The foundation of life should be the love and peace among all humanity and never wishing ill-will or the demise of another; for this is not of Allah (God). For if Allah (God) wished something of this manner, He would do it Himself and this is not for mankind to do.
Nevertheless, the only time wars are created is for self-defense and no one should wish to do this either, if any other means is possible to solve the problem; for the sake of the welfare of people.
People are put on this earth to love and care for each other and to appreciate one another and that also no dissention should be among you.
In thinking of the family of the Prophets (PBUH) the intention given to them by Allah (God) was for the help and betterment of mankind, that when mankind fell off the good road, that they should return.
Even through the centuries members of this family went to the aide of other countries in there times of troubles and even to this day whether people always realize it or not there is different monuments, to even dust ridden documents in these various countries that demonstrate to this fact.
Even today, member’s of this same family is still helping people.
While there is actually a small element in the world today, that wishes to create chaos among mankind, it is the hope that people in the various parts of the world not let this evil element within the doors of each and every person’s heart.
For all people should stand on that foundation of love and peace for the sake of the world.
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