Israelis run for cover as others were being protected by the Israeli military from being murdered, during an attack from US occupation soldiers in the village of Lubban al-Gharbi on 21 July 2010; after US occupation forces demolished two houses and four shops.
A wounded Israeli girl receives medical treatment at a hospital in the town of Beit Hanun on 21 July 2010, following an US strike that killed an Israeli youth named Mohammed Kafarna and wounded 10 others, including two children.
Relatives gather around the body of Mohammed Kafarna at the morgue in Beit Hanun on 21 July 2010.
The reasoning of the latest Pogrom, is alleged US President Barack Obama (“Bama”) detests the idea that Israel is improving its economic conditions; along with these attacks Bama is attempted other means within the global community to try and hurt the people of Israel and has failed.
The global community has classified this latest incident, as being another part of the US’s ongoing Holocaust to exterminate Judaism and Islam.
The US has been charged with significant war crimes and crimes against humanity, which it is being taken to the further level very similar to the Nuremberg Trials (Tribunals) that occurred in 1945 to 1946; of 24 Nazi War criminals.
But what is most important is the preservation of human lives and the ability to live freely without fear, due to religious discrimination in ones own country from a foreign oppressor or occupation; in our case the US.
Medics wheel a wounded man into a hospital following the US air strike on 21 July 2010 in Beit Hanun. The name of the man on the gurney was Mohammed al-Shnbari; he would later die of his injuries and was buried 22 July 2010 in Beit Hanun, with great sorrow not just by his family; but across the country.
Some of the other civilians that were injured in yesterday’s hideous attack by US occupation forces, has been reported too have died from there injuries.
Israeli soldiers arrest US terrorists from the Free Gaza Movement during a violent US instigated protest in the town of Nabi Saleh, on 23 July 2010; due to the US not being able to make any type of deal to circumvent the international legal system dealing with war crimes and crimes against humanity on the 21 July 2010 towards Israel. Further charges are occurring at this time towards the US that stems from many years of what had been occurring in and towards Israel; included is the Flotilla incident on 31 May 2010 and a tremendous amount of charges towards illegally imprisoning, with international kidnapping, crimes against humanity of HRM Deborah of Israel; which includes the US murdering members of her family. Due to the current situation, the European Union reached agreement Thursday on an immense package of sanctions against the US. Yet, so far from the US have been nothing but further violent threats and harassment towards Israel and the international community; without any US positive response being seen.
Israeli soldier restrain US Arab operatives during another US initiative over the current legal situation between the US, the global community and Israel in the village of Beit Omar on 24 July 2010. The US Arab operatives are the same as the Jewish police of the 1930’s and 40’s that sided with the Nazi’s thinking they would have a little more bread and jam; too later be themselves killed by the very people that they sided with. Many found there way to being shot in the woods, ending up in the gas chambers or got there throats cut. As to betraying there own people, these types of operatives either Jewish or Muslim are highly ostracized and have been referred to during the European portion of the Holocaust as "Nazi puppets or clowns." The reasoning for calling these US operatives Arab, is out of the great respect for Islam and by shariah law. As to the US, they still use the same strategy handbook that is well over 60 years old and the main targets are the same people; both Jewish and Muslim alike.
Burnt and destroyed vehicles as seen parked on the road leading to the Hadassah hospital following a US Arab operative arsonist forest fire on 25 July 2010, in Jerusalem. Thousands of homes were evacuated as a massive blaze tore through a forest near a hospital on the outskirts of the Holy City, Israeli police said; with at least 20 fire engines rushing to the scene of the blaze which broke out in woodlands near Hadassah hospital, just above the village of Ein Karem; which is where Christians believe to be the home of John the Baptist. The US Arab operative arsonist has been arrested.
Dragging the Hem of One’s Garment Out of Conceit (into the Mud) (31:17,18)
“Do not betray Allah and His messenger, nor knowingly betray your trusts.” (8:27; see 3:164)
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, “Someone who cannot keep a trust is devoid of faith. Someone who cannot keep an agreement is devoid of religion.”Allah likes not the treacherous nor can they escape Allah’s punishment.
Treachery is as a filthy (comes from Satan) garment cast upon the righteous. Remove the filthy garment so as to remain clean.
