth century, he was actually called, a "Hippie;" for his ideas. If he lived into the twenty-first century, Mr. Obama would call him, a "Bum."
Colors of time
As to the Jewish flag of faith’s colors, this is made of a tallit (prayer shawl) and the Magen David. In paradise, the Messiah dresses as a modest man of old; with the colors of white and a light blue that is found upon the sky.
Prophet Jesus (PBUH) shoes, are actually a type of simple brownish tan sandals that one would think of coming from Israel.
He is what one would consider these days as of average height and slender, but not skinny and has a very kind, humble demeanor; but can never stay in one place very long either.
Prophet Jesus's (PBUH) attire, in modern times would be selfsame as a Middle Eastern traditional Sheikh; which in his time, was common also for a Rabbi. He further, has hair just below his shoulders.
To clarify of the Western Christian belief of Prophet Jesus (PBUH) having been crucified, while it did not occur; there is no holes in his hands or feet, but they are completely whole. As too his hands, they have the appearance of a softness to them and he is in a state that one cannot focus directly at his face at this time as it is more behind the Veil, for if one attempts to do so; he will disappear faster for the sake of the person. For it has been said, that if a person in any aspect attempts to forces themselves in any manner beyond what they should concerning Paradise (Heaven), they can die; but there most usually a warning.
(The Mrs. Perkins mentioned, was a nice American lady that was murdered on orders from former US President Bill Clinton. Her fist name was Laura and she was about 78-years-old when she died. She died trying to help me, as I was trying to help her after the death of her husband from natural causes. In resistance to my US captor. Her parents had been immigrants from the Netherlands.)
One time, he came to tell me of drastic changes that was going to occur while I was in Siberia and to warn me, that mother would become gravely ill for some reason and that one day in Siberia, I would see horses.Which I finally did, for a short time; after Siberia was no longer a death camp for it appeared as though they were attempting to change the appearance of what had been the camp. The property was sold to a Nazi's daughter and her husband. My understanding is, the daughter liked horses.
I later came to understand, that those who bought the property and the mother; where in collaboration with my US captor.
Nevertheless, that particular day that I saw Prophet Jesus (PBUH); I had been sent to work in the soil that day. It was a typically warm day for the season. I had been working what seemed a little time and I am sure most people have that feeling sometimes of someone looking towards there back, but you cannot see them unless you turn around. This is what occurred. I finally did turn around to see if someone was looking at me for I did not expect so see anyone. A few feet from where I was, I saw him and went to see what I could do for him; which has always been common thinking for myself.
While I have seen him several times, what has always been interesting to me; is how American Christians especially, would not know him if they ever saw him nor would understand him anymore then they would understand anyone from the Middle East. Let alone Israel.
But yet, think they are seeing Allah (Hashem) instead which did occur twice; when I was injured with broken bones and he actually appeared to help me. Which later, I would be asked the most unusual questions about what happened; too who I actually was. I said, I was just a person and was told I was more than that.
While people may think doing a Mitzvah or Zakat these days may seem a trivial thing to do, too often it can carry more weight than a person may realize at the time and what too often may come in the future. For if one does good things, too often good returns; just as if one does bad things, bad seems to always return.
The next part which seemed an addition to the paragraph above comes about due to my happening to turn on the television to do what I usually do, which is channel surf. I further happened to stop for a few moments to see a message which was apparently from a young Christian asking for guidance in how to help someone she knew without hurting there feelings. The man on the program trying to answer her message was stumbling for a way to answer her.
Myself, I have always felt one should tell the truth in all things and that sometimes while one may think it is hurtful it was never the intention. The intention is to do good for another and the hope that they will understand that the intention was meant to be positive, out of honestly caring and the love for others.
So, as for the Christian, that wanted to help someone else, it is a hope she had the answer to just help that other person with the intention of hopefully making there life better.
