How do you
explain that term
to a ten-
year old boy
who, one day,
hears it mentioned
by some relatives?
And even if
you do manage
to make him
understand what it
actually does mean,
do you also
tell him that
because he is
perhaps, some day,
he might be
included in it...?
Or should he
just not be
told, so that
he remains calm
and doesn't lose
sleep over it?
But what is sleep,
in front of death?
Perhaps Death is greater,
perhaps the two are the same;
we do not know yet
but we'll know, by the end of the day;
the Chambers are yet some hours away.
"To die, to sleep...to sleep, perchance to dream..."
How did Shakespeare realise that?
Did he know some Jew
who was persecuted too?
Perhaps he was wrong,
maybe he was right...
Anyway, I suspect we'll find out
by tonight.
by Sudeep Pagedar
During the Shoah (Holocaust), anyone sent to a concentration or extermination camp was given an identification number. It was according to a particular camp where the identification number would be forcibly tattooed, for some that was destined for immediate extermination it was too often placed on the forehead. For others, which were considered the more common, was on the arm; while some did have them placed on the leg.
These identification number‘s for many was considered to have a duel purpose. First, it allowed camp officials to keep track of the thousands of prisoners in the camp; making the prisoners into nameless ‘units’ to serve to dehumanize them; with a further attempt to crush the spirit of the prisoners and for the guards to create a situation of inhumanity by making the prisoners appear as nonhuman and faceless.
These identification number‘s for many was considered to have a duel purpose. First, it allowed camp officials to keep track of the thousands of prisoners in the camp; making the prisoners into nameless ‘units’ to serve to dehumanize them; with a further attempt to crush the spirit of the prisoners and for the guards to create a situation of inhumanity by making the prisoners appear as nonhuman and faceless.

But the identification number‘s had four more factors, such as if a prisoner would be destined to force labor or death; in the various most heinous method’s unimaginable, with the most known as the gas chambers or burned alive.
While their were also too numerous of cases of men, women and children, being subjected to the most savage forms of ‘medical’ experiments; such as one case of some Gypsy boy’s, just mere children being fully castrated to die from this most inhuman experimentation, the majority of prisoners subjected to these types of experiments died. Which the Americans, where at this time in collaboration with the Germans and still are conducting these inhuman experiments; today.
But the one factor not so commonly mentioned about these identification number‘s used by the Germans, is that tattooing Jews and Muslims especially, such as this is against Jewish and Islamic law. Which by the Germans doing such as this, was to further initiate the idea that Jews and Muslims when they died; would never see Paradise.
As to the American’s modern alleged security computer system to monitor those globally and within the country, this is just a forerunner to the identification number tattoos; too a further heinous outcome. In the past, it had to be done the old fashion way, by hand; as Nazi Germany did.
Nevertheless, the American’s a short time ago, considered to recreate this heinous situation; but it has been said; they later have changed their mind under global pressure; as well as too continue building concentration, extermination camps within the United States, but they still have the monitoring computers.
But the outline concentration, extermination camps are still in existence such as Guantanamo Bay in Cuba and the many secret prisons.

