20 July 2009

I Saw It In The News?

by HRM Deborah
(Updated: 21 June 2010)

If one picks-up a newspaper at their favorite stand or turns on their television, even just in channel surfing mode; one will see and not by chance, articles and images of different things that are either not occurring, pointing fingers in the wrong direction of perpetrators of violence or just make believe of an internal war, too other things occurring for instance; such as the non-existent Gaza Siege.

To put this in a further perspective, the US occupation media does this to create non-existent falsifications or just flat out lie to hide or commit crimes.

One very good example of this, is when the now past war was occurring, a very nice, extremely soft-spoken Sheikh I knew from the time I was a very little girl; in later years was murdered. Now one may ask, who did it or point a wrong finger; because of what they may have read in the US media and blanketed about the globe.

Now in those days if one would have opened their newspaper or by hand turned on their television, his death would have been reported by the US media; saying the Jews killed him and many without question in falsehood probably would have went along with it, not knowing in actuality of how many men, women and children where actually being murdered by the US occupation; such as the Sheikh I just mentioned previously and one may ask why was this being done, in the most probable reason, the US to cover-up the real facts of the matter- US genocide and war against Jews and Muslims not just within Israel, but a more broader global sutation to US dominate and slave those that survive by a mustard seed chance.

For we shouldn’t forget what really happened in places such as Korea (war) now split in two, the Vietnam war, European Holocaust/war and Nippon (Japan). For to forget, is not only to loose one's humanity; but the hope of a better future for all concerned. For a part of life is to make everything better for each other, not its destruction, enslavement or covetness.

Even today, while the US brow beats and murders Jews and Muslims; does one in actuality hear the truth in the US media or is the blame still being put on the Jews and Muslims in the world?

Recently, someone made a comment towards myself due to lack of knowledge of there own country, not just the political situation; but the distorted damage the US has created for many years. The real knowledge does exist, but effort is needed which takes a few more moments then simply hitting the button to turn on the television or buy a US news source on there way home from three hours at the shopping mall and financially scaring the husband to medical resuscitation.

As to the many subjects that the US media brings to the screen or in black and white, such as refugees, economic conditions, tunnels, the reality of the Gaza blockade to falsely labeling a truck and the actual legal sanction against all US goods, demographics of people, the country itself, to a whole host of many topics concerning not just Israel, but the Middle East and the world; what did one learn and most importantly if one learned the real truth?

The most profound chance is you did not; for US news footage, photograph's with captions has been changed to fit too often that which is not so and lets not forget the voice overs, false translations of Hebrew or Arabic; to hide US's real intentions for the US does not wish the world to know.

For US crimes against humanity and war crimes makes for dark viewing and harrowing reading; let alone perks immense interest in the legal systems.

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