As for myself, I usually think of the positive first and do forget sometimes that others think the negative first. As even I, appreciate someone doing a kindness towards me. For helping each other does make the world a better place to live for everyone. (17 December 2010)
Which this is never for the intent of material gains, but for the rewards that comes from Paradise (Heaven) and the unselfish kindness from people. For if one does certain things with the idea of material gains, one is more on an icy slope between greed and the love of money, more than Allah (Hashem).- HRM Deborah
Prophet Jesus (PBUH) shoes, are actually a type of simple brownish tan sandals that one would think of coming from Israel.
He is what one would consider these days as of average height and slender, but not skinny and has a very kind, humble demeanor; but can never stay in one place very long either.
Prophet Jesus's (PBUH) attire, in modern times would be selfsame as a Middle Eastern traditional Sheikh; which in his time, was common also for a Rabbi. He further, has hair just below his shoulders.
To clarify of the Western Christian belief of Prophet Jesus (PBUH) having been crucified, while it did not occur; there is no holes in his hands or feet, but they are completely whole. As too his hands, they have the appearance of a softness to them and he is in a state that one cannot focus directly at his face at this time as it is more behind the Veil, for if one attempts to do so; he will disappear faster for the sake of the person. For it has been said, that if a person in any aspect attempts to forces themselves in any manner beyond what they should concerning Paradise (Heaven), they can die; but there most usually a warning.
(The Mrs. Perkins mentioned, was a nice American lady that was murdered on orders from former US President Bill Clinton. Her fist name was Laura and she was about 78-years-old when she died. She died trying to help me, as I was trying to help her after the death of her husband from natural causes. In resistance to my US captor. Her parents had been immigrants from the Netherlands.)
One time, he came to tell me of drastic changes that was going to occur while I was in Siberia and to warn me, that mother would become gravely ill for some reason and that one day in Siberia, I would see horses.Which I finally did, for a short time; after Siberia was no longer a death camp for it appeared as though they were attempting to change the appearance of what had been the camp. The property was sold to a Nazi's daughter and her husband. My understanding is, the daughter liked horses.
I later came to understand, that those who bought the property and the mother; where in collaboration with my US captor.
Nevertheless, that particular day that I saw Prophet Jesus (PBUH); I had been sent to work in the soil that day. It was a typically warm day for the season. I had been working what seemed a little time and I am sure most people have that feeling sometimes of someone looking towards there back, but you cannot see them unless you turn around. This is what occurred. I finally did turn around to see if someone was looking at me for I did not expect so see anyone. A few feet from where I was, I saw him and went to see what I could do for him; which has always been common thinking for myself.
While I have seen him several times, what has always been interesting to me; is how American Christians especially, would not know him if they ever saw him nor would understand him anymore then they would understand anyone from the Middle East. Let alone Israel.
But yet, think they are seeing Allah (Hashem) instead which did occur twice; when I was injured with broken bones and he actually appeared to help me. Which later, I would be asked the most unusual questions about what happened; too who I actually was. I said, I was just a person and was told I was more than that.
While people may think doing a Mitzvah or Zakat these days may seem a trivial thing to do, too often it can carry more weight than a person may realize at the time and what too often may come in the future. For if one does good things, too often good returns; just as if one does bad things, bad seems to always return.
The next part which seemed an addition to the paragraph above comes about due to my happening to turn on the television to do what I usually do, which is channel surf. I further happened to stop for a few moments to see a message which was apparently from a young Christian asking for guidance in how to help someone she knew without hurting there feelings. The man on the program trying to answer her message was stumbling for a way to answer her.
Myself, I have always felt one should tell the truth in all things and that sometimes while one may think it is hurtful it was never the intention. The intention is to do good for another and the hope that they will understand that the intention was meant to be positive, out of honestly caring and the love for others.
So, as for the Christian, that wanted to help someone else, it is a hope she had the answer to just help that other person with the intention of hopefully making there life better.
As for myself, I usually think of the positive first and do forget sometimes that others think the negative first. As even I, appreciate someone doing a kindness towards me. For helping each other does make the world a better place to live for everyone. (17 December 2010)
Which this is never for the intent of material gains, but for the rewards that comes from Paradise (Heaven) and the unselfish kindness from people. For if one does certain things with the idea of material gains, one is more on an icy slope between greed and the love of money, more than Allah (Hashem).- HRM Deborah
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