18 August 2008

Staying on the Good Path

When I was about three years-old my grandfather explained something to me that I have never forgotten.

In all things trust Allah (Hashem) and if someone tells you something that you know is contrary to what Allah (Hashem) says, go find out why, if your are not sure of the answer.

To find the answer, go read that which Allah (Hashem) has laid upon one’s hands in truth.

Once you know the answer, do what Allah (Hashem) says in all things and if one can go and help the person that may be on the wrong path; with the hope they will listen.

If you know the answer, always help the one that is on the wrong path; to find there way.

It should always be understood, to never judge or make remarks towards a person; without full knowledge.

For charity, comes in many forms.

Furthermore, respect all religions, may there never be dissention among you. For one day, all mankind will be one again; as is prophesied by Allah (Hashem).-HRM Deborah

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