You say you speaketh in truth, but it is not within you for you falsely teach on whims and brings others into the left-sided brier road, where the thorns pierce deep.
For they speak as though Allah (Hashem) is of the past and no longer hears or see’s them and they preach of there false idols and polytheism. But yet; how could this be when all is of Him and He is with the true believers, even unto the Day of Judgment.
Those who walk in darkness with falsehoods upon there lips, tend to extort funds from others for there financial gain with large gold rings, expensive suits and limousines. Most dress in manners unbecoming, while having there illicit extramarital affairs to some paying for prostitution. While there is others, that indulge in every other type of sin they can possibly think of, including drug abuse to alcoholism. Then go about saying that they are known in higher places and to follow what they say, when it is not within them nor ever was. As to the high places, it is not in Paradise (Heaven), but dwellings far below.
The of gaining knowledge, was never the counting of how many youths can fit on a basketball court or the latest social fad of the moment and forgoing the real pursuits of Allah (Hashem) for eternity; as true faith is not an earthbound social club, for to gain strong arms and to be empty inside brings about nothing nor committing discrimination in the name of religion.
Down through history, the places of greatest knowledge or accomplishments to ever befall mankind from Allah (Hashem) was not in a building with mankind taking into account the largest of floor space. It was on mountaintops, caves, along roads, fields, on a rooftop with unheard of snow coming down, a house and even sometimes in a simple street or road. For the bigger building with the largest auditorium, the best gilded or the most expensive; what usually is not felt is the presence of Allah (Hashem), but an unusual coldness.
Followers of the False Teachers Department
(The song "Mrs. Robinson," was the 1968 Grammy Award winner.)
These false teachers are full of deception and falsehood, as a man who built a poor house with a cracking and crumbling foundation; that eventually will return back into the sand from once it came, for the foundation was not only weak to begin with, but it was nurtured with abomination and led others blindly into the fall (hell). -HRM Deborah
"Speaketh the truth, even in bitter."
-Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
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