First let’s take a bit of a look at the word, Anti-Semitism which usually a person takes it to mean; any person that is hostile towards Jews. But at one time there was a much larger meaning to this word especially with the word root of Semitic.
Originally, the word Semitic by definition included anyone that was Jewish or Arab and later mistakenly included people who were black African; which are not actually Semitic and not all people classified as Arab are Semitic. But they eventually were included not because of genetics, but language-Arabic or locality and US discrimination of these three groups.
The second word we are going to take a look at is actually only a give-or-take about ten years old, which is the word Islamophobia. This particular word curtails someone that has a fear, dread or aversion towards Islam with the person finding Islam offensive or objectionable and wishes to avoid said religion; which this particular word was coined when US President George W. Bush was in office.
These particular words are usually more pronounced during times of not just wars, but persecution; not just by race, but religion. Especially with what has been seen in not just in the European Holocaust, but across the Middle East in the last hundred or even 10 years with such places as Israel, Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
As to how words can become distorted or created, to fit a given ideology, especially in these cases of extreme abhorrence, which was most predominately seen in such horror during the Fascism of the 1930’s and 1940’s under Adolf Hitler, when Nazi Germany was allies with the US.
The major problem with words such as these two particular ones, they should have never existed in the first place, let alone find a definition or be put into practice-'for a clenched fist cannot shake a hand.'
Pigeon Holing: An Olive Branch or Limburger Cheese

But in many societies people do the same thing, whether it is some type of organizational group, ethnic groups, just a whole host of different categorizations. But in doing such as this, sometimes a certain group of people find that they can dislike someone or something that is in a different Pigeon hole.
There was a time, when such as this was not occurring and even I can even remember such as this, because people where not in the many Pigeon holes; but simply just people and without the many Pigeon holes, people tended more readily to appreciate each other and friendliness ensued, to real compassion among people as a whole was more the order of the day.
For it used to always be said, it makes no difference who the person may be, but love them anyway, wishing good for them, too even giving a helping hand when they fall down. But never wish the harming of another person especially because they are different then you, which includes such things as war, with the many other atrocities that people do unto others, another of the worse harms one has ever done to another; is covetness. Also, the downward side of life shall not be seen especially as it is in these times.
As to how the Pigeons look above, we all have some things in common with the hope to find the same thing at the end of our life's journey.-HRM Deborah
A lovely translated quote that was sent to me:
“You can not change the appearance - but you can smile.”
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