Less we also not forget the barbaric atrocities that occurred at Abu Ghraib in Iraq, by the Americans to even further, the numerous US jails that are holding Jewish and Muslim men, women, children and even babies in an extreme inhumane situation; to the never ending murders and terrorist bombings, even at this time.
While prisoners are not being subjected to transport by trains as the Germans did, the same method’s are now being used by the Americans in the name of the airplane.
Furthermore, it should not be forgotten the ethnic cleansings done across the globe in secret by the US; that has been occurring even before what became known as the Shoah began, for over hundred years. The now secret illegal war known as ‘The Wind and the Lion’ against Israel before the creation of the UN which is now over a hundred and nine years; which into the twenty-first century the two illegal wars that where completely revoked by the UN that is now seen in Iraq and Afghanistan, along with the ongoing said ethnic cleansing; which whole villages have been completely annihilated. Then the US has their assassination squad’s, that is not just globally, but also within there country; which not just Jews and Muslims have been succumbed to this form of death, but also American citizens.
As to not be left behind, the many countries that have tried to repel the US criminal pressure and even now are suffering the heavy burdens of oppressive sanctions.
It is also coming more into the forefront that the alleged US war with Germany back in the 1940’s was not what people thought it was, but a cover-up in a similar manner as to what the German’s began doing in the numerous camps and cities; as the Russian Army began to get too close to them and how Russia did liberate many cities and camps from the Germans; such as Warsaw, Poland.
But it should also be said, of the US ongoing global campaign of attempting to destroy cultures and religions by their demoralized cultural influx and assimilation; to their relentless Nazi style global media propaganda blanketing and even the falsified allegations towards global government leaders, to unmerciful tortuous political hostage situations and too numerous attempted assassinations (many succeeded) as to what happened to even the author of this article for example for over fifty years, in nothing other then sadness; to further ascertain the US death march upon the world (Global Domination).
While prisoners are not being subjected to transport by trains as the Germans did, the same method’s are now being used by the Americans in the name of the airplane.
Furthermore, it should not be forgotten the ethnic cleansings done across the globe in secret by the US; that has been occurring even before what became known as the Shoah began, for over hundred years. The now secret illegal war known as ‘The Wind and the Lion’ against Israel before the creation of the UN which is now over a hundred and nine years; which into the twenty-first century the two illegal wars that where completely revoked by the UN that is now seen in Iraq and Afghanistan, along with the ongoing said ethnic cleansing; which whole villages have been completely annihilated. Then the US has their assassination squad’s, that is not just globally, but also within there country; which not just Jews and Muslims have been succumbed to this form of death, but also American citizens.
As to not be left behind, the many countries that have tried to repel the US criminal pressure and even now are suffering the heavy burdens of oppressive sanctions.
It is also coming more into the forefront that the alleged US war with Germany back in the 1940’s was not what people thought it was, but a cover-up in a similar manner as to what the German’s began doing in the numerous camps and cities; as the Russian Army began to get too close to them and how Russia did liberate many cities and camps from the Germans; such as Warsaw, Poland.
But it should also be said, of the US ongoing global campaign of attempting to destroy cultures and religions by their demoralized cultural influx and assimilation; to their relentless Nazi style global media propaganda blanketing and even the falsified allegations towards global government leaders, to unmerciful tortuous political hostage situations and too numerous attempted assassinations (many succeeded) as to what happened to even the author of this article for example for over fifty years, in nothing other then sadness; to further ascertain the US death march upon the world (Global Domination).

As to the wonder of the Canaanite’s aka ‘they like to cloud the issue and call themselves Palestinian for the US media propaganda train and lie as a rug to further their ago old crimes,’ such as murder and land left for example. The Canaanite issue is actually very simple, they are global terrorist illegals within the country and are indigenousness to Turkey. Furthermore, they are closely collaborating with the US to further the US initiatives to harm the Jewish and Muslim populace not just within Israel, but globally; as well as other terrorist plans amidst the global community. The Canaanite’s are in similar shoes as the German’s during the 1930’s and 1940’s, as far as a partnership (collaboration) with the US. The Canaanites as the German Nazi’s were, too rather murder and commit theft then have peace with their neighbors.
As to the issue of government within Israel, there is only one that is legitimate and it is not the Canaanite’s or their associates and collaborators’; but a single whole sovereign country with a monarch since 9,500 B.C., known as Israel.
As to the issue of government within Israel, there is only one that is legitimate and it is not the Canaanite’s or their associates and collaborators’; but a single whole sovereign country with a monarch since 9,500 B.C., known as Israel.
It is thought the most pressing question on any person's mind, is when will the Shoah be a thing of the past; so the air will smell clean again, without the stench of death and the relentless tears of mourning?- HRM Deborah
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