There once was a rich man that lived by wine, women and song; that did not care who they hurt along the crumbling road of life.
Till one day, all their finances had trickled away with their corruptive lifestyle; until they became a Habela [Beggar (Country)]. They cried and whimpered, “Oh what shall we do” and when people gave them advice; they still went there own way.
They long ago had turned their back on Allah (Hashem), until they lived in utter despair, with Allah’s (Hashem‘s) anger trampling their every step.
But yet they cried, “Oh what shall we do;” with a tin cup that kept becoming more empty by the day, until the spider web’s began to form.
Till the last day‘s, they sat upon the street all alone; their house lay in ruins and their stomach cried in hungers pain, but yet, they would not be like this if they had strived for a good life and not caused other’s to live in tears of sorrow.
The very last day, when the Angel of death (Malikul Mawt) was coming towards the man to take him away, a humble old man bent with a cane (Disguised Angel); also came upon the way. A third time the Habela [Beggar (Country)] cried, “Oh what shall we do.” The humble old man said, “If you had not live in debauchery and caused others so much sorrow; you would still be dressed in fine array."
In the final last moment, the Demon of Apostasy smiles at the death of the Habela [Beggar (Country)]; for Hell has opened its doors wide to receive them.
The connotation about a Habela (Beggar) is different in the Middle East, then is thought of usually in Western ideology.
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