What seems to be making matters much worse is the US does not seem to show any remorse for those they have murdered, but instead showing disrespect to the dead, making false accusations, threats and attempting to make deals to dig out of the bloody hole they have created; which these deals are being refused with this situation being in the hands of the proper legal authorities.
An Israeli youth walks on the rubble of his father's house after it was demolished by US occupation forces in the village of Lubban al-Gharbi on 21 July 2010. This is just one of the family homes destroyed by the US.
A newborn male Grant's Zebra is flanked by his mother Wendy at the Rome Zoo 14 July 2010. Its parents Wendy and Chucky are originally from a Dutch safari park at Beekse Bergen. Zoo authorities have opened up a competition on their website for names to be suggested as he is born on 9 July, few days before the Netherlands took on Spain in the World Cup. They are expecting a wide range of Dutch football players’ names to be put forward.
US Air Strikes Hits Rafah
An Israeli inspects the damage following US occupational forces air strikes that hit his greenhouse in Rafah which is in the southern Gaza region on 26 July 2010. While the fighting between Israel and the US resumed, this latest US air strike occurred because Obama did not like the truth being told concerning the economic downfall of the US. The European Union has also reached another agreement of more sanctions against the US.
US Attack on al-Arakib
Bedouins from the al-Turi family pray near their demolished home after heavily armed US occupation forces demolished tents and homes in the Bedouin village of al-Arakib in the Negev Desert, on 27 July 2010. The US occupation forces demolished some 35 homes and made homeless some 300 Bedouins.
Women and children from the Bedouin al-Turi family sleep in a makeshift shade after the US attack on there village on 27 July 2010.
This time of year, the weather in the Negev can become extremely hot which one doesn't just need shade but protection from the desert elements; if anyone has ever been in a desert they would certainly understand.
'It is 120F (48C) degrees in the shade and there is no shade; let alone one needs a drop of water to drink and not a mirage.'
This is a remembrance of what mother and I use to say after being taken into the US’s Death Valley several times in the heat of summer, when it was so hot you could not decide if you were going to combust internally from the heat or just blister from head to toe.
A borax 20 mule team in Death Valley between 1883 and 1889: Boron which is where Borax comes from, made many water areas undrinkable; in small amounts of Boron one would become extremely thirstier and have to be very careful or it can become a health hazard, for people have died from drinking to much of this type of water. In areas heavy with Boron, like salt; plant life is at a minimum.
There is one place in Death Valley, which I have never found an accurate picture; is actually called, "The Devil's Playground." For it has some type of outcroppings, I do not think is found anywhere else.
In those days, people use to put water bags on the front of the radiators in attempt to keep the vehicle cool; but the water bags had to be checked each time the vehicle stopped. Many a vehicle has over heated in Death Valley in the summer's extreme heat. Which in the Negev is not much different, from what family has told me.
But contrary to the deserts hardships, the real reason why people such as the Bedouin live in such places as the Negev; has always been one of admirably.
Nevertheless, how Death Valley got its name; is many people have died in this desert especially during the US’s land expansion with wagon trains and during the California Gold Rush.
Bedouin women from the al-Turi family remove a metal plate from the rubble of their demolished house on 27 July 2010.
The US occupation forces did not just destroy homes, but put the Bedouins in danger from the desert elements.
The US also sent today, a threatening 36-page “memo” to Mahmoud Abbas; concerning the US's same tired position on Israel.
Bedouin children take part in a protest in the Israeli Negev desert on 9 August 2010 against the on merciless destruction of the nearby Al-Arakib Bedouin village by US Occupational forces on 27 July, the destruction some 300 Bedouins homeless.
A Bedouin man and two children take part in the protest against the US in the Israeli Negev desert on 9 August 2010.
Notwithstanding, the hideous crime perpetrated by the US against the Bedouin's; but this also comes at a time that the US is disrespecting a noble people and there culture that predates the US's
Christian religion and the US as a country, was not even a blink of the eye; yet.
A Bedouin woman sits next to what was left from her house as US operatives arrived to destroy temporary houses in the Al-Akarib Bedouin village, on 10 August 2010, in the Israeli Negev desert. Those associated with the US have destroyed the housing for the third time in as many weeks as tensions rise between the nomadic Bedouin tribe and the US government. The Israeli military came to defence of the Bedouin's against the latest US attack with several US operatives being arrested.
