While I got permission, I had to walk a good little ways to the restroom and as I had barely entered through the door, before I knew it, something encircled my ankles and I was lifted a fairly good height into the air and noticed I was looking fairly close to the direction I had just came in.
A girl’s voice behind me mentioned, If I knew while they where there that I was not allowed to enter. While I said, ‘no;’ because I actually did not know.
They went on to ask me if I knew about them at all, again in a calm voice; that I didn’t.
They went on to explain, if I cared to be taken over and be put head first into the toilet. While I was thinking on this for a moment before I answered, about the lack of cleanliness of the toilet in the stall, the fact I may drown and the idea I did not care to be wet. The reply I did give, was that I just did not care to be wet.
The voice went on to ask if I was afraid of them, 'Actually no, but if you please, I wish to be right side up again; I think I am seeing what some people call, stars.'
Before I knew it, I was right side up again on my feet and I could turn around to see who the voice actually was. Turned out to be the tallest, strongest and biggest girl I have ever seen.
Come to find out, other’s had been mean to them because of their height and size is why this situation ever occurred.
As it further turned out, the girl was very nice and we became good friends until the end of the school year; for I moved away and we never got to see each other again.
The one thing among several other’s, we both enjoyed during this time was turtles (for previously, I had four little African water turtles for a time). She happened to have one for a pet and after this little time, I got to see and enjoy her turtle, too.
A green turtle makes its way into the Mediterranean Sea after being freed by the Israel Nature Authority in the Palmahim beach, south of Tel Aviv, on 19 August 2010. The turtle was treated for a month in a rescue center for sea turtles after it accidentally got injured previously, in a water desalination station. Time and again, wildlife is having many different types of incidents or various problems having to do with many of mankind's developments and expansion of these developments; in the case of this green turtle it is nice to know they are back were they will be the happiest. It has been a question of mine for sometime, if there is a way to help wildlife and decrease the many incidents that occurs from human developments not just what happened to this particular turtle; but wherever wildlife may be. One thing mankind needs to take into consideration, is human developments are uncomprehensible to wildlife and sometimes people may not realize but as an example such as what occurs in the US quite often that some developments are going into animal hunting territories to create a smaller area for hunting, so these animals are venturing among mankind to find food. Which sometimes, humans and animals are colliding; while the human may think they have the right to be in that particular place, they need to understand so does the animal and sometimes the two meet with defence. For the human presence, can make the animal feel threatened; such as a case a few years ago in the US, of a man jogging and was attacked by a bear. Nevertheless, what people need to remember with these developments; they are still responsible for the care of the wildlife as what helped the turtle and to always make them have a happy life.
All wildlife have there own language, culture, go to school usually by there mothers, have the capacity of many levels of intelligence and the same emotions just as humans, they do believe in Allah (Hashem), have laws to govern them and will execute said laws if necessary especially if a crime has been committed and like humans, they do not all look alike but should be appreciated, too being cared for as was directed by Allah (Hashem). Humans can develop friendships with those known as apart of the "Animal Kingdom," it doesn' t make a difference if they can walk, fly or swim; but they need respect and love, just like humans. But wildlife do have troubles understanding why humans do some of the things they do and the extreme efforts in some things that they would deem unnecessary; for so many thing Allah (Hashem) has creating for every one's survival and while wildlife is more apt to use many of these things or do them, humans have either forgotten, use little, destroyed and in some cases tossed completely to the wayside.
There will come a time when all wildlife will become silent by Allah's (Hashem's) command, they will began to attack humans for there evil deeds perpetrated towards the Animal Kingdom; such as human arrogance thinking they are better them, too oppression and for not doing what Allah (Hashem) commanded concerning, His beloved child, for they love also and in times of troubles, sickness or injury the wildlife knows to seek her out for her loving, kindness upon them for they know she will understand and they can see the truth of all that she is. Which it has already began!-HRM Deborah
Through the eyes of the sea lion, after they kissed an Archangels cheek; causing the Angel to chuckle a little at the tickling whiskers.
A crowded sidewalk in New York City
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