We are also reminded this year of the continued sweeping injustices being perpetrated towards not just Muslims, but Jews throughout the world by a foreign government that has harmed all of us for far too long; with such elements as Islamophobia, Anti-Semitism, ethnic cleansing, torture, murder, lying, theft, terrorism, foreign occupation, war and concentration camps; just to name a few of these horrendous injustices towards people of faith (Monotheism). -HRM Deborah
Below is a Photo Journal of just some of the preparations and sights of this very important Islamic holy month in Israel.
Never the less, one particular night towards the last ten days of Ramadan in 609 B.C.E. the angel Gabriel (Arabic: Jibreel) appeared and after a bit of discussion on literacy (96:1-5), the right path ( the beginning of the Quran) was revealed unto Muhammad (PBUH). For it should be understood that Muhammad (PBUH) rejected or condemned the idolatries that was occurring around him during this period; especially, the influx of the Roman sun cult worship; even during this time calling themselves ‘Christians.’
But what is often unrealized is Allah’s (Hashem’s) true writings all came from Him, as bread cast upon water, which quenches the thirst of true faith in Him and the bread gives life to not just the embodiment of the believer (Monotheism), but the loving compassion for the whole of mankind. -HRM Deborah