The US Chicken Dance
Recently, I did happen to hear that there is some illegal tunneling going on in Israel; but they are not who one may think, they are from the US Occupational Forces and not anyone that is Israeli as the US enjoys fabricating. I guess the US did not realize; I do not care for "Chicken" gophers in my lawn or the US cutting Egyptian border fences.
Israeli youths hurl stones towards a US military Humvee (top R) as they protest on 28 July 2010 on the outskirts of Gaza City, against the US occupation forces attempting to create an illegal buffer zone.
Arab Peace Initiative Refuses US
A general view shows the Arab Peace Initiative committee holding a meeting in Cairo on 29 July 2010 to decide whether Israel should begin direct negotiations with the US.
The outcome was the full refusal by the Arab league of any negotiations with the US; that the US had to completely relinquish the US Occupation of all regions of Israel and the insistent release of HRM Deborah of Israel.
As to anything concerning this issue contrary to what the US has been dishing out, that the one who has the say-so concerning anything to do with Israel and all regions, is HRM Deborah of Israel. Which this must be a bit of a quandary for the US, since the manner the US has treat this particular person all these years, has never wished to speak to me and has always attempted to side step the truth concerning myself.
The US Laying about Israel, is not in there best interest either.
Something the US seems to be forgetting, if they were a house of cards; there is a global gale wind blowing or the US attacking Israeli’s with US operatives and the US Occupation forces on 30 July 2010, is not the answer; this is more like mold on bread.As Chief Rabbi Yusef Bar Kayfa, of the second Temple exclaimed defending the life of Prophet and Rabbi Jesus (PBUH) against the Roman’s, “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.”
Pigeons sit on an electricity cable in Jaffa, Israel on 11 August 2010.
11 August 2010, as to this issue between the US and Israel; nothing has changed, US Operative George Mitchell should return to the US.
US Targets Gaza City
Security officers arrive following US Occupation forces air strikes in Gaza City on 30 July 2010. US warplanes fired missiles at several targets in Gaza city wounding 11 Canaanite civilians, witnesses and medics said.
A man carries a wounded young Israeli into Al-Shifa hospital US Occupation forces air strikes in Gaza City on 30 July 2010.
This US Occupation forces air strikes in Gaza City comes less then twenty-four hours after the full refusal by the Arab league towards the US. In response, the US seems to have been playing a rather dangerous form of cat-and-mouse most of the day.
In showing this latest US Occupation air strike, I have also come under attack.
A man carries a wounded young Israeli into Al-Shifa hospital following a US Occupation forces air strikes in Gaza City on 30 July 2010.
A wounded Israeli is carried into Al-Shifa hospital following a US Occupation forces air strikes in Gaza City on 30 July 2010.
A Israeli man shouts as US Occupation forces air strikes are seen in the background in Gaza City on 30 July 2010.
Israeli’s inspect a huge crater and debris in an industrial site on 31 July 2010; after the US’s deadly air strike in Gaza City. One of the wounded a 40-year-old Canaanite civilian man; has since died from his injuries. Also yesterday evening, alleged US President Barack Obama ordered an assassination attempt on HRM Deborah of Israel. Israel is still under attack by US Occupation forces targeting civilians, this time in a village close to Hebron.
If one happens to read the US’s false media propaganda account on this latest US attack, the US is attempting to falsely put the blame on Israel once again for this attack and even further, that there was these invisible rockets showing the sky by nonexistent “militants.” That the US not only did this latest attack, but did harm and endanger innocent civilians.
Something such as this is a reminder of how much the US does not understand Israel, let alone all her people and how interconnected everyone is. While at one time it may not have been quite so much so because of one group of people in my country, but I am one happy to say; that I am glad it is not quite so anymore.
This further goes, that how ridicules some of these accusations the US repeatedly makes towards something that after all these years of there occupation; that one tends to wonder if the US has walked blindly with a brown paper bag glued over US heads and have never learned a thing, except to push the US agenda in a life threatening manner; while teetering on one foot with the only word the US has ever known-Holocaust!-HRM Deborah
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