While the importance of an education makes not just the whole world bright, faith increase, but makes a whole person; bright, now and for the future.
Also, the more education a person acquires, the more the burdens of life becomes lighter; for Allah ( Hashem) lightens the load, as though an anvil is being taken of the shoulder’s.
If a person has just a little education they can walk one block, a little more may encircle the world; but further increase can see the universe of possibilities.
For the more one increases in knowledge the more they gain in wisdom, the kinder and more tolerant they are to other’s and the world around them as a whole and even another’s difference‘s.
As to one with knowledge, may find a dislike or disagreement in someone; while they may be more specific, they are also more likely to wish to help or give advice in some manner, to help diminish what caused the dislike or disagreement in the first place.
For caring and loving another, is more important then harsh circumstances or being a bully for instance; towards others.
The Thief

Then there are that who claim to be converts or reverts and a believer; when the truth is not within them, but deception lying in wait for they come from among the unbelievers to create chaos. For they are known not just by what they actually speak, but their deeds and there is some that claim they stand with the believers for other then honest motives, to even marry them and cause sorrow, suffering and quarrels from within.
Then their is some that say they are born of faith, but know not Allah (Hashem) for they too are known by what they say and their deeds, especially towards the true believers. As many of these collaborate with the polytheists and the wrongdoers, to live as though they never knew Allah (Hashem), only to walk with the fire’s of hell burning there heels at every step.
Such as these were also found during the Holocaust collaborating with the Nazis with the falsified offer of getting better conditions, such as food rations of bread and jam; but when the Nazis no longer needed them, they where either taken to the forest and shot or found their way to the gas chambers; for as far as all were concerned in actuality, they were person or person’s of absolutely no worth. As for Allah (Hashem) concerning their major sins, they will be cursed in this life and in the hereafter; such as the example of these types of people and those associated with them (the polytheists and the wrongdoers), accusing a good woman and are good believers of doing anything that is unacceptable.
As to the sword-bearer who say they come in peace and peace has never been their intention, but strife, deceitfulness and blood among the believers; for these people walk among the polytheists and know not the will of Allah (Hashem).
Then one has those unbelievers that say they come in friendship and even put forth their hand; but yet, always look for the sharp-edged knife in the other hand.
As the believers, shall always be watchful and mindful of all of them; for it is written that they are known, as a type of thief.
Women and Faith

It is written, that very few women ever enter paradise, due to their lack of knowledge or extreme limited understanding and faith in Allah (Hashem), also to the manner of this lack of knowledge and faith on how they conduct (including etiquette, feminine charm, formal or traditional hospitality and modesty) themselves in this life and in marriage. Which should be corrected in every instance for not just their well-being, but for the sake of other’s and it is well known that very few women bother to even read a minute portion of Allah's (Hashem’s) writing’s let alone the whole of that which He has written nor do many have said writings in appearance within their homes.
In several writing’s, this weighed heavy on the previous Prophets (PBUH) and was especially pronouncedly mentioned by Muhammad (PBUH); with what always appeared as a heavy heart in regards to what happens to women in this instance or what many have began to further evolve into, which is contrary to what Allah (Hashem) teaches.
"She Graced a Room Simply By Her Entrance... as Though She Has Always Been in a Rose Garden"

“The attributes of a great lady may still be found in the rule of the four Ss: Sincerity, Simplicity, Sympathy and Serenity.”-Emily Post
Long before their was an Emily Post, the concepts of etiquette, feminine charm, hospitality, classical music, the arts and especially the faith or belief in one God (Monotheism) originally found their origins from the Middle East; too over time flourished throughout the known world.
The same also applies to what became known as masculine chivalry, long before Europe ever saw a single knight or a gentleman opened a single door for a lady at a high-rise building.

Women were known to have worn the latest modest fashions from such designers as Christian Dior in the 1950’s; with the most stylish of hairdo’s which not to be missed was the many ladies wearing hats and the ever reminder of the white kid gloves.
Furthermore, with this western influx of the ideology of a “free society,” the Middle East and many places in the world began a change, which can be seen today with such things as the skimpiness in clothing, to what some call now the standbys of sloppy jeans and T-shirts; which in many societies is still considered unacceptable and falls under the guidelines of men’s apparel and too the further laxness in many cases with every aspect of moral judgment.
As to the US even now, many finishing school’s that taught etiquette and feminine charm has closed causing a further collapse in not just morality; but the whole infrastructure structure of that particular society; which can be seen with the increase in female alcoholism, rampant drug abuse, dysfunctional family structure, too the high rate of divorce, men and women not having respect for one another, too every form of promiscuity.

While some in our more modern society tends to think proper society concepts are now archaic, they still apply to what is proper and acceptable in behavior for what has been proven as a better quality not just in the perfection of moral society as a whole; but the personal attributes within any given person.
Nevertheless, There is still a few of us from prior to 1960, that is still around and follows that old moral system.
For the Dodo bird, is still here abouts!- HRM Deborah

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