In the event of war, each should come to the assistance of the other against the third party who is the aggressor, who has caused the Jews and Muslims to aggrieve and these types of circumstances shall not be found among you at any time. But it should reminded at this time, war does rage upon both Jew and Muslim; by a third party.
In the event of an attack, Jews and Muslims are to join hands to defend from the oppressor who wages war upon these two faiths. For it is permissible to wage war in defense against those who attack this unified family, as in the instance of the third party; as long as you’re not the aggressor, for Allah (Hashem) loves not the aggressor.
As to Jews and Muslims, they are to keep peace among each other and no shedding of blood shall be found among you, for this is forbidden; as their shall never be any ill-regard or disrespect among these two faith’s.
As to other religions, one shall give in friendship with those who have no enmity of any kind, who has sincere intention with god-fearing forbearance; excluding those who wage war and aggression against you, including the imposition of Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia . -HRM Deborah
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