Just as a world without sin would be a Paradise, indeed!
Unless, people have forgotten, sin was never to be among mankind in the first place nor does Allah (Hashem) ever approve; unless people enjoy the many forms of punishment laid upon them who do such, by Him.Such as the US continuously receiving tornadoes, fire, torrential rains, heavy snow, extremely high winds, volcanic activity, Hurricanes and floods among other signs for there deeds; which that is just what one can see with there eyes. It is so bad at times, the US is having major problems with flying airplanes within there country; especially towards the North and Mid-western states or across the middle of the country.
Very recently with the storm that damaged Chicago, air flight passengers that it would normally take a few hours to get where they were going; took almost a day and half to just get out of Chicago and then many had to take the old "milk-run" flight system to get away from Chicago and around other storms.
Also, let's not forget Allah (Hashem) in the past has laid whole places into waste or caused whole places to vanish for their sinful abominations and while many may think this is just something from the past, look around you; it is now, for Allah (Hashem) never changes.
For mankind is to live a virtuous life and equate no others with Him.
For if mankind doesn't clean themselves up, Allah (Hashem) will do it; the hard way!
The Lotus-Eaters
I have heard it said that a little of this or a little of that; what harm can it do or that a person committing a sinful act is just doing it to themselves. What they tend to forget or ignore, is Allah (Hashem) see’s absolutely everything, down to the smallest eliminate and takes it into account nor in any aspect can a person hide, even with the cover of the darkness of night.
As for harming oneself, He has never approved of this; as for the example the overwhelming drug problem, especially in the US which has been occurring for well over a hundred years with the days of the China/US Opium trade war (1856), for one is in actuality is not just committing a form of self-imposed suicide; but the seller, distributor, grower, harvester of production and manufacture is committing a form of murder for sale.
Alleged US President Barack Obama, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former US President Bill Clinton are Potheads and also consumes other forms of illegal drugs

And a little something people may have forgotten, fermentation that creates alcohol did not come about until after the great flood.
Nevertheless, the US does have a history of allocating alcohol and drugs to people they are attempting to conquer with the attempt of weaking the opposing force; this was just one method used by the US government during the Native-American wars. Especially to cultures that such habits are foreign or considered unacceptable; such as with the Native-Americans, where "fire-water (alcohol)" was unheard of prior to the introduction by the US government.

This form of US discriminatory tactic is not new, it was first used on Native Americans during there war with the "white’s" land theft expansion, which alcohol was used and later, infiltrated into the black community mainly with illegal drugs; which among both ethnic groups there is still considered a significant problem.

