One may ask why?
For the simple reason, that when belongings such as suitcases where confiscated by the Nazi’s which contained photograph‘s, too many times these photograph’s where used to find the people portrayed in them; where the person in question, would be sent for extermination in a concentration camp or murdered in some other heinous manner.
If one may think this only occurred in Europe, just think again; with the heightened Nazi situation occurring during this time in the US under former US President Franklin D. Roosevelt, the photograph blackout occurred there as well for the exact same reason as was occurring in Europe.
Yes, We Are Human
Even through a simple photograph, the Nazi's viewed anyone Jewish or Muslim as vermin; especially as a rat to be taunted and were not considered human.
I first heard of this about 1967 not knowing at the time it referred to the Holocaust, because of something that occurred concerning my mother by former US President Lyndon B. Johnson and the US still does this to people that are Muslim or Jewish.
To this day, US President Barack Obama still refers to these same types of people as rats; even myself, have been called such on numerous occasions and he still does. Also, the Jewish and Muslim brain is not inadequate in any manner; but has excelled in every field of endeavor and for a much longer period of time.
The US a few hundred years, the Jewish and Islamic world thousands. The Jewish-Muslim intelligence quota was also much more extensive then is often seen in a closed classroom; they were more outwardly developed, able to comprehend more fully with the ability to retain the knowledge, acquire without limits as sometimes comes with age, quicker to grasp a given subject or skill; but did have a tendency to become disinterested with limitations that resulted in boredom; which has been proven with documentations in intellectual research of people by culture and religious affiliations done several years ago.
As I just reread recently, due to the idea of what part of the world has been inhabited the longest for this seems to be always a constant question; through research and not just religious studies, it is the Middle East. With one central area to be more exact.
The first textile to ever be produced came from Israel through manufacturing, which also during this period major advancements in agriculture production and animal husbandry, the making of metal tools, several intended permanent villages; which some were later destroyed through invasions and vanished such as Israel's very first city which was on the first trade route, with some newer villages or cities built over ruins of the earlier inhabited villages and many other advancements.-HRM Deborah
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