That the first Prophet at the end of time would be unlike any other ever seen before and that they came not to create a new religion, but to reinforce that which came from the beginning.
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, "Why they are not of me (not a man), they are of me (family) and yet, they shall be as beloved by Allah; as I am."
In the end of time, the sum total would be three Prophet's, until the Day of Judgement.
"You shall know she is truth, for it is written upon her face by Allah Himself."-Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) lived a very humble existence, in modern times would seem extreme financial poverty, which he sometimes wore patches on his clothing. He usually ate only one simple meal a day, unless he happened to be invited to someones home in kindness. He was highly ridiculed by many of his neighbors for living such an existence, even though it was a good example of what is truly important in life.
The importance to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), was not what is gained on earth in coin, but towards Paradise (Heaven) with righteousness; which he highly personally possessed.
While he is so well-known to this day as being intelligently brilliant, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had the common education for the majority of the known world during his lifetime; he was illiterate. Yet, the greatest expansion too his knowledge prior to his apprenticeship in youth in caravan tradesmanship; as this was a very important occupation during this time, came about with visitation's by Archangel Gabriel.
But for people to have an occupation and for others to receive a education during this period was acquired as it had been for thousands of years prior. It was not by going to a university, for they had not been invented yet and would be so for many years to come. But that universities were not originally created for the means of acquiring any type of occupation.
Needless to say, if Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) liked a person, he would extended his right hand upon there left shoulder with compassionate softness; to shed a blessing upon them and one could also feel the warmth of what true friendship brings.
*Prior to the Islamic age, Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) name was Musa (Moses).-HRM Deborah
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