Which it should go without saying, that any drug addiction leads to other forms of criminal activities, such as theft or prostitution; in the most severe cases to feed the addiction.
Also, the US government is the only government that the majority of there employees; dictates there policies in a drug induced haze and has a severe problem with diseases especially contagious diseases from this problem. Let's not forget, the (US former first lady, who had a severe drug problem) Betty Ford Clinic!
There is some elements in American society that while it is detrimental to there well-being they still do it. The first is that it is better to tell a lie then stand-up for the truth, for it seems they never have learned that honesty goes much further and they will not end up in a deep well.
The second, which is a further significant problem, instead facing a problem with a clear head to resolve it in the right manner; will instead resort to negativity especially in alcohol. Which not only doesn't solve the problem, but increases it further to uncontrollably.
In a Mire
"Nearly one in three American children is living with a parent who is divorced, separated or never-married." One of the most honorable insitutions is marriage and while divorce still in many societies carries an excessive stigma; to forgo marriage as what is occuring in American society, is immoral decandance and is condemned by Allah (Hashem). For men and women are intented to live jointly together in the bonds of marriage, in a harmonious home with the blessing of children. Which the responsiblity of proper upbringing of the children is by the parents. It is written, that marriage is fifty-percent of people reaching Paradise (Heaven).
It was recently brought further to my attention of epidemic proportions of alcoholism, drug abuse, every form of existent promiscuity; that is so rampant in the US. Furthermore, US illegitimate birth rates are at an all time high and the US attempting to come up with alternative birth prevention measures that allows promiscuity to continue; the best prevention has always been, abstention or within marriage only. Which with the added problem of this causing a dysfunctional family environment has filtered down to the children that are having to growing basically by themselves or with peers within the same type of environment. It has became the old scenario of children growing-up in spite of themselves, creating a bleak future for US society.
The Me Generation
The US has an epidemic of children and teenage runaways, that end up on the streets in major cities; too become gang members, in the drug trade or users, to the many types of prostitution for both male and female. These runaways, have a very short life expectancy and upon death are usually not claimed by any family or friends for burial.
The US educational system with dysfunctional environment children are having an excessive discipline problem towards these type of children not having being taught what is acceptable in a society, with not just an excessive educational drop-out rate, but extreme learning difficulties and that the excessive immoral behavior the have been subjected is also creating such things as violent behavior, criminal activities, youth suicide; to other many form of dysfunctional mental behavior, youth mental illness and other contagious health issues.
US federal agents arrested more than 880 adults in a three-day sting that focused on breaking up child prostitution rings across the US on 9 November 2010. US child prostitution has been in epidemic proportions for several years, with many children sold into prostitution by parents, guardians,human trafficking kidnappings and many as runaways. But in actuality what has the US government done to curb this immoral behavior, they promoted the behavior in every avenue possible causing the devaluation of children on into adulthood; especially young girls and women.
Furthermore, the US do to excessive poverty, criminal activities, drugs, alcoholism, violence; promiscuity, as the US has the largest rate of illegitimate children born to teenagers and some under 12 years-old in the world,which has created an extremely high mortality rate among children.
The End!
Women's Suffrage Parade in New York City, 1912: The US has had an epidemic of Women's domestic abuse that has been an major issue for well over a hundred years especially in the 19th century, where husbands considered a wife property instead of an equal companion; men had been known to severely abuse there wives or kill them and not be charged with a crime; instead in the US this was considered an acceptable practice within marriage and this form abuse was blamed on the wife; it was basically spousal slavery. Women's Suffrage movement of the 19th century most women were forbidden by husbands to attend the rallies; during a rally or parade a woman could be subjected the abuse by police accused of illegal assembly, jailed, murdered, ordered to go home and be disciplined by husband or father. Since the 20th century, domestic abuse has continued, but severely increased with violence among unmarried women, rape, female exportation and murder. As for babies, children and young teens, there is pedophile exportation, kidnapping, rape, murder and children being sold by parents into the prostitution. US women have been fighting for equal rights, from the exploration that began towards the end of the 19th century and still continues to do to no avail, the only real accomplishment of women's early suffrage was women was finally give the right to vote on 26 August 1920; but not equal wages during employment, the right to not be treated as a second class in US society, freedom from domestic abuse and as for children there has been no change, especially with serial pedophiles. HRM Dora of Israel, was a loud voice when it came to the maltreatment of US women; she would express in public of how scandalous these women were being treated, with such ill regard and never had heard of such, in Israel; but quite to the contrary. When I was younger, the family when one speaks of US women being maltreated; this event is usually told. An elderly Israeli Widow living at the time in the US, was one day put out of her house by the US local police with all her belongs and put on the curbside; where she was to reside according to the police. An Israeli Jewish neighbor woman made a call, were my grandfather (HRM Dora's husband) and all my great Uncles who were Israeli Muslim showed up, they collected her and all her belongings and by nightfall was not only in a new house; but never worried again as long as she lived. This was considered a case of her not just being a woman, but Anti-Semitism; for such as this was occurring in the US, when the European portion of the Holocaust was also happening.
The US in its present spiritual condition, most Americans wouldn't know Allah (Hashem) if He was standing front of them; anymore then they would know those that came from Paradise (Heaven), but to strive if thought of there existence is to kill them with no avail and He has stopped listening to there voices, for there sin's are to many as the stand in the quickest of sand.
Stay Away from Drugs, Get High on Life instead!
Cannot Love Both
Something I have been reminded of several times recently, that a person either loves money or Allah (Hashem); that one cannot love both.
For they that love money the most, Allah (Hashem) falls in them towards they wayside and they are lost; which the final stop is usually hell, itself.
Also how many people have suffered or died due to war, theft, occupations, to the domination of others including slavery; in the name of money?
I originally came more to this understanding, when I was less in size then a ordinary pencil, ragged and hungry; but was a live.
The greatest things in this life doesn't cost one cent; but carries the biggest impact and when you're time does come, you can face Allah (Hashem) without any worries!
Those that has brought it foreword once again are those who are in want of more, learned men such as Rabbi‘s and Sheikhs; but also those who can see the tremendous suffering it has caused.
As the harlot who's unseen rags are full of maggoted filth, contagious disease, deluding themselves that Allah (Hashem) will be generous and forgiving with vast mercy unto them; with hopes for forgiveness while persisting in wrongdoing. Without ever taking into account His terrible retribution that befalls them to abide in the realm of darkness forever, even though their unbelief does not hurt Allah (Hashem) in the slightest.
Walks in Apostasy
Less one also forgets, there is one that walks upon the earth that does not care what happens to everyone and knows not Allah (Hashem); but comes from the far reaches of outer darkness and of fire, that sin and massive devastation is but play toys too them. For they carry a sword from the bottomless pit, fired and formed in hell itself; which the inflicted wounds run deep, with slowness of healing. The Angels battle them constantly.
17th century etching by Theodor van Thulden (1606 - 1669)
Odysseus removing his men from the company of the lotus-eaters, from Homer's “Odyssey.” The surviving men had to be lashed to the ship until it was far from the island to protect them from self harm, due to the Lotus addiction.
The prolong use caused a sleeping death, as what occurred with some of Odysseus men and made others vulnerable to being killed by the inhabitants of the island.-HRM Deborah
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